How to use the function in psychtoolbox

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few psychtoolbox examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github psychopy / psychopy / psychopy / sound / View on Github external
def getDevices(kind=None):
    """Returns a dict of dict of audio devices of specified `kind`

    The dict keys are names and items are dicts of properties
    devs = {}
    if travisCI:  # travis-CI testing does not have a sound device
        return devs
        allDevs = audio.get_devices(kind)
    # annoyingly query_devices is a DeviceList or a dict depending on number
    if type(allDevs) == dict:
        allDevs = [allDevs]
    for ii, dev in enumerate(allDevs):
        # newline characters must be removed
        devName = dev['name'].replace('\r\n', '')
        devs[devName] = dev
        dev['id'] = ii
    return devs