How to use the pybliometrics.scopus.utils.startup.config.add_section function in pybliometrics

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def create_config():
    """Initiates process to generate configuration file."""
    file_exists = exists(CONFIG_FILE)
    if not file_exists:
        # Set directories
        for key, value in DEFAULT_PATHS.items():
            config.set('Directories', key, value)
        # Set authentication
        prompt_key = "Please enter your API Key, obtained from "\
                     " \n"
        if py3:
            key = input(prompt_key)
            key = raw_input(prompt_key)
        config.set('Authentication', 'APIKey', key)
        prompt_token = "API Keys are sufficient for most users.  If you "\
                       "have to use Authtoken authentication, please enter "\
                       "the token, otherwise press Enter: \n"
        if py3:
            token = input(prompt_token)
            token = raw_input(prompt_token)
        if len(token) > 0:
            config.set('Authentication', 'InstToken', token)
github pybliometrics-dev / pybliometrics / pybliometrics / scopus / utils / View on Github external
def create_config():
    """Initiates process to generate configuration file."""
    file_exists = exists(CONFIG_FILE)
    if not file_exists:
        # Set directories
        for key, value in DEFAULT_PATHS.items():
            config.set('Directories', key, value)
        # Set authentication
        prompt_key = "Please enter your API Key, obtained from "\
                     " \n"
        if py3:
            key = input(prompt_key)
            key = raw_input(prompt_key)
        config.set('Authentication', 'APIKey', key)
        prompt_token = "API Keys are sufficient for most users.  If you "\
                       "have to use Authtoken authentication, please enter "\
                       "the token, otherwise press Enter: \n"
        if py3:
            token = input(prompt_token)