How to use the pydicom.multival.MultiValue function in pydicom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pydicom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pydicom / pydicom / tests / View on Github external
def test_multivalue_DA(self):
        """Write DA/DT/TM data elements.........."""
        multi_DA_expected = (date(1961, 8, 4), date(1963, 11, 22))
        DA_expected = date(1961, 8, 4)
        tzinfo = tzoffset('-0600', -21600)
        multi_DT_expected = (datetime(1961, 8, 4),
                             datetime(1963, 11, 22, 12, 30, 0, 0,
                                      tzoffset('-0600', -21600)))
        multi_TM_expected = (time(1, 23, 45), time(11, 11, 11))
        TM_expected = time(11, 11, 11, 1)
        ds = read_file(datetime_name)
        # Add date/time data elements
        ds.CalibrationDate = MultiValue(DA, multi_DA_expected)
        ds.DateOfLastCalibration = DA(DA_expected)
        ds.ReferencedDateTime = MultiValue(DT, multi_DT_expected)
        ds.CalibrationTime = MultiValue(TM, multi_TM_expected)
        ds.TimeOfLastCalibration = TM(TM_expected)
        # Now read it back in and check the values are as expected
        ds = read_file(datetime_out)
        self.assertSequenceEqual(multi_DA_expected, ds.CalibrationDate, "Multiple dates not written correctly (VR=DA)")
        self.assertEqual(DA_expected, ds.DateOfLastCalibration, "Date not written correctly (VR=DA)")
        self.assertSequenceEqual(multi_DT_expected, ds.ReferencedDateTime, "Multiple datetimes not written correctly (VR=DT)")
        self.assertSequenceEqual(multi_TM_expected, ds.CalibrationTime, "Multiple times not written correctly (VR=TM)")
        self.assertEqual(TM_expected, ds.TimeOfLastCalibration, "Time not written correctly (VR=DA)")
        if os.path.exists(datetime_out):
            os.remove(datetime_out)  # get rid of the file
github pydicom / pydicom / tests / View on Github external
def testMultiDS(self):
        """MultiValue: Multi-valued data elements can be created........"""
        multival = MultiValue(DS, ['11.1', '22.2', '33.3'])
        for val in multival:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, (DSfloat, DSdecimal)),
                            "Multi-value DS item not converted to DS")
github pydicom / pydicom / tests / View on Github external
def testSetIndex(self):
        """MultiValue: Setting list item converts it to required type"""
        multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
        multival[1] = '7'
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[1], IS))
        self.assertEqual(multival[1], 7, "Item set by index is not correct value")
github pydicom / pydicom / tests / View on Github external
def testIssue236DeepCopy(self):
        """MultiValue: deepcopy of MultiValue does not generate an error"""
        multival = MultiValue(IS, range(7))
        multival = MultiValue(DS, range(7))
        multival = MultiValue(DSfloat, range(7))
github pydicom / pydicom / pydicom / View on Github external
    str or list of str or valuerep.DT or list of DT
        :attr:`~pydicom.config.datetime_conversion` is ``True`` then returns
        :class:`~pydicom.valuerep.DT` or a :class:`list` of ``DT``, otherwise
        returns :class:`str` or ``list`` of ``str``.
    if config.datetime_conversion:
        if not in_py2:
            byte_string = byte_string.decode(default_encoding)
        splitup = byte_string.split("\\")
        if len(splitup) == 1:
            return _DT_from_byte_string(splitup[0])
            return MultiValue(_DT_from_byte_string, splitup)
        return convert_string(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format)
github pydicom / pydicom / pydicom / View on Github external
encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the value.

    unicode or list of unicode
        The decoded value(s) if in Python 2.
    str or list of str
        The decoded value(s) if in Python 3.
    values = byte_string.split(b'\\')
    values = [convert_single_string(value, encodings) for value in values]
    if len(values) == 1:
        return values[0]
        return MultiValue(compat.text_type, values)
github fastai / fastai_dev / dev / fastai2 / medical / View on Github external
def _split_elem(res,k,v):
    if not isinstance(v,DcmMultiValue): return
    res[f'Multi{k}'] = 1
    for i,o in enumerate(v): res[f'{k}{"" if i==0 else i}']=o
github supervisely / supervisely / plugins / import / dicom / src / View on Github external
def get_LUT_value(data, window, level, rescale_intercept=0, rescale_slope=1):
    if isinstance(window, list) or isinstance(window, MultiValue):
        window = window[0]
    if isinstance(level, list) or isinstance(level, MultiValue):
        level = int(level[0])

    # some vendors use wrong rescale intercept and slope?
    if rescale_slope == 0 and rescale_intercept == 1:
        rescale_slope = 1
        rescale_intercept = 0

    m_w = window - 1
    m_l = level - 0.5

    rescaled_data = (data * rescale_slope) + rescale_intercept
    cond_list = [rescaled_data <= (m_l - m_w / 2), rescaled_data > (m_l + m_w / 2)]
    func_list = [0, 255, lambda v: ((v - m_l) / m_w + 0.5) * (255 - 0)]
    return np.piecewise(rescaled_data, cond_list, func_list)
github girder / girder / plugins / dicom_viewer / girder_dicom_viewer / View on Github external
        if isinstance(value, knownBaseType):
            return knownBaseType(value)

    # In Python3, pydicom does not treat the PersonName type as a subclass of a text type
    if isinstance(value, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName3):
        return value.encode('utf-8')

    # Handle lists (MultiValue) recursively
    if isinstance(value, pydicom.multival.MultiValue):
        if isinstance(value, pydicom.sequence.Sequence):
            # A pydicom Sequence is a nested list of Datasets, which is too complicated to flatten
            # now
            raise ValueError('Cannot coerce a Sequence')
        return list(map(_coerceValue, value))

    raise ValueError('Unknown type', type(value))
github ryanneph / PyMedImage / pymedimage / View on Github external
sets[l] = set()

    dcm_counter = 0
    for r, dirs, files in os.walk(root, topdown=True):
        # build the list of valid dicom file paths then load them after walk
        for file in files:
            _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file)
            if file_extension in ['.dcm', '.dicom']:
                    ds = read_dicom(os.path.join(r, file))
                    dcm_counter += 1

                    for l, s in sets.items():
                        val = ds.get(l)
                        if isinstance(val, pydicom.multival.MultiValue):
                            val = tuple(val)

        if (not recursive):
            # clear dirs so that walk stops after this level
            del dirs[:]

    if not silent:
        print('Finished probing {:d} dicom files.'.format(dcm_counter))
        print('Probe Results:')
        for l, s in sets.items():