How to use the pydevd._pydev_jy_imports_tipper.Info function in pydevd

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github deis / deis / pydevd / View on Github external
paramClassName = paramClassName.split('\'')[1]
                                paramClassName = repr(paramTypesClass) #just in case something else happens... it will at least be visible
                        #if the parameter equals [C, it means it it a char array, so, let's change it
                        a = formatParamClassName(paramClassName)
                        #a = a.replace('[]','Array')
                        #a = a.replace('Object', 'obj')
                        #a = a.replace('String', 's')
                        #a = a.replace('Integer', 'i')
                        #a = a.replace('Char', 'c')
                        #a = a.replace('Double', 'd')
                        args.append(a) #so we don't leave invalid code
                    info = Info(name, args=args, ret=ret)
                    #print_ info.basicAsStr()
            return 1, infos
    except Exception, e:
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        return 1, [Info(str('ERROR'), doc=s.getvalue())]
    return 0, None
github deis / deis / pydevd / View on Github external
nargs = func_code.co_argcount
                names = func_code.co_varnames
                args = list(names[:nargs])
                step = 0
                varargs = None
                if func_code.co_flags & func_code.CO_VARARGS:
                    varargs = func_code.co_varnames[nargs]
                    nargs = nargs + 1
                varkw = None
                if func_code.co_flags & func_code.CO_VARKEYWORDS:
                    varkw = func_code.co_varnames[nargs]
                return args, varargs, varkw
            args = getargs(func.func_code)
            return 1, [Info(func.func_name, args=args[0], varargs=args[1], kwargs=args[2], doc=func.func_doc)]
        if isinstance(func, core.PyMethod):
            #this is something from java itself, and jython just wrapped it...
            #things to play in func:
            #['__call__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__findattr__', '__name__', '_doget', 'im_class',
            #'im_func', 'im_self', 'toString']
            #print_ '    PyMethod'
            #that's the PyReflectedFunction... keep going to get it
            func = func.im_func
        if isinstance(func, PyReflectedFunction):
            #this is something from java itself, and jython just wrapped it...
            #print_ '    PyReflectedFunction'
github deis / deis / pydevd / View on Github external
#a = a.replace('String', 's')
                        #a = a.replace('Integer', 'i')
                        #a = a.replace('Char', 'c')
                        #a = a.replace('Double', 'd')
                        args.append(a) #so we don't leave invalid code
                    info = Info(name, args=args, ret=ret)
                    #print_ info.basicAsStr()
            return 1, infos
    except Exception, e:
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        return 1, [Info(str('ERROR'), doc=s.getvalue())]
    return 0, None