How to use the presidio-analyzer.analyzer.analyzer_engine.AnalyzerEngine.__remove_duplicates function in presidio-analyzer

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github microsoft / presidio / presidio-analyzer / analyzer / View on Github external
# run the nlp pipeline over the given text, store the results in
        # a NlpArtifacts instance
        nlp_artifacts = self.nlp_engine.process_text(text, language)
        results = []
        for recognizer in recognizers:
            # Lazy loading of the relevant recognizers
            if not recognizer.is_loaded:
                recognizer.is_loaded = True

            # analyze using the current recognizer and append the results
            current_results = recognizer.analyze(text, entities, nlp_artifacts)
            if current_results:

        return AnalyzerEngine.__remove_duplicates(results)


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