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np.abs(taxis[1] - taxis[1]))
Pop = FFT2D(dims=dims, nffts=nffts,
Pop = Pop.H
SIop = Rop * Pop
elif 'radon' in kind:
prec = True
dotcflag = 0
kindradon = kind.split('-')[-1]
if ndims == 3:
Pop = Radon3D(taxis, spataxis, spat1axis, paxis, p1axis,
centeredh=centeredh, kind=kindradon, engine=engine)
dimsp = (paxis.size, p1axis.size, taxis.size)
Pop = Radon2D(taxis, spataxis, paxis,
centeredh=centeredh, kind=kindradon, engine=engine)
dimsp = (paxis.size, taxis.size)
SIop = Rop * Pop
elif kind == 'sliding':
prec = True
dotcflag = 0
if ndims == 3:
dspat = np.abs(spataxis[1]-spataxis[0])
dspat1 = np.abs(spat1axis[1]-spat1axis[0])
nspat, nspat1 = spataxis.size, spat1axis.size
spataxis_local = np.linspace(-dspat * nwin[0] // 2,
dspat * nwin[0] // 2,
spat1axis_local = np.linspace(-dspat1 * nwin[1] // 2,
dspat1 * nwin[1] // 2,
def test_Radon2D(par):
"""Dot-test and sparse inverse for Radon2D operator
dt, dh = 0.005, 1
t = np.arange(par['nt']) * dt
h = np.arange(par['nhx']) * dh
px = np.linspace(0, par['pxmax'], par['npx'])
x = np.zeros((par['npx'], par['nt']))
x[2, par['nt']//2] = 1
Rop = Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=par['centeredh'],
interp=par['interp'], kind=par['kind'],
onthefly=par['onthefly'], engine=par['engine'],
assert dottest(Rop, par['nhx']*par['nt'], par['npx']*par['nt'],
y = Rop * x.flatten()
y = y.reshape(par['nhx'], par['nt'])
xinv, _, _ = FISTA(Rop, y.flatten(), 30, eps=1e0, returninfo=True)
assert_array_almost_equal(x.flatten(), xinv, decimal=1)
# where :math:`\theta` is the angle between the x-axis (:math:`x`) and
# the perpendicular to the summation line and :math:`r` is the distance
# from the origin of the summation line.
def radoncurve(x, r, theta):
return (r - ny//2)/(np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta))+1e-15) + np.tan(np.deg2rad(90 - theta))*x + ny//2
x = np.load('../testdata/optimization/shepp_logan_phantom.npy')
x = x / x.max()
ny, nx = x.shape
ntheta = 150
theta = np.linspace(0., 180., ntheta, endpoint=False)
RLop = \
pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(np.arange(ny), np.arange(nx),
theta, kind=radoncurve,
centeredh=True, interp=False,
engine='numba', dtype='float64')
y = RLop.H * x.T.ravel()
y = y.reshape(ntheta, ny).T
# We can now first perform the adjoint, which in the medical imaging literature
# is also referred to as back-projection.
# This is the first step of a common reconstruction technique, named filtered
# back-projection, which simply applies a correction filter in the
# frequency domain to the adjoint model.
xrec = RLop*y.T.ravel()
xrec = xrec.reshape(nx, ny).T
nt, nh = 41, 51
npx, pxmax = 41, 1e-2
dt, dh = 0.005, 1
t = np.arange(nt) * dt
h = np.arange(nh) * dh
px = np.linspace(0, pxmax, npx)
x = np.zeros((npx, nt))
x[4, nt//2] = 1
# We can now define our operators for different parametric curves and apply
# them to the input model vector. We also apply the adjoint to the resulting
# data vector.
RLop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='linear', interp=False,
RPop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='parabolic', interp=False,
RHop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='hyperbolic', interp=False,
# forward
yL = RLop * x.flatten()
yP = RPop * x.flatten()
yH = RHop * x.flatten()
yL = yL.reshape(nh, nt)
yP = yP.reshape(nh, nt)
yH = yH.reshape(nh, nt)
# patches in the spatial direction and apply the adjoint of the
# :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D` operator to each patch. This is
# done by simply using the adjoint of the
# :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Sliding2D` operator
nwins = 5
winsize = 36
overlap = 10
npx = 61
px = np.linspace(-5e-3, 5e-3, npx)
dimsd = data.shape
dims = (nwins*npx, par['nt'])
# Sliding window transform without taper
Op = \
pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, np.linspace(-par['dx']*winsize//2,
px, centeredh=True, kind='linear',
Slid = pylops.signalprocessing.Sliding2D(Op, dims, dimsd,
winsize, overlap,
radon = Slid.H * data.flatten()
radon = radon.reshape(dims)
# We now create a similar operator but we also add a taper to the overlapping
# parts of the patches.
Slid = pylops.signalprocessing.Sliding2D(Op, dims, dimsd,
winsize, overlap,
px = np.linspace(0, pxmax, npx)
x = np.zeros((npx, nt))
x[4, nt//2] = 1
# We can now define our operators for different parametric curves and apply
# them to the input model vector. We also apply the adjoint to the resulting
# data vector.
RLop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='linear', interp=False,
RPop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='parabolic', interp=False,
RHop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='hyperbolic', interp=False,
# forward
yL = RLop * x.flatten()
yP = RPop * x.flatten()
yH = RHop * x.flatten()
yL = yL.reshape(nh, nt)
yP = yP.reshape(nh, nt)
yH = yH.reshape(nh, nt)
# adjoint
xadjL = RLop.H * yL.flatten()
xadjP = RPop.H * yP.flatten()
xadjH = RHop.H * yH.flatten()
xadjL = xadjL.reshape(npx, nt)
# We can now create the :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D` operator.
# We also apply its adjoint to the data to obtain a representation of those
# 3 linear events overlapping to a parabolic event in the Radon domain.
# Similarly, we feed the operator to a sparse solver like
# :py:class:`pylops.optimization.sparsity.FISTA` to obtain a sparse
# represention of the data in the Radon domain. At this point we try to filter
# out the unwanted event. We can see how this is much easier for the sparse
# transform as each event has a much more compact representation in the Radon
# domain than for the adjoint transform.
# radon operator
npx = 61
pxmax = 5e-4
px = np.linspace(-pxmax, pxmax, npx)
Rop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(taxis, xaxis, px, kind='linear',
interp='nearest', centeredh=False,
# adjoint Radon transform
xadj = Rop.H * y.flatten()
xadj = xadj.reshape(npx, par['nt'])
# sparse Radon transform
xinv, niter, cost = \
pylops.optimization.sparsity.FISTA(Rop, y.flatten(), 15,
eps=1e1, returninfo=True)
xinv = xinv.reshape(npx, par['nt'])
# filtering
xfilt = np.zeros_like(xadj)
xfilt[npx//2-3:npx//2+4] = xadj[npx//2-3:npx//2+4]
dt, dh = 0.005, 1
t = np.arange(nt) * dt
h = np.arange(nh) * dh
px = np.linspace(0, pxmax, npx)
x = np.zeros((npx, nt))
x[4, nt//2] = 1
# We can now define our operators for different parametric curves and apply
# them to the input model vector. We also apply the adjoint to the resulting
# data vector.
RLop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='linear', interp=False,
RPop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='parabolic', interp=False,
RHop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(t, h, px, centeredh=True,
kind='hyperbolic', interp=False,
# forward
yL = RLop * x.flatten()
yP = RPop * x.flatten()
yH = RHop * x.flatten()
yL = yL.reshape(nh, nt)
yP = yP.reshape(nh, nt)
yH = yH.reshape(nh, nt)
# adjoint
xadjL = RLop.H * yL.flatten()
axs[1].set_xlim(-0.1, 0.1)
axs[1].set_ylim(50, 0)
axs[2].plot(cost, 'k', lw=3)
axs[2].set_title('FISTA convergence')
# We see how adding prior information to the inversion can help improving the
# estimate of the regularized seismic data. Nevertheless, in both cases the
# reconstructed data is not perfect. A better sparsyfing transform could in
# fact be chosen here to be the linear
# :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D` transform in spite of the
# :py:class:`pylops.FFT2` transform.
npx = 40
pxmax = 1e-3
px = np.linspace(-pxmax, pxmax, npx)
Radop = pylops.signalprocessing.Radon2D(taxis, xaxis, px, engine='numba')
RRop = Rop*Radop
# adjoint
Xadj_fromx = Radop.H*x.flatten()
Xadj_fromx = Xadj_fromx.reshape(npx, par['nt'])
Xadj = RRop.H*y.flatten()
Xadj = Xadj.reshape(npx, par['nt'])
# L1 inverse
xl1, Xl1, cost = \
pylops.waveeqprocessing.SeismicInterpolation(y, par['nx'], iava,
taxis=taxis, paxis=px,