How to use the pydal.objects.Expression function in pydal

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pydal examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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items = [item] if item else []
            items = tableobj.query(filters, default_options=qo)

        if count_only:
            items = [len(items) if isinstance(items, list) else items.count()]
        elif not isinstance(items, list):
            if args_get("left", None):
                raise SyntaxError("Set: no left join in appengine")
            if args_get("groupby", None):
                raise SyntaxError("Set: no groupby in appengine")
            orderby = args_get("orderby", False)
            if orderby:
                if isinstance(orderby, (list, tuple)):
                    orderby = xorify(orderby)
                if isinstance(orderby, Expression):
                    orderby = self.expand(orderby)
                orders = orderby.split(", ")
                tbl = tableobj
                for order in orders:
                    order = str(order)
                    desc = order.startswith("-")
                    name = order[1 if desc else 0 :].split(".")[-1]
                    if name == "id":
                        o = -tbl._key if desc else tbl._key
                        o = -getattr(tbl, name) if desc else getattr(tbl, name)
                    items = items.order(o)

            if args_get("limitby", None):
                (lmin, lmax) = attributes["limitby"]
                limit = lmax - lmin
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                built = Expression(self.db, opm, left, right)
            # expression as string
            elif not (left or right):
                built = Expression(self.db, op)
                raise SyntaxError("Operator not supported: %s" % op)

        return built
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def len(self):
        return Expression(self.db, self._dialect.length, self, None, "integer")
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def __sub__(self, other):
        if self.type in ("integer", "bigint"):
            result_type = "integer"
        elif self.type in ["date", "time", "datetime", "double", "float"]:
            result_type = "double"
        elif self.type.startswith("decimal("):
            result_type = self.type
            raise SyntaxError("subtraction operation not supported for type")
        return Expression(self.db, self._dialect.sub, self, other, result_type)
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def extract_decade(self, expr):
        return Expression(expr.db, self.extract, expr, 'decade', 'integer')
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def min(self):
        return Expression(self.db, self._dialect.aggregate, self, "MIN", self.type)
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def expand_all(self, fields, tabledict):
        new_fields = []
        append = new_fields.append
        for item in fields:
            if isinstance(item, SQLALL):
                new_fields += item._table
            elif isinstance(item, str):
                m = REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(item)
                if m:
                    tablename, fieldname = m.groups()
                    append(Expression(self.db, lambda item=item: item))
        # ## if no fields specified take them all from the requested tables
        if not new_fields:
            for table in tabledict.values():
                for field in table:
        return new_fields
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def seconds(self):
        return Expression(self.db, self._dialect.extract, self, "second", "integer")
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elif op == "LT":
                built = left < right
            elif op == "LE":
                built = left <= right
            elif op in ("JOIN", "LEFT_JOIN", "RANDOM", "ALLOW_NULL"):
                built = Expression(self.db, opm)
            elif op in (
                built = Expression(self.db, opm, left)
            elif op in (
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def ilike(self, first, second, escape=None, query_env={}):
        if isinstance(second, Expression):
            second = self.expand(second, 'string', query_env=query_env)
            second = self.expand(second, 'string', query_env=query_env).lower()
            if escape is None:
                escape = '\\'
                second = second.replace(escape, escape * 2)
        if second.startswith("n'"):
            second = "N'" + second[2:]
        return "(%s LIKE %s ESCAPE '%s')" % (
            self.lower(first, query_env), second, escape)


pyDAL is a Database Abstraction Layer. It generates queries for SQlite, PotsgreSQL, MySQL, and other backends. It was originally part of the web2py frameworks but it is now an independent project. Example: db.define_table("thing",Field("name")) and db.thing.insert(name="Pizza")

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