How to use the plumbum.cli.Set function in plumbum

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few plumbum examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tomerfiliba / plumbum / tests / View on Github external
    @cli.switch(["b", "bacon"], argtype=int, mandatory = True, envname="PLUMBUM_TEST_BACON")
    def bacon(self, param):
        """give me some bacon"""
        print ("!!b", param)

    eggs = cli.SwitchAttr(["e"], str, help = "sets the eggs attribute", envname="PLUMBUM_TEST_EGGS")
    cheese = cli.Flag(["--cheese"], help = "cheese, please")
    chives = cli.Flag(["--chives"], help = "chives, instead")
    verbose = cli.CountOf(["v"], help = "increases the verbosity level")
    benedict = cli.CountOf(["--benedict"], help = """a very long help message with lots of
        useless information that nobody would ever want to read, but heck, we need to test
        text wrapping in help messages as well""")

    csv = cli.SwitchAttr(["--csv"], cli.Set("MIN", "MAX", int, csv=True))
    num = cli.SwitchAttr(["--num"], cli.Set("MIN", "MAX", int))

    def main(self, *args):
        old = self.eggs
        self.eggs = "lalala"
        self.eggs = old
        self.tailargs = args

class PositionalApp(cli.Application):
    def main(self, one):
        print("Got", one)

class Geet(cli.Application):
    debug = cli.Flag("--debug")
    cleanups = []
    def main(self):
        del self.cleanups[:]
github tomerfiliba / plumbum / tests / View on Github external

    @cli.switch(["b", "bacon"], argtype=int, mandatory = True, envname="PLUMBUM_TEST_BACON")
    def bacon(self, param):
        """give me some bacon"""
        print ("!!b", param)

    eggs = cli.SwitchAttr(["e"], str, help = "sets the eggs attribute", envname="PLUMBUM_TEST_EGGS")
    cheese = cli.Flag(["--cheese"], help = "cheese, please")
    chives = cli.Flag(["--chives"], help = "chives, instead")
    verbose = cli.CountOf(["v"], help = "increases the verbosity level")
    benedict = cli.CountOf(["--benedict"], help = """a very long help message with lots of
        useless information that nobody would ever want to read, but heck, we need to test
        text wrapping in help messages as well""")

    csv = cli.SwitchAttr(["--csv"], cli.Set("MIN", "MAX", int, csv=True))
    num = cli.SwitchAttr(["--num"], cli.Set("MIN", "MAX", int))

    def main(self, *args):
        old = self.eggs
        self.eggs = "lalala"
        self.eggs = old
        self.tailargs = args

class PositionalApp(cli.Application):
    def main(self, one):
        print("Got", one)

class Geet(cli.Application):
    debug = cli.Flag("--debug")
    cleanups = []
    def main(self):
github tomerfiliba / rpyc / bin / View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env python
The registry server listens to broadcasts on UDP port 18812, answering to
discovery queries by clients and registering keepalives from all running
servers. In order for clients to use discovery, a registry service must
be running somewhere on their local network.
from plumbum import cli
from rpyc.utils.registry import REGISTRY_PORT, DEFAULT_PRUNING_TIMEOUT
from rpyc.utils.registry import UDPRegistryServer, TCPRegistryServer
from rpyc.lib import setup_logger

class RegistryServer(cli.Application):
    mode = cli.SwitchAttr(["-m", "--mode"], cli.Set("UDP", "TCP"), default="UDP",
                          help="Serving mode")

    ipv6 = cli.Flag(["-6", "--ipv6"], help="use ipv6 instead of ipv4")

    port = cli.SwitchAttr(["-p", "--port"], cli.Range(0, 65535), default=REGISTRY_PORT,
                          help="The UDP/TCP listener port")

    logfile = cli.SwitchAttr(["--logfile"], str, default=None,
                             help="The log file to use; the default is stderr")

    quiet = cli.SwitchAttr(["-q", "--quiet"], help="Quiet mode (only errors are logged)")

    pruning_timeout = cli.SwitchAttr(["-t", "--timeout"], int,
                                     default=DEFAULT_PRUNING_TIMEOUT, help="Set a custom pruning timeout (in seconds)")

    def main(self):
github tomerfiliba / rpyc / bin / View on Github external
import sys
import os
import rpyc
from plumbum import cli
from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer, ForkingServer, OneShotServer
from rpyc.utils.classic import DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_SERVER_SSL_PORT
from rpyc.utils.registry import REGISTRY_PORT
from rpyc.utils.registry import UDPRegistryClient, TCPRegistryClient
from rpyc.utils.authenticators import SSLAuthenticator
from rpyc.lib import setup_logger
from rpyc.core import SlaveService

class ClassicServer(cli.Application):
    mode = cli.SwitchAttr(["-m", "--mode"], cli.Set("threaded", "forking", "stdio", "oneshot"),
                          default="threaded", help="The serving mode (threaded, forking, or 'stdio' for "
                          "inetd, etc.)")

    port = cli.SwitchAttr(["-p", "--port"], cli.Range(0, 65535), default=None,
                          help="The TCP listener port (default = %s, default for SSL = %s)" %
                          (DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_SERVER_SSL_PORT), group="Socket Options")
    host = cli.SwitchAttr(["--host"], str, default="", help="The host to bind to. "
                          "The default is localhost", group="Socket Options")
    ipv6 = cli.Flag(["--ipv6"], help="Enable IPv6", group="Socket Options")

    logfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--logfile", str, default=None, help="Specify the log file to use; "
                             "the default is stderr", group="Logging")
    quiet = cli.Flag(["-q", "--quiet"], help="Quiet mode (only errors will be logged)",

    ssl_keyfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-keyfile", cli.ExistingFile,
github Adastra-thw / pyHacks / View on Github external
	@cli.switch(["-p", "--scan-protocol"], cli.Set("tcp", "udp", case_sensitive=True), help="Protocol used to scan the target.")
	def scan_protocol(self, scanProtocol):
			Protocol used to perform the nmap scan.
		self.scanProtocol = scanProtocol
github ASMfreaK / habitipy / habitipy / View on Github external
raise NotImplementedError

class HabitsChange(TasksChange):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,abstract-method
    domain = 'habits'
    ids_can_overlap = True
    def domain_print(self):

@Habits.subcommand('add')  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
class HabitsAdd(ApplicationWithApi):
    DESCRIPTION = _("Add a habit ")  # noqa: Q000
    priority = cli.SwitchAttr(
        ['-p', '--priority'],
        cli.Set('0.1', '1', '1.5', '2'), default='1',
        help=_("Priority (complexity) of a habit"))  # noqa: Q000
    direction = cli.SwitchAttr(
        ['-d', '--direction'],
        cli.Set('positive', 'negative', 'both'), default='both',
        help=_("positive/negative/both"))  # noqa: Q000

    def main(self, *habit: str):
        habit_str = ' '.join(habit)
        if not habit_str:
            self.log.error(_("Empty habit text!"))  # noqa: Q000
            return 1
            type='habit', text=habit_str,
            priority=self.priority, up=(self.direction != 'negative'),
            down=(self.direction != 'positive'))
github tomerfiliba / rpyc / bin / View on Github external
group = "Logging")
    ssl_keyfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-keyfile", cli.ExistingFile,
        help = "The keyfile to use for SSL. Required for SSL", group = "SSL", 
        requires = ["--ssl-certfile"])
    ssl_certfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-certfile", cli.ExistingFile,
        help = "The certificate file to use for SSL. Required for SSL", group = "SSL",
        requires = ["--ssl-keyfile"])
    ssl_cafile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-cafile", cli.ExistingFile,
        help = "The certificate authority chain file to use for SSL. Optional; enables client-side " 
        "authentication", group = "SSL", requires = ["--ssl-keyfile"])
    auto_register = cli.Flag("--register", help = "Asks the server to attempt registering with "
        "a registry server. By default, the server will not attempt to register", 
        group = "Registry")
    registry_type = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-type", cli.Set("UDP", "TCP"), 
        default = "UDP", help="Specify a UDP or TCP registry", group = "Registry")
    registry_port = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-port", cli.Range(0, 65535), default=REGISTRY_PORT, 
        help = "The registry's UDP/TCP port", group = "Registry")
    registry_host = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-host", str, default = None,
        help = "The registry host machine. For UDP, the default is; "
        "for TCP, a value is required", group = "Registry")

    def main(self):
        if self.registry_type == "UDP":
            if self.registry_host is None:
                self.registry_host = ""
            self.registrar = UDPRegistryClient(ip = self.registry_host, port = self.registry_port)
            if self.registry_host is None:
                raise ValueError("With TCP registry, you must specify --registry-host")
            self.registrar = TCPRegistryClient(ip = self.registry_host, port = self.registry_port)
github Adastra-thw / pyHacks / View on Github external
	@cli.switch(["-m", "--mode"], cli.Set("windows", "linux", case_sensitive=False), mandatory=True, help="Filter the platform of exit-nodes to attack.")
	def server_mode(self, mode):
			Server Mode: Search for Windows or Linux machines.
		self.mode = mode
github da-x / git-search-replace / bin / View on Github external
internal_edit_todo = cli.Flag(["-i", "--internal-edit-todo"], requires = ["-t"],
                                  help = "Edit the git-rebase todo file. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY")
    rebase_todo_filename = cli.SwitchAttr(["-t", "--internal-todo-filename"], requires = ["-i"],
                                          argtype = cli.ExistingFile, argname = "",
                                          help = "Full path of the git-rebase todo file. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY")
    gsr_cmd = cli.SwitchAttr(["-g", "--gsr-cmd"], argtype = str, argname = "",
                             default = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/",
                             help = "Path to")
    commit_msg = cli.SwitchAttr(["-c", "--commit-msg"], argtype = str, argname = "",
                                excludes = ["-F"],
                                help = "Provide the git log message for insert mode")
    commit_msg_file = cli.SwitchAttr(["-F", "--commit-msg-file"],
                                     argtype = cli.ExistingFile, argname = "",
                                     excludes = ["-c"],
                                     help = "Provide the git log message for insert mode (as filename)")
    mode = cli.SwitchAttr(["-m", "--mode"], argtype = cli.Set(MODE_INSERT, MODE_EDIT), argname = "mode",
                          default = MODE_EDIT,
                          help = '''Whether to insert a new commit at base, or edit the base commit.
                                    Use insert when renaming something that's already in upstream,
                                    and edit when renaming something that was only added in the current branch.''')

    def edit_internal(self, base, *args):
        gsr_base = ["%s -f" % (self.gsr_cmd,)]
        for arg in args:
            gsr_base.append("'%s'" % (arg,))
        full_gsr_cmd = " ".join(gsr_base)

        filter_branch_params = ["filter-branch"]
        if self.force_filter_branch:
        filter_branch_params.extend(["--tree-filter", full_gsr_cmd, "%s..HEAD" % (base,)])