How to use the pycldf.dataset.Dataset.from_metadata function in pycldf

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def test_CldfDownload(env, tmppath, mocker, capsys):
    from clld.web.adapters.cldf import CldfDownload

    tmp = tmppath / ''
    dl = CldfDownload(Dataset, 'clld')
    dl.create(env['request'], outfile=tmp, verbose=True)
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'Value' in out

    outdir = tmppath / 'cldf'
    with ZipFile(tmp.as_posix()) as zip:
        assert 'Wordlist-metadata.json' in zip.namelist()

    ds = CldfDataset.from_metadata(outdir.joinpath('Wordlist-metadata.json'))
    assert ds.module == 'Wordlist'
    values = list(ds[ds.primary_table])
    assert len(values) == 3
    for v in values:


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