How to use the psyplot.docstring.docstrings function in psyplot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few psyplot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@docstrings.get_sectionsf('check_key', sections=['Parameters', 'Returns',
def check_key(key, possible_keys, raise_error=True,
              name='formatoption keyword',
              msg=("See show_fmtkeys function for possible formatopion "
              *args, **kwargs):
    Checks whether the key is in a list of possible keys

    This function checks whether the given `key` is in `possible_keys` and if
    not looks for similar sounding keys

    key: str
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def _gen_examples(cls, identifier):
        """Generate examples how to axes the formatoption docs"""
        return docstrings.dedents("""
            To explore the formatoptions and their documentations, use the
            ``keys``, ``summaries`` and ``docs`` methods. For example::

                # show the keys corresponding to a group or multiple
                # formatopions
                >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)s.keys('labels')

                # show the summaries of a group of formatoptions or of a
                # formatoption
                >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)s.summaries('title')

                # show the full documentation
                >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)'plot')
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    def find_and_replace(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Like :meth:`find_all` but the given strings are replaced

        This method returns a dictionary-like object that keeps weak reference
        to this rcParams instance. The resulting `SubDict` instance takes the
        keys from this rcParams instance but leaves away what is found in

        ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are determined by the :class:`SubDict`
        class, where the `base` dictionary is this one.

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def get_parser(create=True):
    """Return a parser to make that can be used to make plots or open files
    from the command line

        The :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance"""
    #: The parse that is used to parse arguments from the command line
    epilog = docstrings.get_sections(docstrings.dedents("""

        Here are some examples on how to use psyplot from the command line.

        Plot the variable ``'t2m'`` in a netCDF file ``''`` and save
        the plot to ``'plot.pdf'``::

            $ psyplot -n t2m -pm mapplot -o test.pdf

        Create two plots for ``'t2m'`` with the first and second timestep on
        the second vertical level::

            $ psyplot -n t2m  -pm mapplot -o test.pdf -d t,0,1 z,1

        If you have save a project using the
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        def base_fmtos(base):
            return filter(
                lambda key: isinstance(getattr(cls, key), Formatoption),
                getattr(base, '_get_formatoptions', empty)(False))

        def empty(*args, **kwargs):
            return list()
        fmtos = (attr for attr, obj in six.iteritems(cls.__dict__)
                 if isinstance(obj, Formatoption))
        if not include_bases:
            return fmtos
        return unique_everseen(chain(fmtos, *map(base_fmtos, cls.__mro__)))

    docstrings.keep_types('check_key.parameters', 'kwargs',

    def _enhance_keys(cls, keys=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Enhance the given keys by groups

        keys: list of str or None
            If None, the all formatoptions of the given class are used. Group
            names from the :attr:`psyplot.plotter.groups` mapping are replaced
            by the formatoptions
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def project(num=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a new main project

    num: int
        The number of the project

        The with the given `num` (if it does not already exist, it is created)

    See Also
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def multiple_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, maxplots=None, n=1, delete=True,
                      for_maps=False, *args, **kwargs):
    Function to create subplots.

    This function creates so many subplots on so many figures until the
    specified number `n` is reached.

    rows: int
        The number of subplots per rows
    cols: int
        The number of subplots per column
    maxplots: int
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    def _njobs(self):
        if self.disabled:
            return [0]
        return [1, 1]
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    def __init__(self, key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None,
                 additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[],
        key: str
            formatoption key in the `plotter`
        plotter: psyplot.plotter.Plotter
            Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is
            assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.
        index_in_list: int or None
            The index that shall be used if the data is a
        additional_children: list or str