How to use the pyhocon.config_tree.ConfigValues function in pyhocon

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if len(config) == 0:
                lines += '[]'
                lines += '[\n'
                bet_lines = []
                for item in config:
                    bet_lines.append('{indent}{value}'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '),
                                                              value=cls.to_hocon(item, compact, indent, level + 1)))
                lines += '\n'.join(bet_lines)
                lines += '\n{indent}]'.format(indent=''.rjust((level - 1) * indent, ' '))
        elif isinstance(config, basestring):
            if '\n' in config and len(config) > 1:
                lines = '"""{value}"""'.format(value=config)  # multilines
                lines = '"{value}"'.format(value=cls.__escape_string(config))
        elif isinstance(config, ConfigValues):
            lines = ''.join(cls.to_hocon(o, compact, indent, level) for o in config.tokens)
        elif isinstance(config, ConfigSubstitution):
            lines = '${'
            if config.optional:
                lines += '?'
            lines += config.variable + '}' +
        elif isinstance(config, ConfigQuotedString):
            if '\n' in config.value and len(config.value) > 1:
                lines = '"""{value}"""'.format(value=config.value)  # multilines
                lines = '"{value}"'.format(value=cls.__escape_string(config.value))
        elif config is None or isinstance(config, NoneValue):
            lines = 'null'
        elif config is True:
            lines = 'true'
        elif config is False:
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                    value = values[0]
                    if isinstance(value, list) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', False, loc), value], False, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, unicode) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', True, loc), ' ' + value], True, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, list):
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                        existing_value = config_tree.get(key, None)
                        if isinstance(value, ConfigTree) and not isinstance(existing_value, list):
                            # Only Tree has to be merged with tree
                            config_tree.put(key, value, True)
                        elif isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
                            conf_value = value
                            value.parent = config_tree
                            value.key = key
                            if isinstance(existing_value, list) or isinstance(existing_value, ConfigTree):
                                config_tree.put(key, conf_value, True)
                                config_tree.put(key, conf_value, False)
                            config_tree.put(key, value, False)
        return config_tree
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operator = tokens[1].strip()
                    values = tokens[2:]
                elif len(tokens) == 2:
                    values = tokens[1:]
                    raise ParseSyntaxException("Unknown tokens {tokens} received".format(tokens=tokens))
                # empty string
                if len(values) == 0:
                    config_tree.put(key, '')
                    value = values[0]
                    if isinstance(value, list) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', False, loc), value], False, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, unicode) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', True, loc), ' ' + value], True, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, list):
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                        existing_value = config_tree.get(key, None)
                        if isinstance(value, ConfigTree) and not isinstance(existing_value, list):
                            # Only Tree has to be merged with tree
                            config_tree.put(key, value, True)
                        elif isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
                            conf_value = value
                            value.parent = config_tree
                            value.key = key
                            if isinstance(existing_value, list) or isinstance(existing_value, ConfigTree):
                                config_tree.put(key, conf_value, True)
                                config_tree.put(key, conf_value, False)
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key = tokens[0].strip()
                operator = '='
                if len(tokens) == 3 and tokens[1].strip() in [':', '=', '+=']:
                    operator = tokens[1].strip()
                    values = tokens[2:]
                elif len(tokens) == 2:
                    values = tokens[1:]
                    raise ParseSyntaxException("Unknown tokens {tokens} received".format(tokens=tokens))
                # empty string
                if len(values) == 0:
                    config_tree.put(key, '')
                    value = values[0]
                    if isinstance(value, list) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', False, loc), value], False, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, unicode) and operator == "+=":
                        value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', True, loc), ' ' + value], True, loc)
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                    elif isinstance(value, list):
                        config_tree.put(key, value, False)
                        existing_value = config_tree.get(key, None)
                        if isinstance(value, ConfigTree) and not isinstance(existing_value, list):
                            # Only Tree has to be merged with tree
                            config_tree.put(key, value, True)
                        elif isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
                            conf_value = value
                            value.parent = config_tree
                            value.key = key
                            if isinstance(existing_value, list) or isinstance(existing_value, ConfigTree):
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# if value to set does not exist, override
            # if they are both configs then merge
            # if not then override
            if key_elt in self and isinstance(self[key_elt], ConfigTree) and isinstance(value, ConfigTree):
                if self.root:
                    new_value = ConfigTree.merge_configs(ConfigTree(), self[key_elt], copy_trees=True)
                    new_value = ConfigTree.merge_configs(new_value, value, copy_trees=True)
                    self._push_history(key_elt, new_value)
                    self[key_elt] = new_value
                    ConfigTree.merge_configs(self[key_elt], value)
            elif append:
                # If we have t=1
                # and we try to put t.a=5 then t is replaced by {a: 5}
                l_value = self.get(key_elt, None)
                if isinstance(l_value, ConfigValues):
                elif isinstance(l_value, ConfigTree) and isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
                    value.overriden_value = l_value
                    value.tokens.insert(0, l_value)
                    value.parent = self
                    value.key = key_elt
                    self._push_history(key_elt, value)
                    self[key_elt] = value
                elif isinstance(l_value, list) and isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
                    self._push_history(key_elt, value)
                    value.overriden_value = l_value
                    value.parent = self
                    value.key = key_elt
                    self[key_elt] = value
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def _final_fixup(cls, item):
        if isinstance(item, ConfigValues):
            return item.transform()
        elif isinstance(item, list):
            return list([cls._final_fixup(child) for child in item])
        elif isinstance(item, ConfigTree):
            items = list(item.items())
            for key, child in items:
                item[key] = cls._final_fixup(child)
        return item
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def postParse(self, instring, loc, token_list):
        config_values = ConfigValues(token_list, instring, loc)
        return [config_values.transform()]