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def test_make2d():
a = numpy.empty(2, dtype=object)
a[:] = [numpy.array([0, 1, 2]), numpy.array([3, 4, 5])]
b = make2d(a)
assert b.shape == (2, 3)
assert (b == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]).all()
def load_shape(filename, load_triangles = False):
mesh =
# convert vertices to numpy array
vertices = np.transpose(np.vstack((mesh['vertex']['x'],mesh['vertex']['y'],mesh['vertex']['z'])))
# get triangles
if load_triangles:
tridata = mesh['face'].data['vertex_indices']
triangles = plyfile.make2d(tridata)
return vertices, triangles
return vertices
filename = PINS.filename.get()
if filename.endswith(".zip"):
zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
assert len(zipf.namelist()) == 1
zply =[0])
plydata =
plydata =
elements = { e for e in plydata.elements}
vertices = elements["vertex"].data
faces = elements["face"].data
#faces => indices + edges
indices = make2d(faces['vertex_indices']).astype(np.uint16)
assert indices.shape[1] == 3 #triangles only
edges = set()
for triangle in indices:
for p1,p2 in ((0,1),(1,2),(2,0)):
i1, i2 = triangle[p1], triangle[p2]
if i2 < i1: i1,i2 = i2,i1
edges = np.array(list(edges),dtype=np.uint16)
#vertices => coordinates + normals
for n in range(len(vertices.dtype)):
assert vertices.dtype[n] == vertices.dtype[0]
vertices = vertices.view(vertices.dtype[0]).reshape(vertices.shape + (-1,))
coordinates = vertices[:,:3]
normals = vertices[:,3:6]
coordinates -= coordinates.mean(axis=0)
def read_ply_pcl(filename):
plydata =
v = np.vstack((plydata['vertex']['x'], plydata['vertex']['y'], plydata['vertex']['z'])).T
normals = np.vstack((plydata['vertex']['nx'], plydata['vertex']['ny'], plydata['vertex']['nz'])).T
values = plydata['vertex']['value'].T
confidence = plydata['vertex']['confidence'].T
ret = {
'v': v,
'confidence': confidence,
'normals': normals,
'value': values,
if 'face' in plydata:
ret['f'] = plyfile.make2d(plydata['face'].data['vertex_indices'])
return ret