How to use the pymavlink.rotmat.Vector3 function in pymavlink

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bounds.append((c.cmot.z, c.cmot.z))
            for i in range(3):

    p = optimize.fmin_slsqp(wmm_error, p, bounds=bounds)
    p = list(p)

    c.offsets = Vector3(p.pop(0), p.pop(0), p.pop(0))
    c.scaling = p.pop(0)

    if args.elliptical:
        c.diag = Vector3(p.pop(0), p.pop(0), p.pop(0))
        c.offdiag = Vector3(p.pop(0), p.pop(0), p.pop(0))
        c.diag = Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        c.offdiag = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    if args.cmot:
        c.cmot = Vector3(p.pop(0), p.pop(0), p.pop(0))
        c.cmot = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    return c
github ArduPilot / MAVProxy / MAVProxy / modules / lib / View on Github external
Vector3( 0.618034,  0.000000,  0.000000)
        Vector3(-0.309017, -0.500000, -0.190983),
        Vector3( 0.190983,  0.309017, -0.500000),
        Vector3( 0.500000, -0.190983,  0.309017)
        Vector3( 0.309017, -0.500000,  0.190983),
        Vector3( 0.000000,  0.000000, -0.618034),
        Vector3( 0.309017,  0.500000,  0.190983)
        Vector3( 0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000),
        Vector3( 0.500000,  0.190983,  0.309017),
        Vector3(-0.309017,  0.500000, -0.190983)
        Vector3( 0.500000, -0.190983, -0.309017),
        Vector3( 0.000000,  0.618034,  0.000000),
        Vector3(-0.500000, -0.190983, -0.309017)
        Vector3( 0.309017,  0.500000, -0.190983),
        Vector3(-0.500000,  0.190983,  0.309017),
        Vector3(-0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000)

_mid_inverses = (
        Vector3(-0.000000,  1.000000, -0.618034),
github ArduPilot / ardupilot / libraries / AP_InertialSensor / examples / View on Github external
corrected_attitude_combined = Attitude()

corrected_attitude_integrator = Tian_integrator()
corrected_attitude_integrator_combined = Tian_integrator(integrate_separately = False)

uncorrected_attitude_low.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-3,0), "no correction\nlow rate integration\n30hz software LPF @ 1khz\n(ardupilot 2015-02-18)")

uncorrected_attitude_high.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-1,0), "no correction\nhigh rate integration")

corrected_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,1,0), "Tian et al\nseparate integration")

corrected_attitude_combined.add_arrows(Vector3(0,3,0), "Tian et al\ncombined_integration\n(proposed patch)")

#scene.scale = (0.3,0.3,0.3)
scene.fov = 0.001
scene.forward = (-0.5, -0.5, -1)

coning_frequency_hz = 50
coning_magnitude_rad_s = 2
label_text = (
    "coning motion frequency %f hz\n"
    "coning motion peak amplitude %f deg/s\n"
    "thin arrows are reference attitude"
    ) % (coning_frequency_hz, degrees(coning_magnitude_rad_s))
label(pos = vpy_vec(Vector3(0,0,2)), text=label_text)

t = 0.0
dt_10000 = 0.0001
github ArduPilot / MAVProxy / MAVProxy / modules / lib / View on Github external
def mtl_to_material(mtl):
            if not in material_map:
                m = Material(
                material_map[] = m
            return material_map[]
github ArduPilot / pymavlink / tools / View on Github external
        if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS":
            # update offsets that were used during this flight
            offsets = Vector3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
        if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU" and offsets is not None:
            # extract one mag vector, removing the offsets that were
            # used during that flight to get the raw sensor values
            mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag) - offsets

    print("Extracted %u data points" % len(data))
    print("Current offsets: %s" % offsets)

    # run the fitting algorithm
    ofs = offsets
    ofs = Vector3(0,0,0)
    for r in range(args.repeat):
        ofs = find_offsets(data, ofs)
        print('Loop %u offsets %s' % (r, ofs))
    print("New offsets: %s" % ofs)
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ATT = msg
        if msg.get_type() == 'BAT':
            BAT = msg
        if msg.get_type() == mag_msg and ATT is not None:
            if count % args.reduce == 0:
            count += 1

    old_corrections.offsets = Vector3(parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_X' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                      parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_Y' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                      parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_Z' % mag_idx,0.0))
    old_corrections.diag = Vector3(parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_X' % mag_idx,1.0),
                                   parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_Y' % mag_idx,1.0),
                                   parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_Z' % mag_idx,1.0))
    if old_corrections.diag == Vector3(0,0,0):
        old_corrections.diag = Vector3(1,1,1)
    old_corrections.offdiag = Vector3(parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_X' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                      parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_Y' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                      parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_Z' % mag_idx,0.0))
    if parameters.get('COMPASS_MOTCT',0) == 2:
        # only support current based corrections for now
        old_corrections.cmot = Vector3(parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_X' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                       parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_Y' % mag_idx,0.0),
                                       parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_Z' % mag_idx,0.0))
    old_corrections.scaling = parameters.get('COMPASS_SCALE%s' % mag_idx, None)
    if old_corrections.scaling is None or old_corrections.scaling < 0.1:
        force_scale = False
        old_corrections.scaling = 1.0
        force_scale = True

    # remove existing corrections
github ArduPilot / MAVProxy / MAVProxy / modules / lib / View on Github external
Vector3( 0.190983, -0.309017,  0.500000)
        Vector3(-0.500000,  0.190983, -0.309017),
        Vector3( 0.000000, -0.618034,  0.000000),
        Vector3( 0.500000,  0.190983, -0.309017)
        Vector3(-0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000),
        Vector3(-0.190983, -0.309017,  0.500000),
        Vector3( 0.618034,  0.000000,  0.000000)
        Vector3(-0.309017, -0.500000, -0.190983),
        Vector3( 0.190983,  0.309017, -0.500000),
        Vector3( 0.500000, -0.190983,  0.309017)
        Vector3( 0.309017, -0.500000,  0.190983),
        Vector3( 0.000000,  0.000000, -0.618034),
        Vector3( 0.309017,  0.500000,  0.190983)
        Vector3( 0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000),
        Vector3( 0.500000,  0.190983,  0.309017),
        Vector3(-0.309017,  0.500000, -0.190983)
        Vector3( 0.500000, -0.190983, -0.309017),
        Vector3( 0.000000,  0.618034,  0.000000),
        Vector3(-0.500000, -0.190983, -0.309017)
github ArduPilot / pymavlink / tools / View on Github external
offsets = Vector3(0,0,0)

    # now gather all the data
    while True:
        m = mlog.recv_match(condition=args.condition)
        if m is None:
        if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS":
            # update current offsets
            offsets = Vector3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
        if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU":
            mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag)
            # add data point after subtracting the current offsets
            data.append(mag - offsets + noise())
        if m.get_type() == "MAG" and not args.mag2:
            offsets = Vector3(m.OfsX,m.OfsY,m.OfsZ)
            mag = Vector3(m.MagX,m.MagY,m.MagZ)
            data.append(mag - offsets + noise())
        if m.get_type() == "MAG2" and args.mag2:
            offsets = Vector3(m.OfsX,m.OfsY,m.OfsZ)
            mag = Vector3(m.MagX,m.MagY,m.MagZ)
            data.append(mag - offsets + noise())

    print("Extracted %u data points" % len(data))
    print("Current offsets: %s" % offsets)

    orig_data = data

    data = select_data(data)

    # remove initial outliers
    data.sort(lambda a,b : radius_cmp(a,b,offsets))
github ArduPilot / MAVProxy / MAVProxy / modules / View on Github external
vehicle_dcm.from_euler(att.roll, att.pitch, att.yaw)

        rotmat_copter_gimbal = Matrix3()
        rotmat_copter_gimbal.from_euler312(m.joint_roll, m.joint_el, m.joint_az)
        gimbal_dcm = vehicle_dcm * rotmat_copter_gimbal

        lat = * 1.0e-7
        lon = gpi.lon * 1.0e-7
        alt = gpi.relative_alt * 1.0e-3

        # ground plane
        ground_plane = Plane()

        # the position of the camera in the air, remembering its a right
        # hand coordinate system, so +ve z is down
        camera_point = Vector3(0, 0, -alt)

        # get view point of camera when not rotated
        view_point = Vector3(1, 0, 0)

        # rotate view_point to form current view vector
        rot_point = gimbal_dcm * view_point

        # a line from the camera to the ground
        line = Line(camera_point, rot_point)

        # find the intersection with the ground
        pt = line.plane_intersection(ground_plane, forward_only=True)
        if pt is None:
            # its pointing up into the sky
            return None
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functions. Those files should be consulted for implementation details.
import math

from pymavlink.rotmat import Matrix3, Vector3
# The golden number below was obtained from scipy.constants.golden. Let's use
# the literal value here as this is the only place that would require scipy
# module.
g = 1.618033988749895

_first_half = (
    (Vector3(-g, 1, 0), Vector3(-1, 0,-g), Vector3(-g,-1, 0)),
    (Vector3(-1, 0,-g), Vector3(-g,-1, 0), Vector3( 0,-g,-1)),
    (Vector3(-g,-1, 0), Vector3( 0,-g,-1), Vector3( 0,-g, 1)),
    (Vector3(-1, 0,-g), Vector3( 0,-g,-1), Vector3( 1, 0,-g)),
    (Vector3( 0,-g,-1), Vector3( 0,-g, 1), Vector3( g,-1, 0)),
    (Vector3( 0,-g,-1), Vector3( 1, 0,-g), Vector3( g,-1, 0)),
    (Vector3( g,-1, 0), Vector3( 1, 0,-g), Vector3( g, 1, 0)),
    (Vector3( 1, 0,-g), Vector3( g, 1, 0), Vector3( 0, g,-1)),
    (Vector3( 1, 0,-g), Vector3( 0, g,-1), Vector3(-1, 0,-g)),
    (Vector3( 0, g,-1), Vector3(-g, 1, 0), Vector3(-1, 0,-g)),
_second_half = tuple((-a, -b, -c) for a, b, c in _first_half)

triangles = _first_half + _second_half

radius = math.sqrt(1 + g**2)

# radius / (length of two vertices of an icosahedron triangle)
_midpoint_projection_scale = radius / (2 * g)

sections = ()