How to use the pulse2percept.utils.conv function in pulse2percept

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# Although the paper says to use cathodic-first, the code only
        # reproduces if we use what we now call anodic-first. So flip the sign
        # on the stimulus here:
        stim = -self.calc_layer_current(in_arr, pt_list, layers)

        # R1 convolved the entire stimulus (with both pos + neg parts)
        r1 = self.tsample * utils.conv(stim, self.gamma1, mode='full',

        # It's possible that charge accumulation was done on the anodic phase.
        # It might not matter too much (timing is slightly different, but the
        # data are not accurate enough to warrant using one over the other).
        # Thus use what makes the most sense: accumulate on cathodic
        ca = self.tsample * np.cumsum(np.maximum(0, -stim))
        ca = self.tsample * utils.conv(ca, self.gamma2, mode='full',
        r2 = r1 - self.epsilon * ca

        # Then half-rectify and pass through the power-nonlinearity
        r3 = np.maximum(0.0, r2) ** self.beta

        # Then convolve with slow gamma
        r4 = self.tsample * utils.conv(r3, self.gamma3, mode='full',

        return utils.TimeSeries(self.tsample, r4)
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Charge accumulation is calculated on the effective input current
        `ecm`, as opposed to the output of the fast response stage.

        ecm: array - like
            A 2D array specifying the effective current values at a particular
            spatial location(pixel); one value per retinal layer, averaged
            over all electrodes through that pixel.
            Dimensions: <  # layers x #time points>
        ca = np.zeros_like(ecm)

        for i in range(ca.shape[0]):
            summed = self.tsample * np.cumsum(np.abs(ecm[i, :]))
            conved = self.tsample * utils.conv(summed, self.gamma_ca,
                                               mode='full', method='fft')
            ca[i, :] = self.scale_ca * conved[:ecm.shape[-1]]
        return ca
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If True (default), use numba just - in-time compilation.
        usefft: bool, optional
           If False (default), use sparseconv, else fftconvolve.

        Fast response, b2(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012).

        The function utils.sparseconv can be much faster than np.convolve and
        signal.fftconvolve if `stim` is sparse and much longer than the
        convolution kernel.
        The output is not converted to a TimeSeries object for speedup.
        conv = utils.conv(stim, gamma, mode='full', method=method,

        # Cut off the tail of the convolution to make the output signal
        # match the dimensions of the input signal.
        return self.tsample * conv[:stim.shape[-1]]
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stim: array
           Temporal signal to process, stim(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012)

        Slow response, b5(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012).

        This is by far the most computationally involved part of the perceptual
        sensitivity model.
        Conversion to TimeSeries is avoided for the sake of speedup.
        # No need to zero-pad: fftconvolve already takes care of optimal
        # kernel/data size
        conv = utils.conv(stim, self.gamma_slow, method='fft', mode='full')

        # Cut off the tail of the convolution to make the output signal match
        # the dimensions of the input signal.
        return self.scale_slow * self.tsample * conv[:stim.shape[-1]]
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        # It's possible that charge accumulation was done on the anodic phase.
        # It might not matter too much (timing is slightly different, but the
        # data are not accurate enough to warrant using one over the other).
        # Thus use what makes the most sense: accumulate on cathodic
        ca = self.tsample * np.cumsum(np.maximum(0, -stim))
        ca = self.tsample * utils.conv(ca, self.gamma2, mode='full',
        r2 = r1 - self.epsilon * ca

        # Then half-rectify and pass through the power-nonlinearity
        r3 = np.maximum(0.0, r2) ** self.beta

        # Then convolve with slow gamma
        r4 = self.tsample * utils.conv(r3, self.gamma3, mode='full',

        return utils.TimeSeries(self.tsample, r4)