How to use the pyephem.FixedBody function in pyephem

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyephem examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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d_d = (d_Z*(-sin_Z*sin_lat + cos_Z*cos_lat*cos_A) \
                - d_A*sin_Z*cos_lat*sin_A) / cos_d
        # Convert zenith angle displacement into hour-angle component
        d_H = (d_d*sin_H*sin_d - d_A*cos_A*sin_Z - d_Z*sin_A*cos_Z) \
                / (cos_H*cos_d)
        return H + d_H, d + d_d

#  ____           _ _       _____ _              _ ____            _       
# |  _ \ __ _  __| (_) ___ |  ___(_)_  _____  __| | __ )  ___   __| |_   _ 
# | |_) / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \| |_  | \ \/ / _ \/ _` |  _ \ / _ \ / _` | | | |
# |  _ < (_| | (_| | | (_) |  _| | |>  <  __/ (_| | |_) | (_) | (_| | |_| |
# |_| \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/|_|   |_/_/\_\___|\__,_|____/ \___/ \__,_|\__, |
#                                                                    |___/ 

class RadioFixedBody(ephem.FixedBody, RadioBody):
    """A class combining ephem's FixedBody with a RadioBody."""
    def __init__(self, ra, dec, f_c=.012, name='', **kwargs):
        """ra:           source's right ascension (epoch=2000)
        dec:          source's declination (epoch=2000)
        f_c:          the plasma frequency (a measure of the electron density)
                      in the direction of the source, which can cause the 
                      source to appear displaced from its quiescent position 
                      as a function of frequency."""
        RadioBody.__init__(self, name=name)
        self._ra, self._dec, self.f_c = ra, dec, f_c
    def compute(self, observer, refract=False):
        if self.in_cache(observer, refract): return
        ephem.FixedBody.compute(self, observer) = self.gen_uvw_map(observer, refract=refract)
        self.cache(observer, refract)


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