How to use the pluggy.hooks._HookCaller function in pluggy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pluggy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# XXX if an error happens we should make sure no state has been
        # changed at point of return
        self._name2plugin[plugin_name] = plugin

        # register matching hook implementations of the plugin
        self._plugin2hookcallers[plugin] = hookcallers = []
        for name in dir(plugin):
            hookimpl_opts = self.parse_hookimpl_opts(plugin, name)
            if hookimpl_opts is not None:
                method = getattr(plugin, name)
                hookimpl = HookImpl(plugin, plugin_name, method, hookimpl_opts)
                hook = getattr(self.hook, name, None)
                if hook is None:
                    hook = _HookCaller(name, self._hookexec)
                    setattr(self.hook, name, hook)
                elif hook.has_spec():
                    self._verify_hook(hook, hookimpl)
        return plugin_name
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def subset_hook_caller(self, name, remove_plugins):
        """ Return a new _HookCaller instance for the named method
        which manages calls to all registered plugins except the
        ones from remove_plugins. """
        orig = getattr(self.hook, name)
        plugins_to_remove = [plug for plug in remove_plugins if hasattr(plug, name)]
        if plugins_to_remove:
            hc = _HookCaller(
      , orig._hookexec, orig._specmodule_or_class, orig.spec_opts
            for hookimpl in orig._wrappers + orig._nonwrappers:
                plugin = hookimpl.plugin
                if plugin not in plugins_to_remove:
                    # we also keep track of this hook caller so it
                    # gets properly removed on plugin unregistration
                    self._plugin2hookcallers.setdefault(plugin, []).append(hc)
            return hc
        return orig
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def add_hookspecs(self, module_or_class):
        """ add new hook specifications defined in the given module_or_class.
        Functions are recognized if they have been decorated accordingly. """
        names = []
        for name in dir(module_or_class):
            spec_opts = self.parse_hookspec_opts(module_or_class, name)
            if spec_opts is not None:
                hc = getattr(self.hook, name, None)
                if hc is None:
                    hc = _HookCaller(name, self._hookexec, module_or_class, spec_opts)
                    setattr(self.hook, name, hc)
                    # plugins registered this hook without knowing the spec
                    hc.set_specification(module_or_class, spec_opts)
                    for hookfunction in hc._wrappers + hc._nonwrappers:
                        self._verify_hook(hc, hookfunction)

        if not names:
            raise ValueError(
                "did not find any %r hooks in %r" % (self.project_name, module_or_class)