How to use the polling2.TimeoutException function in polling2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few polling2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rapid7 / insightconnect-plugins / ivanti_security_controls / icon_ivanti_security_controls / actions / start_patch_scan / View on Github external
"useMachineCredential": use_machine_credential

        scan = self.connection.ivanti_api.start_patch_scan(payload)

            operation_location_url = scan.headers.get("Operation-Location")
            polling2.poll(lambda: self.connection.ivanti_api.get_operation_location(operation_location_url)
            .get("percentComplete") == 100, step=10, timeout=max_poll_time)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise PluginException(
                cause=f'{e} not found within the header.',
                assistance=f'If the issue persists please contact support.')
        except polling2.TimeoutException as e:
            raise PluginException(
                cause='Action timeout.',
                assistance=f'This scan has exceeded the maximum poll time of {max_poll_time}.')

        operation_location = self.connection.ivanti_api.get_operation_location(operation_location_url)
        scan_details = scan.json()
        scan_details['isComplete'] = True
        scan_details['updatedOn'] = operation_location['lastAction']

        return {
            Output.SCAN_DETAILS: scan_details


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