How to use the pylinac.ct.Slice function in pylinac

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"""Using a brute force search of the images, find the median HU linearity slice.

        This method walks through all the images and takes a collapsed circle profile where the HU
        linearity ROIs are. If the profile contains both low (<800) and high (>800) HU values and most values are the same
        (i.e. it's not an artifact), then
        it can be assumed it is an HU linearity slice. The median of all applicable slices is the
        center of the HU slice.

            The middle slice of the HU linearity module.
        hu_slices = []
        for image_number in range(0, self.num_images, 2):
            slice = Slice(self, image_number, combine=False)
            # slice.image.plot()
                center = slice.phan_center
            except ValueError:  # a slice without the phantom in view
                circle_prof = CollapsedCircleProfile(center, radius=self.localization_radius/self.mm_per_pixel, image_array=slice.image, width_ratio=0.05, num_profiles=5)
                prof = circle_prof.values
                # determine if the profile contains both low and high values and that most values are the same
                low_end, high_end = np.percentile(prof, [2, 98])
                median = np.median(prof)
                middle_variation = np.percentile(prof, 80) - np.percentile(prof, 20)
                variation_limit = max(100, self.dicom_stack.metadata.SliceThickness*-100+300)
                if (low_end < median - 400) and (high_end > median + 400) and (middle_variation < variation_limit):
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This algorithm uses the two air bubbles in the HU slice and the resulting angle between them.

        float : the angle of the phantom in **degrees**.
        def is_right_area(region):
            thresh = np.pi * ((self.air_bubble_radius_mm / self.mm_per_pixel) ** 2)
            return thresh * 2 > region.filled_area > thresh / 2

        def is_right_eccentricity(region):
            return region.eccentricity < 0.5

        # get edges and make ROIs from it
        slice = Slice(self, self.origin_slice)
        larr, regions, _ = get_regions(slice)
        # find appropriate ROIs and grab the two most centrally positioned ones
        hu_bubbles = [r for r in regions if (is_right_area(r) and is_right_eccentricity(r))]
        central_bubbles = sorted(hu_bubbles, key=lambda x: abs(x.centroid[1] - slice.phan_center.x))[:2]
        sorted_bubbles = sorted(central_bubbles, key=lambda x: x.centroid[0])  # top, bottom
        y_dist = sorted_bubbles[1].centroid[0] - sorted_bubbles[0].centroid[0]
        x_dist = sorted_bubbles[1].centroid[1] - sorted_bubbles[0].centroid[1]
        phan_roll = np.arctan2(y_dist, x_dist)
        anglroll = np.rad2deg(phan_roll) - 90
        return anglroll
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# convert the slice to binary and label ROIs
        edges = filters.scharr(self.image.as_type(np.float))
        if np.max(edges) < 0.1:
            raise ValueError("Unable to locate Catphan")
        larr, regionprops, num_roi = get_regions(self, fill_holes=True, threshold='mean')
        # check that there is at least 1 ROI
        if num_roi < 1 or num_roi is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to locate the CatPhan")
        catphan_region = sorted(regionprops, key=lambda x: np.abs(x.filled_area - self.catphan_size))[0]
        if (self.catphan_size * 1.2 < catphan_region.filled_area) or (catphan_region.filled_area < self.catphan_size / 1.2):
            raise ValueError("Unable to locate Catphan")
        center_pixel = catphan_region.centroid
        return Point(center_pixel[1], center_pixel[0])

class CatPhanModule(Slice):
    """Base class for a CTP module.
    combine_method = 'mean'
    num_slices = 0
    roi_settings = {}
    background_roi_settings = {}
    roi_dist_mm = float
    roi_radius_mm = float
    rois = {}  # dicts of HUDiskROIs
    background_rois = {}  # dict of HUDiskROIs; possibly empty

    def __init__(self, catphan, tolerance, offset=0):
        catphan : `~pylinac.cbct.CatPhanBase` instance.
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        catphan : `~pylinac.cbct.CatPhanBase` instance.
        tolerance : float
        offset : int, float
        self.model = ''
        self._offset = offset
        self.origin_slice = catphan.origin_slice
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.slice_thickness = catphan.dicom_stack.metadata.SliceThickness
        self.catphan_roll = catphan.catphan_roll
        self.mm_per_pixel = catphan.mm_per_pixel
        self.rois = {}  # dicts of HUDiskROIs
        self.background_rois = {}  # dict of HUDiskROIs; possibly empty
        Slice.__init__(self, catphan, combine_method=self.combine_method, num_slices=self.num_slices)