How to use the publish.plugin function in publish

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few publish examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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"""Perform process step `process` upon context `context`

        process (str): Type of process to apply
        context (Context): Context upon which to appy process

        >>> ctx = Context()
        >>> process('validators', ctx)


    assert isinstance(context, Context)

    plugins =

    for instance in context:
        family = instance.config.get('family')"Processing {inst} ({family})".format(
            inst=instance, family=family))

        # Run tests for pre-defined host and family
        for PluginClass in plugins:
            plugin = PluginClass(context)

            if not current_host() in plugin.hosts:

            if not family in plugin.families:
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / plugins / View on Github external
import publish.lib
import publish.config
import publish.plugin

import maya.cmds as cmds

class SelectObjectSet(publish.plugin.Selector):
    """Select instances of node-type 'transform'

    Opens up the doors for instances containing nodes of any type,
    but lacks the ability to be nested with DAG nodes.

    E.g.          -> /root/MyCharacter.publishable/an_object_set


    hosts = ['maya']
    version = (0, 1, 0)

    def process(self, context):
        for objset in"*." + publish.config.identifier,
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / View on Github external
import os

# Publish libraries
import publish.plugin

# Host libraries
from maya import mel
from maya import cmds

# Register accompanying plugins
plugin_path = os.path.join(
        publish.plugin.__file__), 'integration', 'maya', 'plugins')

print "Registered %s" % plugin_path

def eval_append_to_filemenu():
    """Add Publish to file-menu

    .. note:: We're going a bit hacky here, probably due to my lack
        of understanding for `evalDeferred` or `executeDeferred`,
        so if you can think of a better solution, feel free to edit.


    # As Maya builds its menus dynamically upon being accessed,
    # we force its build here prior to adding our entry using it's
    # native mel function call.
    mel.eval("evalDeferred buildFileMenu")
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# Standard library
import os

# Publish libraries
import publish.plugin

# Host libraries
from maya import mel
from maya import cmds

# Register accompanying plugins
plugin_path = os.path.join(
        publish.plugin.__file__), 'integration', 'maya', 'plugins')

print "Registered %s" % plugin_path

def eval_append_to_filemenu():
    """Add Publish to file-menu

    .. note:: We're going a bit hacky here, probably due to my lack
        of understanding for `evalDeferred` or `executeDeferred`,
        so if you can think of a better solution, feel free to edit.


    # As Maya builds its menus dynamically upon being accessed,
    # we force its build here prior to adding our entry using it's
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / plugins / View on Github external
import publish.plugin

class ValidateUniqueNames(publish.plugin.Validator):

    def families(self):
        return ['model', 'animation', 'animRig']

    def hosts(self):
        return ['maya']

    def version(self):
        return (0, 1, 0)

    def process(self):
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / plugins / View on Github external
import publish.plugin
import publish.config

import maya.cmds as cmds

class SelectTransform(publish.plugin.Selector):
    """Select instances of node-type 'transform'

    Opens up the doors for nested instances.

    E.g.          -> /root/characters_GRP/MyCharacter.publishable
    As opposed to -> /root/MyCharacter.publishable

    But lacks ability to append non-DAG nodes.

    E.g.          -> /root/MyCharacter.publishable/an_object_set


    def hosts(self):
        return ['maya']
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / plugins / View on Github external
import publish.plugin

import pymel.core as pm

class ValidateMeshHistory(publish.plugin.Validator):
    """Check meshes for construction history"""

    def families(self):
        return ['model']

    def hosts(self):
        return ['maya']

    def version(self):
        return (0, 1, 0)

    def process(self):
        for node in self.instance:
github pyblish / pyblish-base / publish / integration / maya / plugins / View on Github external
import publish.plugin

from maya import cmds

class ValidateMutedChannels(publish.plugin.Validator):
    """Ensure no muted channels exists in scene

    Todo: Ensure no muted channels are associated with involved nodes
        At the moment, the entire scene is checked.


    def families(self):
        return ['model']

    def hosts(self):
        return ['maya']
