How to use the pylatexenc.latexwalker.__init__.LatexToken function in pylatexenc

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def __init__(self, tok, arg, pos, len, pre_space, post_space=''):
        self.tok = tok
        self.arg = arg
        self.pos = pos
        self.len = len
        self.pre_space = pre_space
        self.post_space = post_space
        self._fields = ['tok', 'arg', 'pos', 'len', 'pre_space']
        if self.tok in ('macro', 'comment'):
        super(LatexToken, self).__init__()
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tok=('begin_environment' if macro == 'begin' else 'end_environment'),
                    len=i+envmatch.end(), # !!envmatch.end() counts from pos+i

            # get the following whitespace, and store it in the macro's post_space
            post_space = ''
            if isalphamacro:
                # important, LaTeX does not consume space after non-alpha macros, like \&
                while pos+i\s*)').search(s, pos)
            mlen = None
            if m is not None:
                if'extraspace').startswith( ('\n', '\r', '\n\r',) ):
                    # special case where there is a \n immediately following the
                    # first one -- this is a new paragraph
                    arglen = m.start()-pos
                    mlen = m.start()-pos
                    mspace = ''
                    arglen = m.start()-pos
                    mlen = m.end()-pos
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if m is not None:
                if'extraspace').startswith( ('\n', '\r', '\n\r',) ):
                    # special case where there is a \n immediately following the
                    # first one -- this is a new paragraph
                    arglen = m.start()-pos
                    mlen = m.start()-pos
                    mspace = ''
                    arglen = m.start()-pos
                    mlen = m.end()-pos
                    mspace =
                arglen = len(s)-pos# [  ==len(s[pos:])  ]
                mlen = arglen
                mspace = ''
            return LatexToken(tok='comment', arg=s[pos+1:pos+arglen], pos=pos, len=mlen,
                              pre_space=space, post_space=mspace)

        # see
        openbracechars, closebracechars = zip(*brace_chars)

        if s[pos] in openbracechars:
            return LatexToken(tok='brace_open', arg=s[pos], pos=pos, len=1, pre_space=space)

        if s[pos] in closebracechars:
            return LatexToken(tok='brace_close', arg=s[pos], pos=pos, len=1, pre_space=space)

        # check for math-mode dollar signs.  Using python syntax "string.startswith(pattern, pos)"
        if s.startswith('$$', pos):
            return LatexToken(tok='mathmode_display', arg='$$', pos=pos, len=2, pre_space=space)
        if s.startswith('$', pos):
            return LatexToken(tok='mathmode_inline', arg='$', pos=pos, len=1, pre_space=space)
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if include_brace_chars:
            brace_chars += include_brace_chars

        if 'brackets_are_chars' in kwargs:
            if not kwargs.pop('brackets_are_chars'):
                brace_chars += [('[', ']')]

        s = self.s # shorthand

        space = ''
        while pos < len(s) and s[pos].isspace():
            space += s[pos]
            pos += 1
            if space.endswith('\n\n'):  # two \n's indicate new paragraph.
                return LatexToken(tok='char', arg='\n\n', pos=pos-2, len=2, pre_space=space[:-2])

        if pos >= len(s):
            raise LatexWalkerEndOfStream(final_space=space)

        if s[pos] == '\\':
            # escape sequence
            if pos+1 >= len(s):
                raise LatexWalkerEndOfStream()
            macro = s[pos+1] # next char is necessarily part of macro
            # following chars part of macro only if all are alphabetical
            isalphamacro = False
            i = 2
            if s[pos+1].isalpha():
                isalphamacro = True
                while pos+i
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return LatexToken(tok='mathmode_inline', arg='\\'+macro,
                                  pos=pos, len=i, pre_space=space)

            # see if we have a begin/end environment
            if environments and macro in ['begin', 'end']:
                # \begin{environment} or \end{environment}
                envmatch = re.match(r'^\s*\{([\w*]+)\}', s[pos+i:])
                if envmatch is None:
                    raise LatexWalkerParseError(
                        msg=r"Bad \{} macro: expected {{}}".format(macro),
                        **self.pos_to_lineno_colno(pos, as_dict=True)

                return LatexToken(
                    tok=('begin_environment' if macro == 'begin' else 'end_environment'),
                    len=i+envmatch.end(), # !!envmatch.end() counts from pos+i

            # get the following whitespace, and store it in the macro's post_space
            post_space = ''
            if isalphamacro:
                # important, LaTeX does not consume space after non-alpha macros, like \&
                while pos+i