How to use the pygeodiff.geodifflib.GeoDiffLibVersionError function in pygeodiff

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github lutraconsulting / geodiff / pygeodiff / View on Github external
def __init__(self, name):
        if name is None:
            self.libname = self.package_libname()
            if not os.path.exists(self.libname):
                # not found, try system library
                self.libname = find_library("geodiff")
            self.libname = name

        if self.libname is None:
            raise GeoDiffLibVersionError("Unable to locate GeoDiff library, tried " + self.package_libname() + " and geodiff on system.")

        self.lib = ctypes.CDLL(self.libname, use_errno=True)
github lutraconsulting / geodiff / pygeodiff / View on Github external
def _parse_return_code(rc, msg):
    if rc == SUCCESS:
    elif rc == ERROR:
        raise GeoDiffLibError(msg)
    elif rc == CONFLICT:
        raise GeoDiffLibConflictError(msg)
    elif rc == UNSUPPORTED_CHANGE:
        raise GeoDiffLibUnsupportedChangeError(msg)
        raise GeoDiffLibVersionError("Internal error (enum " + str(rc) + " not handled)")
github lutraconsulting / geodiff / pygeodiff / View on Github external
def check_version(self):
        cversion = self.version()
        pyversion = __version__
        if cversion != pyversion:
            raise GeoDiffLibVersionError("version mismatch (%s C vs %s PY)".format(cversion, pyversion))