How to use the pymunk.Circle function in pymunk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pymunk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pvcraven / arcade / arcade / examples / View on Github external
body = pymunk.Body(body_type=pymunk.Body.STATIC)
        shape = pymunk.Segment(body, [50, 10], [0, 30], 0.0)
        shape.friction = 10

        radius = 20
        separation = 150
        for row in range(6):
            for column in range(6):
                x = column * separation + (separation // 2 * (row % 2))
                y = row * separation + separation // 2
                body = pymunk.Body(body_type=pymunk.Body.STATIC)
                body.position = x, y
                shape = pymunk.Circle(body, radius, pymunk.Vec2d(0, 0))
                shape.friction = 0.3
      , shape)

                sprite = CircleSprite("images/bumper.png", shape)
github viblo / pymunk / tests / View on Github external
def testShapesCollide(self):
        b1 = p.Body(1,1)
        s1 = p.Circle(b1, 10)
        b2 = p.Body(1,1)
        b2.position = 30,30
        s2 = p.Circle(b2, 10)
        c = s1.shapes_collide(s2)
        self.assertEqual(c.normal, (1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(len(c.points), 1)
        point = c.points[0]
        self.assertEqual(point.point_a, (10,0))
        self.assertEqual(point.point_b, (-10,0))
        self.assertEqual(point.distance, -20)
github simonkamronn / kvae / kvae / datasets / View on Github external
def create_ball(self, radius=3):
        inertia = pymunk.moment_for_circle(1, 0, radius, (0, 0))
        body = pymunk.Body(1, inertia)
        position = np.array(self.initial_position) + self.initial_std * np.random.normal(size=(2,))
        position = np.clip(position, self.dd + radius + 1, self.res[0] - self.dd - radius - 1)
        body.position = position

        shape = pymunk.Circle(body, radius, (0, 0))
        shape.elasticity = .9
        shape.color = color["white"]
        return shape
github viblo / pymunk / examples / kivy_pymunk_demo / View on Github external
def small_ball(self, space):
        for x in range(10):
            mass = 3
            radius = 8
            moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius)
            b = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
            c = pymunk.Circle(b, radius)
            c.friction = 1
            x = random.randint(100, 350)
            y = random.randint(300, 340)
            b.position = x,y


            with self.canvas:
       = self.ellipse_from_circle(c)
github ClintLiddick / robotics_intro / roboticsintro / robots / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        rob_mass = 1  # 1 kg
        # 0.1 meter radius, converted to pixels for display
        rob_radius = 0.1 * M_TO_PIXELS
        # moment of inertia for disk
        rob_I = moment_for_circle(rob_mass, 0, rob_radius)

        self.body = Body(rob_mass, rob_I)
        self.body.position = 0, 0
        self.body.angle = 0
        self.body.velocity = 0, 0
        self.body.angular_velocity = 0

        self.shape = Circle(self.body, rob_radius)
        self.shape.color = 255, 0, 0  # red

        self._command = Twist()
github viblo / pymunk / examples / View on Github external
def spawn_ball(space, position, direction):
    ball_body = pymunk.Body(1, pymunk.inf)
    ball_body.position = position
    ball_shape = pymunk.Circle(ball_body, 5)
    ball_shape.color =  THECOLORS["green"]
    ball_shape.elasticity = 1.0
    ball_shape.collision_type = collision_types["ball"]
    # Keep ball velocity at a static value
    def constant_velocity(body, gravity, damping, dt):
        body.velocity = body.velocity.normalized() * 400
    ball_body.velocity_func = constant_velocity
    space.add(ball_body, ball_shape)
github estevaofon / angry-birds-python / examples / View on Github external
# bottom - a sensor that removes anything touching it
    bottom = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 50), (550, 50), 5)
    bottom.sensor = True
    bottom.collision_type = 1
    bottom.color = THECOLORS['red']
    def remove_first(space, arbiter):
        first_shape = arbiter.shapes[0]
        space.add_post_step_callback(space.remove, first_shape, first_shape.body)
        return True
    space.add_collision_handler(0, 1, begin = remove_first)

    ### Player ship
    player_body = pymunk.Body(500, pymunk.inf)
    player_shape = pymunk.Circle(player_body, 35)
    player_shape.color = THECOLORS["red"]
    player_shape.elasticity = 1.0
    player_body.position = 300,100
    # restrict movement of player to a straigt line
    move_joint = pymunk.GrooveJoint(space.static_body, player_body, (100,100), (500,100), (0,0))
    space.add(player_body, player_shape, move_joint)
    global state
    # Start game
    setup_level(space, player_body)

    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key in [K_ESCAPE, K_q]):
                running = False
github pvcraven / arcade / arcade / examples / View on Github external
def make_circle(self, x, y):
        size = 20
        mass = 12.0
        moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, size, (0, 0))
        body = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
        body.position = pymunk.Vec2d(x, y)
        shape = pymunk.Circle(body, size, pymunk.Vec2d(0, 0))
        shape.friction = 0.3, shape)

        sprite = CircleSprite(shape, "images/coin_01.png")
github viblo / pymunk / examples / View on Github external
running = False
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                running = False
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_p:
      , "contact_with_friction.png")
        ticks_to_next_ball -= 1
        if ticks_to_next_ball <= 0:
            ticks_to_next_ball = 100
            mass = 0.1
            radius = 25
            inertia = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius, (0,0))
            body = pymunk.Body(mass, inertia)
            x = random.randint(115,350)
            body.position = x, 400
            shape = pymunk.Circle(body, radius, (0,0))
            shape.friction = 0.5
            space.add(body, shape)
        ### Clear screen
        ### Draw stuff
        balls_to_remove = []
        for ball in balls:
            if ball.body.position.y < 200: balls_to_remove.append(ball)
        for ball in balls_to_remove:
            space.remove(ball, ball.body)
github PySimpleGUI / PySimpleGUI / DemoPrograms / View on Github external
def __init__(self, x, y, r, *args, **kwargs):
        mass = 10
        # Create a Body with mass and moment
        self.body = pymunk.Body(
            mass, pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, r, (0, 0)))
        self.body.position = x, y
        # Create a box shape and attach to body
        self.shape = pymunk.Circle(self.body, r, offset=(0, 0))
        self.shape.elasticity = 0.99999
        self.shape.friction = 0.8
        self.gui_circle_figure = None