Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def prepare(self):
im = self._to_pil()
x, y = self.to_xy(self.x, self.y)
if not
x += im.width // 2
y -= im.height // 2
self._stim = visual.SimpleImageStim(, im, pos=(x, y))
from psychopy import visual, core, event, sound
win = visual.Window()
text = visual.TextStim(win, text='Hello world!')
text.setText('Press X to play sound')
snd = sound.Sound('sounds/telephone-ring.wav')
#!/usr/bin/env python
from psychopy import visual, core, event
import pygame.joystick
#create a window to draw in
myWin = visual.Window((800.0,800.0), allowGUI=False)
pygame.joystick.init()#initialise the module
if event.joystick.get_count()>0:
myJoystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
myJoystick.init()#initialise the device
print 'found ', myJoystick.get_name(), ' with:'
print '...', myJoystick.get_numbuttons(), ' buttons'
print '...', myJoystick.get_numhats(), ' hats'
print '...', myJoystick.get_numaxes(), ' analogue axes'
print "You don't have a joystick connected!?"
coord_type = display.getCoordinateType()
psychoStim['grating'] = visual.PatchStim(psychoWindow, mask="circle",
size=75,pos=[-100,0], sf=.075,
psychoStim['fixation'] =visual.PatchStim(psychoWindow, size=25,
pos=[0,0], sf=0,
psychoStim['mouseDot'] =visual.GratingStim(psychoWindow,tex=None,
# Clear all events from the global event buffer,
# and from the device level event buffers.
# Draw the dtim and flip the screen to the updated display graphics
[psychoStim[stimName].draw() for stimName in psychoStim]
# Get the stimulus display inxed being used, so Mouse events can be filtered by
pos -- a (x,y) tuple that makes sense to PsychoPy (i.e. (0,0) is
display center; bottom left is (-,-) and top right is
keyword arguments
dispsize -- a (width, height) tuple for the display resolution or None
for autodetecting the size of current active window
(default = None)
pos -- a (x,y) position tuple, assuming (0,0) is top left
if dispsize == None:
dispsize = tuple(psychopy.visual.openWindows[SCREENNR].size)
x = pos[0] + dispsize[0]/2
y = (pos[1] * -1) + dispsize[1]/2
return (x,y)
from __future__ import division
from psychopy import visual, event
from numpy import sin, pi # numeric python
if True: # use two positions on one screen
winL = visual.Window(size=[400, 300], pos=[100, 200], screen=0,
allowGUI=False) # , fullscr=True)
winR = visual.Window(size=[400, 300], pos=[400, 200], screen=0,
allowGUI=False) # , fullscr=True) # same screen diff place
winL = visual.Window(size=[400, 300], pos=[100, 200], screen=0,
allowGUI=False, fullscr=False)
winR = visual.Window(size=[400, 300], pos=[100, 200], screen=1,
allowGUI=False, fullscr=False) # same place diff screen
# create some stimuli
# NB. if the windows have the same characteristics then
# left screen
contextPatchL = visual.GratingStim(winL, tex='sin', mask='circle',
size=1.0, sf=3.0, texRes=512)
targetStimL = visual.GratingStim(winL, ori=20, tex='sin', mask='circle',
size=0.4, sf=3.0, texRes=512, autoLog=False)
# right screen
contextPatchR = visual.GratingStim(winR, tex='sin', mask='circle',
size=1.0, sf=3.0, texRes=512)
targetStimR =visual.GratingStim(winR, ori=20, tex='sin', mask='circle',
size=0.4, sf=3.0, texRes=512, autoLog=False)
# Minimal Oculus Rift head-mounted display example. Press the 'q' key or use
# the application GUI to exit. Requires PsychXR to be installed.
# This file is public domain.
from psychopy import visual, event, core # visual imported, even if not used!
# Create a VR session, treat the returned object just like a regular window.
hmd = visual.Rift()
# loop until the user quits the app through the GUI menu
stopApp = False
while not stopApp:
for i in ('left', 'right'):
hmd.setBuffer(i) # select the eye buffer to draw to
# Setup the viewing parameters for the current buffer, this needs to be
# called every time the buffer changes.
# For standard PsychoPy stimuli (e.g. GratingStim, ImageStim, etc.) you
# should use 'setDefaultView' with 'mono=True' when creating a
# visual.Rift instance. This configures the headset to properly render
# 2D stimuli, treating the HMD as a monitor.
from psychopy import visual, core, event
from import cart2pol
# We only need these two commands from numpy.random:
from numpy.random import random, shuffle
win = visual.Window([1024, 768], units='pix', monitor='testMonitor')
N = 500
fieldSize = 500
elemSize = 40
coherence = 0.5
# build a standard (but dynamic!) global form stimulus
xys = random([N, 2]) * fieldSize - fieldSize / 2.0 # numpy vector
globForm = visual.ElementArrayStim(win,
nElements=N, sizes=elemSize, sfs=3,
xys=xys, colors=[180, 1, 1], colorSpace='hsv')
# calculate the orientations for global form stimulus
def makeCoherentOris(XYs, coherence, formAngle):
# length along the first dimension:
nNew = XYs.shape[0]
# random orientations:
newOris = random(nNew) * 180
# select some elements to be coherent
possibleIndices = list(range(nNew)) # create an array of indices
shuffle(possibleIndices) # shuffle it 'in-place' (no new array)
coherentIndices = possibleIndices[0: int(nNew * coherence)]
# get the index of the screen to create the PsychoPy window in.
# Create a psychopy window, full screen resolution, full screen mode, pix units, with no boarder, using the monitor
# profile name 'test monitor, which is created on the fly right now by the script
psychoWindow = visual.Window(screen_resolution, monitor="testMonitor", units=coord_type, fullscr=True, allowGUI=False,screen=screen_index)
# Hide the 'system mouse cursor' so we can display a cool gaussian mask for a mouse cursor.
# Create an ordered dictionary of psychopy stimuli. An ordered dictionary is one that returns keys in the order
# they are added, you you can use it to reference stim by a name or by 'zorder'
psychoStim['grating'] = visual.PatchStim(psychoWindow, mask="circle", size=75,pos=[-100,0], sf=.075)
psychoStim['fixation'] =visual.PatchStim(psychoWindow, size=25, pos=[0,0], sf=0, color=[-1,-1,-1], colorSpace='rgb')
psychoStim['mouseDot'] =visual.GratingStim(psychoWindow,tex=None, mask="gauss", pos=currentPosition,size=(50,50),color='purple')
# Clear all events from the global and device level event buffers.
# Loop until we get a keyboard event with the space, Enter (Return), or Escape key is pressed.
while QUIT_EXP is False:
# for each loop, update the grating phase
psychoStim['grating'].setPhase(0.05, '+')#advance phase by 0.05 of a cycle
# and update the mouse contingent gaussian based on the current mouse location
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Demo of several visual stimuli depending on the mouse position.
from __future__ import division
from psychopy import visual, event, core
import numpy
win = visual.Window([600, 600], color='black')
gabor = visual.GratingStim(win, mask='gauss', pos=[-0.5, -0.5], color=[0, 0, 1], sf=5, ori=30)
movie = visual.MovieStim3(win, '', units='pix', pos=[100, 100], size=[160, 120])
txt = u"unicode (eg \u03A8 \u040A \u03A3)"
text = visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0.5, -0.5], text=txt, font=['Times New Roman'])
faceRGB = visual.ImageStim(win, image='face.jpg', pos=[-0.5, 0.5])
mouse = event.Mouse()
instr = visual.TextStim(win, text='move the mouse around')
t = 0.0
while not event.getKeys() and not mouse.getPressed()[0]:
# get mouse events
mouse_dX, mouse_dY = mouse.getRel()
gabor.ori -= mouse_dY * 10
text.ori += mouse_dY * 10
faceRGB.ori += mouse_dY * 10