How to use the pynamodb.models.Model function in pynamodb

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pynamodb examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pynamodb / PynamoDB / tests / View on Github external
def test_attribute_paths_wrapping(self):
        class InnerMapAttribute(MapAttribute):
            map_attr = MapAttribute(attr_name='dyn_map_attr')

        class MiddleMapAttributeA(MapAttribute):
            inner_map = InnerMapAttribute(attr_name='dyn_in_map_a')

        class MiddleMapAttributeB(MapAttribute):
            inner_map = InnerMapAttribute(attr_name='dyn_in_map_b')

        class OuterMapAttribute(MapAttribute):
            mid_map_a = MiddleMapAttributeA()
            mid_map_b = MiddleMapAttributeB()

        class MyModel(Model):
            outer_map = OuterMapAttribute(attr_name='dyn_out_map')

        mid_map_a_map_attr = MyModel.outer_map.mid_map_a.inner_map.map_attr
        mid_map_b_map_attr = MyModel.outer_map.mid_map_b.inner_map.map_attr

        assert mid_map_a_map_attr.attr_name == 'dyn_map_attr'
        assert mid_map_a_map_attr.attr_path == ['dyn_out_map', 'mid_map_a', 'dyn_in_map_a', 'dyn_map_attr']
        assert mid_map_b_map_attr.attr_name == 'dyn_map_attr'
        assert mid_map_b_map_attr.attr_path == ['dyn_out_map', 'mid_map_b', 'dyn_in_map_b', 'dyn_map_attr']
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car_id = NumberAttribute(null=False)
    car_color = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    car_info = CarInfoMap(null=True)

class OfficeEmployeeMap(MapAttribute):

    office_employee_id = NumberAttribute()
    person = Person()
    office_location = Location()

    def cool_function(self):
        return 1

class GroceryList(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'GroceryListModel'

    store_name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    groceries = ListAttribute()

class Office(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'OfficeModel'
    office_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)
    address = Location()
    employees = ListAttribute(of=OfficeEmployeeMap)

class BooleanModel(Model):
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user_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)
    created_at = UTCDateTimeAttribute(range_key=True,
    amount = NumberAttribute()
    currency = UnicodeAttribute()

class DifferentRegion(Model):

    class Meta:
        region = 'us-east-2'
        table_name = 'different-region'

    entry_index = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)

class Foo(Model):
    class Meta:
        region = 'us-east-1'
        table_name = 'foo'

    bar = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)
    star = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    version = VersionAttribute()

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views = NumberAttribute(null=True)
    is_active = BooleanAttribute(null=True)
    signature = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    ttl = TTLAttribute(null=True)

class CustomAttrIndex(LocalSecondaryIndex):
    class Meta:
        read_capacity_units = 2
        write_capacity_units = 1
        projection = AllProjection()

    overidden_uid = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True, attr_name='user_id')

class CustomAttrNameModel(Model):
    A testing model

    class Meta:
        table_name = 'CustomAttrModel'

    overidden_user_name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True, attr_name='user_name')
    overidden_user_id = UnicodeAttribute(range_key=True, attr_name='user_id')
    overidden_attr = UnicodeAttribute(attr_name='foo_attr', null=True)
    uid_index = CustomAttrIndex()

class UserModel(Model):
    A testing model
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class MapAttrSubClassWithRawMapAttr(MapAttribute):
    num_field = NumberAttribute()
    str_field = UnicodeAttribute()
    map_field = MapAttribute()

class ExplicitRawMapAsMemberOfSubClass(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'ExplicitRawMapAsMemberOfSubClass'
    map_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)
    sub_attr = MapAttrSubClassWithRawMapAttr()

class Animal(Model):
    name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)

class Dog(Animal):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'Dog'

    breed = UnicodeAttribute()

class TTLModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'TTLModel'
    user_name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    my_ttl = TTLAttribute(default_for_new=timedelta(minutes=1))
github geeknam / esser / esser / repositories / dynamodb / View on Github external
    def _conditional_operator_check(cls, conditional_operator):

    def aggregate_id(self):
        return self.aggregate_key.split(AGGREGATE_KEY_DELIMITER)[0]

    def version(self):
        return int(self.aggregate_key.split(

class Snapshot(Model):

    class Meta:
        table_name = "snapshots"
        host = os.getenv('DYNAMODB_HOST', None)
    aggregate_name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    aggregate_key = UnicodeAttribute(range_key=True)
    created_at = UTCDateTimeAttribute()
    state = MapAttribute()

    def from_aggregate(cls, aggregate):
        state = aggregate.current_state
        last_event = aggregate.repository.get_last_event()
        snapshot = cls(
github lingthio / Flask-User / flask_user / View on Github external
# Check if db is a Flywheel instance
        if self.db_adapter is None: # pragma: no cover
                from flask_flywheel import Flywheel

                if isinstance(db, Flywheel):
                    self.db_adapter = DynamoDbAdapter(app, db)
            except ImportError:
                pass  # Ignore ImportErrors

        # Check if the UserClass is a Pynamo Model
        if self.db_adapter is None:
                from pynamodb.models import Model

                if issubclass(UserClass, Model):
                    self.db_adapter = PynamoDbAdapter(app)
            except ImportError:
                pass # Ignore ImportErrors

        # Check self.db_adapter
        if self.db_adapter is None:
            raise ConfigError(
                'No Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-MongoEngine or Flask-Flywheel installed and no Pynamo Model in use.'\
                ' You must install one of these Flask extensions.')
github communitybridge / easycla / cla-backend / cla / models / View on Github external
class ReferenceSignatureIndex(GlobalSecondaryIndex):
    This class represents a global secondary index for querying signatures by reference.
    class Meta:
        """Meta class for reference Signature index."""
        index_name = 'reference-signature-index'
        write_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_WRITE_UNITS'])
        read_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_READ_UNITS'])
        # All attributes are projected - not sure if this is necessary.
        projection = AllProjection()

    # This attribute is the hash key for the index.
    signature_reference_id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)

class BaseModel(Model):
    Base pynamodb model used for all CLA models.
    date_created = UTCDateTimeAttribute(
    date_modified = UTCDateTimeAttribute(
    version = UnicodeAttribute(default='v1') # Schema version.

    def __iter__(self):
        """Used to convert model to dict for JSON-serialized string."""
        for name, attr in self._get_attributes().items():
            if isinstance(attr, ListAttribute):
                if attr is None or getattr(self, name) is None:
                    yield name, None
                    values = attr.serialize(getattr(self, name))
                    if len(values) < 1:
github communitybridge / easycla / cla-backend / cla / models / View on Github external
companies_dict = [company_model.to_dict() for company_model in companies]
        return companies_dict

    def get_managers_by_company_acl(self, company_acl):
        managers = []
        user_model = User()
        for username in company_acl:
            users = user_model.get_user_by_username(str(username))
            if len(users) > 1:
                cla.log.warning(f"More than one user record returned for username: {username}")
            if users is not None:
        return managers

class StoreModel(Model):
    Represents a key-value store in a DynamoDB.

    class Meta:
        """Meta class for Store."""

        table_name = "cla-{}-store".format(stage)
        if stage == "local":
            host = "http://localhost:8000"
        write_capacity_units = int(cla.conf["DYNAMO_WRITE_UNITS"])
        read_capacity_units = int(cla.conf["DYNAMO_READ_UNITS"])

    key = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    value = JSONAttribute()
    expire = NumberAttribute()
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    This class will serializer/deserialize any picklable Python object.
    The value will be stored as a binary attribute in DynamoDB.
    def serialize(self, value):
        The super class takes the binary string returned from pickle.dumps
        and encodes it for storage in DynamoDB
        return super(PickleAttribute, self).serialize(pickle.dumps(value))

    def deserialize(self, value):
        return pickle.loads(super(PickleAttribute, self).deserialize(value))

class CustomAttributeModel(Model):
    A model with a custom attribute
    class Meta:
        host = 'http://localhost:8000'
        table_name = 'custom_attr'
        read_capacity_units = 1
        write_capacity_units = 1

    id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    obj = PickleAttribute()

# Create the example table
if not CustomAttributeModel.exists():