How to use the prawcore.exceptions.InvalidInvocation function in prawcore

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def __init__(self, authorizer):
        """Preprare the connection to reddit's API.

        :param authorizer: An instance of :class:`Authorizer`.

        if not isinstance(authorizer, BaseAuthorizer):
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "invalid Authorizer: {}".format(authorizer)
        self._authorizer = authorizer
        self._rate_limiter = RateLimiter()
        self._retry_strategy_class = FiniteRetryStrategy
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def refresh(self):
        """Obtain a new access token from the refresh_token."""
        if self.refresh_token is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("refresh token not provided")
            grant_type="refresh_token", refresh_token=self.refresh_token
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def _validate_authenticator(self):
        if not isinstance(self._authenticator, self.AUTHENTICATOR_CLASS):
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "Must use a authenticator of type {}.".format(
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        """Create an instance of the Requestor class.

        :param user_agent: The user-agent for your application. Please follow
            reddit's user-agent guidlines:
        :param oauth_url: (Optional) The URL used to make OAuth requests to the
            reddit site. (Default:
        :param reddit_url: (Optional) The URL used when obtaining access
            tokens. (Default:
        :param session: (Optional) A session to handle requests, compatible
            with requests.Session(). (Default: None)
        if user_agent is None or len(user_agent) < 7:
            raise InvalidInvocation("user_agent is not descriptive")

        self._http = session or requests.Session()
        self._http.headers["User-Agent"] = "{} prawcore/{}".format(
            user_agent, __version__

        self.oauth_url = oauth_url
        self.reddit_url = reddit_url
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:param duration: Either ``permanent`` or ``temporary``. ``temporary``
            authorizations generate access tokens that last only 1
            hour. ``permanent`` authorizations additionally generate a refresh
            token that can be indefinitely used to generate new hour-long
            access tokens. Only ``temporary`` can be specified if ``implicit``
            is set to ``True``.
        :param scopes: A list of OAuth scopes to request authorization for.
        :param state: A string that will be reflected in the callback to
            ``redirect_uri``. This value should be temporarily unique to the
            client for whom the URL was generated for.
        :param implicit: (optional) Use the implicit grant flow (default:
            False). This flow is only available for UntrustedAuthenticators.

        if self.redirect_uri is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("redirect URI not provided")
        if implicit and not isinstance(self, UntrustedAuthenticator):
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "Only UntrustedAuthentictor instances can "
                "use the implicit grant flow."
        if implicit and duration != "temporary":
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "The implicit grant flow only supports "
                "temporary access tokens."

        params = {
            "client_id": self.client_id,
            "duration": duration,
            "redirect_uri": self.redirect_uri,
            "response_type": "token" if implicit else "code",
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hour. ``permanent`` authorizations additionally generate a refresh
            token that can be indefinitely used to generate new hour-long
            access tokens. Only ``temporary`` can be specified if ``implicit``
            is set to ``True``.
        :param scopes: A list of OAuth scopes to request authorization for.
        :param state: A string that will be reflected in the callback to
            ``redirect_uri``. This value should be temporarily unique to the
            client for whom the URL was generated for.
        :param implicit: (optional) Use the implicit grant flow (default:
            False). This flow is only available for UntrustedAuthenticators.

        if self.redirect_uri is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("redirect URI not provided")
        if implicit and not isinstance(self, UntrustedAuthenticator):
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "Only UntrustedAuthentictor instances can "
                "use the implicit grant flow."
        if implicit and duration != "temporary":
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "The implicit grant flow only supports "
                "temporary access tokens."

        params = {
            "client_id": self.client_id,
            "duration": duration,
            "redirect_uri": self.redirect_uri,
            "response_type": "token" if implicit else "code",
            "scope": " ".join(scopes),
            "state": state,
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def revoke(self):
        """Revoke the current Authorization."""
        if self.access_token is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("no token available to revoke")

        self._authenticator.revoke_token(self.access_token, "access_token")
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:param state: A string that will be reflected in the callback to
            ``redirect_uri``. This value should be temporarily unique to the
            client for whom the URL was generated for.
        :param implicit: (optional) Use the implicit grant flow (default:
            False). This flow is only available for UntrustedAuthenticators.

        if self.redirect_uri is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("redirect URI not provided")
        if implicit and not isinstance(self, UntrustedAuthenticator):
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "Only UntrustedAuthentictor instances can "
                "use the implicit grant flow."
        if implicit and duration != "temporary":
            raise InvalidInvocation(
                "The implicit grant flow only supports "
                "temporary access tokens."

        params = {
            "client_id": self.client_id,
            "duration": duration,
            "redirect_uri": self.redirect_uri,
            "response_type": "token" if implicit else "code",
            "scope": " ".join(scopes),
            "state": state,
        url = self._requestor.reddit_url + const.AUTHORIZATION_PATH
        request = Request("GET", url, params=params)
        return request.prepare().url
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def authorize(self, code):
        """Obtain and set authorization tokens based on ``code``.

        :param code: The code obtained by an out-of-band authorization request
            to Reddit.

        if self._authenticator.redirect_uri is None:
            raise InvalidInvocation("redirect URI not provided")