How to use the py2neo.cypher.cypher_escape function in py2neo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few py2neo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def find(self, label, property_key=None, property_value=None, limit=None):
        """ Iterate through a set of labelled nodes, optionally filtering
        by property key and value
        if not label:
            raise ValueError("Empty label")
        from py2neo.cypher import cypher_escape
        if property_key is None:
            statement = "MATCH (n:%s) RETURN n,labels(n)" % cypher_escape(label)
            parameters = {}
            statement = "MATCH (n:%s {%s:{V}}) RETURN n,labels(n)" % (
                cypher_escape(label), cypher_escape(property_key))
            parameters = {"V": property_value}
        if limit:
            statement += " LIMIT %s" % limit
        cursor =, parameters)
        while cursor.move():
            a = cursor[0]
            yield a
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def _merge_nodes(tx, p_label, p_key, labels, data):

    :param tx:
    :param p_label:
    :param p_key:
    :param labels:
    :param data: list of (p_value, properties)
    assert isinstance(labels, frozenset)
    label_string = ":".join(cypher_escape(label) for label in sorted(labels))
    cypher = "UNWIND $x AS data MERGE (_:%s {%s:data[0]}) SET _:%s SET _ = data[1] RETURN id(_)" % (
        cypher_escape(p_label), cypher_escape(p_key), label_string)
    for record in, x=data):
        yield record[0]
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def merge(self, label, property_key=None, property_value=None, limit=None):
        """ Match or create a node by label and optional property and return
        all matching nodes.
        if not label:
            raise ValueError("Empty label")
        from py2neo.cypher import cypher_escape
        if property_key is None:
            statement = "MERGE (n:%s) RETURN n" % cypher_escape(label)
            parameters = {}
        elif not isinstance(property_key, string):
            raise TypeError("Property key must be textual")
        elif property_value is None:
            raise ValueError("Both key and value must be specified for a property")
            statement = "MERGE (n:%s {%s:{V}}) RETURN n" % (
                cypher_escape(label), cypher_escape(property_key))
            parameters = {"V": coerce_property(property_value)}
        if limit:
            statement += " LIMIT %s" % limit
        cursor =, parameters)
        for record in cursor.collect():
            yield record[0]
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def drop_uniqueness_constraint(self, label, property_key):
        """ Remove the node uniqueness constraint for a given label and
        property key.
        cypher = "DROP CONSTRAINT ON (_:{}) ASSERT _.{} IS UNIQUE".format(
            cypher_escape(label), cypher_escape(property_key))
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def _create_nodes(tx, labels, data):
    assert isinstance(labels, frozenset)
    label_string = "".join(":" + cypher_escape(label) for label in sorted(labels))
    cypher = "UNWIND $x AS data CREATE (_%s) SET _ = data RETURN id(_)" % label_string
    for record in, x=data):
        yield record[0]
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def _merge_relationships(tx, r_type, data):

    :param tx:
    :param r_type:
    :param data: list of (a_id, b_id, properties)
    cypher = ("UNWIND $x AS data "
              "MATCH (a) WHERE id(a) = data[0] "
              "MATCH (b) WHERE id(b) = data[1] "
              "MERGE (a)-[_:%s]->(b) SET _ = data[2] RETURN id(_)" % cypher_escape(r_type))
    for record in, x=data):
        yield record[0]
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def _query_and_parameters(self, count=False):
        """ A tuple of the Cypher query and parameters used to select
        the nodes that match the criteria for this selection.

        :return: Cypher query string
        clauses = ["MATCH (_%s)" % "".join(":%s" % cypher_escape(label) for label in self._labels)]
        parameters = {}
        if self._conditions:
            conditions = []
            for condition in self._conditions:
                if isinstance(condition, tuple):
                    condition, param = condition
            clauses.append("WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(conditions))
        if count:
            clauses.append("RETURN count(_)")
            clauses.append("RETURN _")
            if self._order_by:
                clauses.append("ORDER BY %s" % (", ".join(self._order_by)))
            if self._skip:
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raise ValueError("Node %r does not belong to this graph" % n)
            if n.identity is None:
                raise ValueError("Node %r is not bound to a graph" % n)

        def r_type_name(r):
                return r.__name__
            except AttributeError:
                return r

        clauses = []
        parameters = {}
        if self._r_type is None:
            relationship_detail = ""
        elif is_collection(self._r_type):
            relationship_detail = ":" + "|:".join(cypher_escape(r_type_name(t)) for t in self._r_type)
            relationship_detail = ":%s" % cypher_escape(r_type_name(self._r_type))
        if not self._nodes:
            clauses.append("MATCH (a)-[_" + relationship_detail + "]->(b)")
        elif isinstance(self._nodes, Sequence):
            if len(self._nodes) >= 1 and self._nodes[0] is not None:
                start_node = Node.cast(self._nodes[0])
                clauses.append("MATCH (a) WHERE id(a) = {x}")
                parameters["x"] = start_node.identity
            if len(self._nodes) >= 2 and self._nodes[1] is not None:
                end_node = Node.cast(self._nodes[1])
                clauses.append("MATCH (b) WHERE id(b) = {y}")
                parameters["y"] = end_node.identity
            if len(self._nodes) >= 3: