How to use the pyee.AsyncIOEventEmitter function in pyee

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyee examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jfhbrook / pyee / tests / View on Github external
async def test_asyncio_emit(cls, event_loop):
    """Test that asyncio-supporting event emitters can handle wrapping

    ee = cls(loop=event_loop)

    should_call = Future(loop=event_loop)

    async def event_handler():
github tartiflette / tartiflette-asgi / tests / View on Github external
from ._compat import asynccontextmanager

async def get_client(app: typing.Callable) -> typing.AsyncIterator:
    async with LifespanManager(app):
        async with httpx.AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://testserver/") as client:
            yield client

def omit_none(dct: dict) -> dict:
    return {key: value for key, value in dct.items() if value is not None}

PubSub = AsyncIOEventEmitter
pubsub = PubSub()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class Dog(typing.NamedTuple):
    id: int
    name: str
    nickname: typing.Optional[str] = None
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
        Retrieve the ICE parameters of the ICE gatherer.

        :rtype: RTCIceParameters
        return RTCIceParameters(

    def __setState(self, state: str) -> None:
        self.__state = state

class RTCIceTransport(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCIceTransport` interface allows an application access to
    information about the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE)
    transport over which packets are sent and received.

    :param gatherer: An :class:`RTCIceGatherer`.

    def __init__(self, gatherer: RTCIceGatherer) -> None:
        self.__start = None  # type: Optional[asyncio.Event]
        self.__iceGatherer = gatherer
        self.__state = "new"
        self._connection = gatherer._connection

github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
parsed["port"] = int(parsed["port"])
    elif parsed["scheme"] in ["stuns", "turns"]:
        parsed["port"] = 5349
        parsed["port"] = 3478

    # set transport
    if parsed["scheme"] == "turn" and not parsed["transport"]:
        parsed["transport"] = "udp"
    elif parsed["scheme"] == "turns" and not parsed["transport"]:
        parsed["transport"] = "tcp"

    return parsed

class RTCIceGatherer(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCIceGatherer` interface gathers local host, server reflexive
    and relay candidates, as well as enabling the retrieval of local
    Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) parameters which can be
    exchanged in signaling.

    def __init__(self, iceServers: Optional[List[RTCIceServer]] = None) -> None:

        if iceServers is None:
            iceServers = self.getDefaultIceServers()
        ice_kwargs = connection_kwargs(iceServers)

        self._connection = Connection(ice_controlling=False, **ice_kwargs)
        self.__state = "new"
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
"The name of the subprotocol in use."

    negotiated = attr.ib(default=False)  # type: bool
    Whether data channel will be negotiated out of-band, where both sides
    create data channel with an agreed-upon ID."""

    id = attr.ib(default=None)  # type: Optional[int]
    An numeric ID for the channel; permitted values are 0-65534.
    If you don't include this option, the user agent will select an ID for you.
    Must be set when negotiating out-of-band.

class RTCDataChannel(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCDataChannel` interface represents a network channel which
    can be used for bidirectional peer-to-peer transfers of arbitrary data.

    :param transport: An :class:`RTCSctpTransport`.
    :param parameters: An :class:`RTCDataChannelParameters`.

    def __init__(
        self, transport, parameters: RTCDataChannelParameters, send_open: bool = True
    ) -> None:
        self.__bufferedAmount = 0
        self.__bufferedAmountLowThreshold = 0
        self.__id =
        self.__parameters = parameters
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
class RTCSctpCapabilities:
    The :class:`RTCSctpCapabilities` dictionary provides information about the
    capabilities of the :class:`RTCSctpTransport`.

    maxMessageSize = attr.ib()
    The maximum size of data that the implementation can send or
    0 if the implementation can handle messages of any size.

class RTCSctpTransport(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCSctpTransport` interface includes information relating to
    Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) transport.

    :param transport: An :class:`RTCDtlsTransport`.

    def __init__(self, transport: RTCDtlsTransport, port: int = 5000) -> None:
        if transport.state == "closed":
            raise InvalidStateError

        self._association_state = self.State.CLOSED
        self.__log_debug = lambda *args: None  # type: Callable[..., None]
        self.__started = False
        self.__state = "new"
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
VIDEO_TIME_BASE = fractions.Fraction(1, VIDEO_CLOCK_RATE)

def convert_timebase(
    pts: int, from_base: fractions.Fraction, to_base: fractions.Fraction
) -> int:
    if from_base != to_base:
        pts = int(pts * from_base / to_base)
    return pts

class MediaStreamError(Exception):

class MediaStreamTrack(AsyncIOEventEmitter, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    A single media track within a stream.

    kind = "unknown"

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.__ended = False
        self.__id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    def id(self) -> str:
        An automatically generated globally unique ID.
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
elif direction == "recvonly":
        return "sendonly"
    return direction

def wrap_session_description(
    session_description: Optional[sdp.SessionDescription],
) -> Optional[RTCSessionDescription]:
    if session_description is not None:
        return RTCSessionDescription(
            sdp=str(session_description), type=session_description.type
    return None

class RTCPeerConnection(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCPeerConnection` interface represents a WebRTC connection
    between the local computer and a remote peer.

    :param configuration: An optional :class:`RTCConfiguration`.

    def __init__(self, configuration: Optional[RTCConfiguration] = None) -> None:
        self.__certificates = [RTCCertificate.generateCertificate()]
        self.__cname = "{%s}" % uuid.uuid4()
        self.__configuration = configuration or RTCConfiguration()
        self.__iceTransports = set()  # type: Set[RTCIceTransport]
        self.__initialOfferer = None  # type: Optional[bool]
        self.__remoteDtls = (
github aiortc / aiortc / src / aiortc / View on Github external
def unregister_receiver(self, receiver) -> None:
        self.__discard(self.mid_table, receiver)
        self.__discard(self.ssrc_table, receiver)
        self.__discard(self.payload_type_table, receiver)

    def unregister_sender(self, sender) -> None:
        self.__discard(self.senders, sender)

    def __discard(self, d: Dict, value: Any) -> None:
        for k, v in list(d.items()):
            if v == value:

class RTCDtlsTransport(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    The :class:`RTCDtlsTransport` object includes information relating to
    Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) transport.

    :param transport: An :class:`RTCIceTransport`.
    :param certificates: A list of :class:`RTCCertificate` (only one is allowed currently).

    def __init__(
        self, transport: RTCIceTransport, certificates: List[RTCCertificate]
    ) -> None:
        assert len(certificates) == 1
        certificate = certificates[0]

        self.encrypted = False