How to use the pycares.errno.ARES_ENOTFOUND function in pycares

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github saghul / pycares / tests / View on Github external
def test_idna_encoding_query_a(self):
        host = 'españ'
        self.result, self.errorno = None, None
        def cb(result, errorno):
            self.result, self.errorno = result, errorno
        # try encoding it as utf-8, pycares.QUERY_TYPE_A, cb)
        self.assertEqual(self.errorno, pycares.errno.ARES_ENOTFOUND)
        self.assertEqual(self.result, None)
        # use it as is (it's IDNA encoded internally), pycares.QUERY_TYPE_A, cb)
        for r in self.result:
            self.assertEqual(type(r), pycares.ares_query_a_result)
            self.assertNotEqual(, None)
github slimta / python-slimta / test / View on Github external
def test_attempt_no_mx(self):
        env = Envelope('', [''])
        a_ret = FakeAAnswer(False, [('', )])
        mx = MxSmtpRelay()
        static = self.mox.CreateMock(StaticSmtpRelay)
        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(mx, 'new_static_relay')
        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(DNSResolver, 'query')
        DNSResolver.query('', 'MX').AndRaise(DNSError(ARES_ENOTFOUND))
        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndReturn(FakeAsyncResult(a_ret))
        mx.new_static_relay('', 25).AndReturn(static)
        static.attempt(env, 0)
        mx.attempt(env, 0)
github slimta / python-slimta / test / View on Github external
def test_check_dnsrbl(self):
        class TestSession(object):
            address = ('', 56789)
        class TestValidators(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.session = TestSession()
            def validate_mail(self, reply, sender):
                assert False

        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndRaise(DNSError(ARES_ENOTFOUND))
        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndReturn(FakeAsyncResult())
        validators = TestValidators()
        reply = Reply('250', '2.0.0 Ok')
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, validators.validate_mail, reply, 'asdf')
        self.assertEqual('250', reply.code)
        self.assertEqual('2.0.0 Ok', reply.message)
        validators.validate_mail(reply, 'asdf')
        self.assertEqual('550', reply.code)
        self.assertEqual('5.7.1 Access denied', reply.message)
github slimta / python-slimta / test / View on Github external
def test_attempt_no_records(self):
        env = Envelope('', [''])
        mx = MxSmtpRelay()
        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(mx, 'new_static_relay')
        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(DNSResolver, 'query')
        DNSResolver.query('', 'MX').AndRaise(DNSError(ARES_ENOTFOUND))
        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndRaise(DNSError(ARES_ENOTFOUND))
        with self.assertRaises(PermanentRelayError):
            mx.attempt(env, 0)
github slimta / python-slimta / test / View on Github external
def test_dnsblocklist_get(self):
        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndReturn(FakeAsyncResult())
        DNSResolver.query('', 'A').AndRaise(DNSError(ARES_ENOTFOUND))
        self.assertNotIn('', self.dnsbl)
github saghul / uvent / uvent / View on Github external
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from gevent.hub import get_hub, Waiter

Result = namedtuple('Result', ['value', 'exception'])

class Resolver(object):

    _ares_flag_map = [(getattr(socket, 'NI_NUMERICHOST', 1), pycares.ARES_NI_NUMERICHOST),
                      (getattr(socket, 'NI_NUMERICSERV', 2), pycares.ARES_NI_NUMERICSERV),
                      (getattr(socket, 'NI_NOFQDN',      4), pycares.ARES_NI_NOFQDN),
                      (getattr(socket, 'NI_NAMEREQD',    8), pycares.ARES_NI_NAMEREQD),
                      (getattr(socket, 'NI_DGRAM',      16), pycares.ARES_NI_DGRAM)]

    _ares_errno_map = {pycares.errno.ARES_ENOTFOUND: (socket.gaierror, (8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')),
                       pycares.errno.ARES_ENODATA: (socket.gaierror, (8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))}
    _ares_errno_map2 = {pycares.errno.ARES_ENOTFOUND: (socket.herror, (1, 'Unknown host')),
                        pycares.errno.ARES_ENODATA: (socket.gaierror, (8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))}
    _addrinfo_errno_map = {pyuv.errno.UV_ENOENT: (socket.gaierror, (8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))}

    def __init__(self, hub=None):
        self.hub = hub or get_hub()
        self._channel = pycares.Channel(sock_state_cb=self._sock_state_cb)
        self._timer = pyuv.Timer(self.hub.loop._loop)
        self._fd_map = {}

    def _sock_state_cb(self, fd, readable, writable):
        if readable or writable:
            if fd not in self._fd_map:
                # New socket
                handle = pyuv.Poll(self.hub.loop._loop, fd)
github slimta / python-slimta / slimta / util / View on Github external
:param ip: The IP address string to check.
        :param timeout: A timeout in seconds before ``False`` is returned.
        :param strict: If ``True``, DNS exceptions that are not ``NXDOMAIN``
                       (including timeouts) will also  result in a ``True``
                       return value.
        :returns: ``True`` if the DNSBL had an entry for the given IP address,
                  ``False`` otherwise.

        with gevent.Timeout(timeout, None):
            query = self._build_query(ip)
                DNSResolver.query(query, 'A').get()
            except DNSError as exc:
                if exc.errno == ARES_ENOTFOUND:
                    return False
                logging.log_exception(__name__, query=query)
                return not strict
                return True
        return strict