How to use the pproxy.server.ProxyURI.DIRECT function in pproxy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pproxy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if err_str:
                        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(err_str)
        match = cls.compile_rule(url.query) if url.query else None
        if loc:
            host_name, _, port = loc.partition(':')
            port = int(port) if port else (22 if 'ssh' in rawprotos else 8080)
            host_name = port = None
        return ProxyURI(protos=protos, rproto=protos[0], cipher=cipher, auth=url.fragment.encode(), \
                        match=match, bind=loc or urlpath, host_name=host_name, port=port, \
                        unix=not loc, lbind=lbind, sslclient=sslclient, sslserver=sslserver, \
                        alive=True, direct='direct' in protonames, tunnel='tunnel' in protonames, \
                        reuse='pack' in protonames or relay and relay.reuse, backward=rawprotos.count('in'), \
                        ssh='ssh' in rawprotos, relay=relay)
ProxyURI.DIRECT = ProxyURI(direct=True, tunnel=False, reuse=False, relay=None, alive=True, match=None, cipher=None, backward=None, ssh=None, lbind=None)

async def test_url(url, rserver):
    url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    assert url.scheme in ('http', ), f'Unknown scheme {url.scheme}'
    host_name, _, port = url.netloc.partition(':')
    port = int(port) if port else 80 if url.scheme == 'http' else 443
    initbuf = f'GET {url.path or "/"} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {host_name}\r\nUser-Agent: pproxy-{__version__}\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n'.encode()
    for roption in rserver:
        print(f'============ {roption.bind} ============')
            reader, writer = await roption.open_connection(host_name, port, None, None)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise Exception(f'Connection timeout {rserver}')
            reader, writer = await roption.prepare_connection(reader, writer, host_name, port)
        except Exception:
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async def tcp_handler(reader, writer, host_name, port):
            if block and block(host_name):
                raise Exception('BLOCK ' + host_name)
            roption = schedule(rserver, salgorithm, host_name) or ProxyURI.DIRECT
            verbose(f'{} {remote_text}{roption.logtext(host_name, port)}')
                reader_remote, writer_remote = await roption.open_connection(host_name, port, local_addr, lbind)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                raise Exception(f'Connection timeout {roption.bind}')
                reader_remote, writer_remote = await roption.prepare_connection(reader_remote, writer_remote, host_name, port)
            except Exception:
                raise Exception('Unknown remote protocol')
            m = modstat(remote_ip, host_name)
            asyncio.ensure_future(, writer, m(, m(
            asyncio.ensure_future(, writer_remote, m(, roption.connection_change))
        except Exception as ex:
            if not isinstance(ex, asyncio.TimeoutError) and not str(ex).startswith('Connection closed'):
                verbose(f'{str(ex) or "Unsupported protocol"} from {remote_ip}')
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from . import server

Connection = server.ProxyURI.compile_relay
Server = server.ProxyURI.compile
Rule = server.ProxyURI.compile_rule