How to use the prance.util.url function in prance

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few prance examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jfinkhaeuser / prance / tests / View on Github external
full = os.path.join(path, entry)
    testcase_name = None
    if os.path.isfile(full):
      testcase_name = make_name(full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry)
    elif os.path.isdir(full):
      if parser == 'BaseParser':
        continue  # skip separate files for the BaseParser
      full = os.path.join(full, 'spec', 'swagger.%s' % (file_format))
      if os.path.isfile(full):
        testcase_name = make_name(full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry)

    if testcase_name:
      dirname = os.path.dirname(full)
      dirname = dirname.replace('\\', '\\\\')
      from prance.util import url  
      absurl = url.absurl(os.path.abspath(full)).geturl()
      code = """
def %s():
  import os
  cur = os.getcwd()


  from prance import %s
    parser = %s('%s', backend = '%s')
""" % (testcase_name, dirname, parser, parser, absurl, backend)
      exec(code, globals())
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / tests / View on Github external
def test_convert_url():
  from prance.util import url
  converted, content_type = convert.convert_url(url.absurl('python://tests/specs/petstore.yaml'))

  # Check correct content type
  assert 'yaml' in content_type

  # Parsing can't fail.
  from prance.util import formats
  parsed = formats.parse_spec(converted, content_type = content_type)

  # Assert the correct target version
  assert 'openapi' in parsed
  assert parsed['openapi'].startswith('3.')
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if entry.startswith('.'):  # skip hidden files
    if os.path.isfile(full):
      testcase_name = make_name(full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry)
    elif os.path.isdir(full):
      if parser == 'BaseParser':
        continue  # skip separate files for the BaseParser
      full = os.path.join(full, 'spec', 'swagger.%s' % (file_format))
      if os.path.isfile(full):
        testcase_name = make_name(full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry)

    if testcase_name:
      dirname = os.path.dirname(full)
      dirname = dirname.replace('\\', '\\\\')
      from prance.util import url  
      absurl = url.absurl(os.path.abspath(full)).geturl()
      code = """
def %s():
  import os
  cur = os.getcwd()


  from prance import %s
    parser = %s('%s', backend = '%s')
""" % (testcase_name, dirname, parser, parser, absurl, backend)
      exec(code, globals())
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / tests / View on Github external
def test_absurl_http():
  test = ''
  res = url.absurl(test)
  assert res.geturl() == test
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / tests / View on Github external
def test_urlresource():
  parsed = url.absurl('')
  res = url.urlresource(parsed)
  assert res == ''
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / prance / util / View on Github external
:param callable recursion_limit_handler: [optional] A callable that
        gets invoked when the recursion_limit is reached. Defaults to
        raising ResolutionError. Receives the recursion_limit as the
        first parameter, and the parsed reference URL as the second.
    import copy
    self.specs = copy.deepcopy(specs)
    self.url = url

    self.__reclimit = options.get('recursion_limit', 1)
    self.__reclimit_handler = options.get('recursion_limit_handler',
    self.__reference_cache = options.get('reference_cache', {})

    if self.url:
      self.parsed_url = _url.absurl(self.url)
      self._url_key = _url.urlresource(self.parsed_url)

      # If we have a url, we want to add ourselves to the reference cache
      # - that creates a reference loop, but prevents child resolvers from
      # creating a new resolver for this url.
      if self.specs:
        self.__reference_cache[self._url_key] = self.specs
      self.parsed_url = self._url_key = None
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / prance / util / View on Github external
def _dereference(self, ref_url, obj_path, recursions):
    Dereference the URL and object path.

    Returns the dereferenced object.

    :param mixed ref_url: The URL at which the reference is located.
    :param list obj_path: The object path within the URL resource.
    :param tuple recursions: A recursion stack for resolving references.
    :return: A copy of the dereferenced value, with all internal references
    # In order to start dereferencing anything in the referenced URL, we have
    # to read and parse it, of course.
    contents = _url.fetch_url(ref_url, self.__reference_cache)

    # In this inner parser's specification, we can now look for the referenced
    # object.
    value = contents
    if len(obj_path) != 0:
      from prance.util.path import path_get
        value = path_get(value, obj_path)
      except KeyError:
        raise _url.ResolutionError('Cannot resolve reference "%s"!'
            % (ref_url.geturl(), ))

    # Deep copy value; we don't want to create recursive structures
    import copy
    value = copy.deepcopy(value)
github jfinkhaeuser / prance / prance / View on Github external
def convert(url_or_path, output_file):
  Convert the given spec to OpenAPI 3.x.y.

  The conversion uses the web API provided by to perform the
  conversion. As long as that service is kept up-to-date and you have an
  internet connection, conversion should work and should convert to the latest
  version of the specs.
  # Convert call
  from .util import url
  import os
  absurl = url.absurl(url_or_path, os.getcwd())

  from .convert import convert_url
  content, content_type = convert_url(absurl)

  # Write output
  if output_file is None:
    from .util import fs
    fs.write_file(output_file, content)
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gets invoked when the recursion_limit is reached. Defaults to
        raising ResolutionError. Receives the recursion_limit as the
        first parameter, and the parsed reference URL as the second.
    import copy
    self.specs = copy.deepcopy(specs)
    self.url = url

    self.__reclimit = options.get('recursion_limit', 1)
    self.__reclimit_handler = options.get('recursion_limit_handler',
    self.__reference_cache = options.get('reference_cache', {})

    if self.url:
      self.parsed_url = _url.absurl(self.url)
      self._url_key = _url.urlresource(self.parsed_url)

      # If we have a url, we want to add ourselves to the reference cache
      # - that creates a reference loop, but prevents child resolvers from
      # creating a new resolver for this url.
      if self.specs:
        self.__reference_cache[self._url_key] = self.specs
      self.parsed_url = self._url_key = None
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def _dereferencing_iterator(self, base_url, partial, path, recursions):
    Iterate over a partial spec, dereferencing all references within.

    Yields the resolved path and value of all items that need substituting.

    :param mixed base_url: URL that the partial specs is located at.
    :param dict partial: The partial specs to work on.
    :param tuple path: The parent path of the partial specs.
    :param tuple recursions: A recursion stack for resolving references.
    from .iterators import reference_iterator
    for _, refstring, item_path in reference_iterator(partial):
      # Split the reference string into parsed URL and object path
      ref_url, obj_path = _url.split_url_reference(base_url, refstring)

      # The reference path is the url resource and object path
      ref_path = (_url.urlresource(ref_url), tuple(obj_path))

      # Count how often the reference path has been recursed into.
      from collections import Counter
      rec_counter = Counter(recursions)
      next_recursions = recursions + (ref_path,)

      if rec_counter[ref_path] >= self.__reclimit:
        # The referenced value may be produced by the handler, or the handler
        # may raise, etc.
        ref_value = self.__reclimit_handler(self.__reclimit, ref_url)
        # The referenced value is to be used, but let's copy it to avoid
        # building recursive structures.