How to use the pyactiveresource.util.pluralize function in pyactiveresource

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def __new__(mcs, name, bases, new_attrs):
        """Create a new class.

            mcs: The metaclass.
            name: The name of the class.
            bases: List of base classes from which mcs inherits.
            new_attrs: The class attribute dictionary.
        if '_singular' not in new_attrs or not new_attrs['_singular']:
            new_attrs['_singular'] = util.underscore(name)

        if '_plural' not in new_attrs or not new_attrs['_plural']:
            new_attrs['_plural'] = util.pluralize(new_attrs['_singular'])

        klass = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, new_attrs)

        # if _site is defined, use the site property to ensure that user
        # and password are properly initialized.
        if '_site' in new_attrs:
   = new_attrs['_site']

        return klass