How to use the pykeepass.entry function in pykeepass

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pykeepass examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github libkeepass / pykeepass / pykeepass / View on Github external
def entries(self):
        # FIXME
        # It may be better to keep a list of Entries as a (list) property
        # ... but that may become out of sync and what is supposed to happen
        # when an entry is updated?!
        # On the other side this would make things like "e in g.entries" work
        return [pykeepass.entry.Entry(element=x, kp=self._kp) for x in self._element.findall('Entry')]
github libkeepass / pykeepass / pykeepass / View on Github external
def entry(self):
        ancestor = self._element.getparent()
        return pykeepass.entry.Entry(element=ancestor, kp=self._kp)