How to use the plotnine.geom_line function in plotnine

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few plotnine examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github has2k1 / plydata / doc / images / View on Github external
def create_readme_image():
    kwargs = dict(width=6, height=4)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'x': np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)})

    p = (df
         >> define(y='np.sin(x)')
         >> define_where('y>=0', sign=('"positive"', '"negative"'))
         >> (ggplot(aes('x', 'y'))
             + geom_line(aes(color='sign'), size=1.5))
         )'readme-image.png', **kwargs)
github dputhier / pygtftk / pygtftk / plugins / View on Github external
ticks = [x / bin_nb_total * 100 for x in ticks]
                labels = [str(int(round(x, 0))) + "%" for x in np.linspace(0, 100, 6)]

        p += scale_x_continuous(expand=[0, 0], breaks=ticks, labels=labels)

        p += scale_x_continuous(expand=[0, 0])

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Adding geom_line
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    p += geom_line(size=line_width)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Add facets
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if facet_var is not None:
        # update facet_col
        facet_col = min(facet_col, len(dm[facet_var].unique()))
        p += facet_wrap("~ " + facet_var, ncol=facet_col)
        facet_col = 1

    message("facet_col " + str(facet_col))
github deepmind / bsuite / bsuite / experiments / deep_sea / View on Github external
def plot_regret(df_in: pd.DataFrame,
                sweep_vars: Sequence[Text] = None,
                num_episodes: int = NUM_EPISODES) -> gg.ggplot:
  """Plot average regret of deep_sea through time by size."""
  df = df_in.copy()
  df = df[df['size'].isin([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])]
  df['avg_bad'] = df.total_bad_episodes / df.episode
  df['size'] = df['size'].astype('category')
  p = (gg.ggplot(df[df.episode <= num_episodes])
       + gg.aes('episode', 'avg_bad', group='size', colour='size')
       + gg.geom_line(size=2, alpha=0.75)
       + gg.geom_hline(
           gg.aes(yintercept=0.99), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.4, size=1.75)
       + gg.geom_hline(gg.aes(yintercept=0.0), alpha=0)  # axis hack
       + gg.ylab('average bad episodes')
       + gg.scale_colour_manual(values=plotting.FIVE_COLOURS)
  return plotting.facet_sweep_plot(p, sweep_vars)
github rynecarbone / power_ranker / power_ranker / View on Github external
df_ranks_lsq = pd.merge(df_teams[['team_id', 'firstName']], df_ranks, on='team_id')
  # Space out labels on x-axis according to final rankings
  df_ranks_lsq['label_x_pos'] = df_ranks_lsq.get(99).rank() * 100 / df_ranks_lsq.get(99).size
  # Convert to long format for plotting ease
  df_ranks_lsq_long = (
    .rename({'ranks': '0'}, axis='columns')
    .melt(id_vars=['team_id', 'firstName', 'label_x_pos'])
  # Convert iteration variable to int
  df_ranks_lsq_long.variable = df_ranks_lsq_long.variable.astype(int)
  # Make the plot
  p = (
    ggplot(aes(x='variable', y='value', color='factor(team_id)', group='team_id'),
           data=df_ranks_lsq_long) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_label(aes(label='firstName', x='label_x_pos', y='value', color='factor(team_id)'),
               data=df_ranks_lsq_long[df_ranks_lsq_long.variable == 99],
               size=10) +
    labs(x='Iteration', y='LSQ rank') +
    theme_bw() +
  # Save plot
  if show:
  # make dir if it doesn't exist already
  out_dir = Path(f'output/{year}/week{week}')
  out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  out_name = out_dir / 'lsq_iter_rankings.png'
  # plotnine is throwing too many warnings
github dm3ll3n / ezpq / ezpq / View on Github external
import plotnine as gg

        df2 = self.jobs_df.loc[:, set(['qid', 'id', color_by, facet_by, 'submitted_offset', 'started_offset', 'ended_offset', 'processed_offset'])].melt(id_vars=set(['qid', 'id', color_by, facet_by]))
        df2 = df2[df2['value'].notnull()]

        df_submit_start = df2[(df2['variable'] == 'submitted_offset') | (df2['variable'] == 'started_offset')]
        df_start_end = df2[(df2['variable'] == 'started_offset') | (df2['variable'] == 'ended_offset')]
        df_end_processed = df2[(df2['variable'] == 'ended_offset') | (df2['variable'] == 'processed_offset')]

        labs = { 'x': 'duration', 'y': 'job id' }
        if title is not None:
            labs['title'] = title

        gg_obj = gg.ggplot(gg.aes(x='value', y='id', group='factor(id)')) + \
                    gg.geom_line(df_submit_start, color='gray', size=bar_width, alpha=0.2) + \
                                size=bar_width, show_legend=bool(show_legend)) + \
                    gg.geom_line(df_end_processed, color='gray', size=bar_width, alpha=0.2) + \
                    gg.labs(**labs) + \
                    gg.labs(color=color_by) + \
                    Plot._plot_theme(grid_axis='x', theme=theme) + \
                    gg.facet_grid(facets='{}~'.format(facet_by), labeller='label_both', scales=facet_scale, as_table=True)
        if color_pal is None or not isinstance(color_pal, list):
            gg_obj += gg.scale_color_hue(h=.65)
            n_colors = self.jobs_df[color_by].unique().size

            if len(color_pal) < n_colors:
                log.warning('Insufficient number of colors; need at least ' + str(n_colors))
github iosband / ts_tutorial / src / base / View on Github external
    p: ggplot plot
  df = load_data(experiment_name, data_path)
  plt_df = (df.groupby(['t', 'agent'])
            .agg({'instant_regret': np.mean})
  plt_df['agent_new_name'] = plt_df.agent.apply(rename_agent)
  custom_labels = ['Laplace TS','Langevin TS','TS','bootstrap TS']
  custom_colors = ["#E41A1C","#377EB8","#4DAF4A","#984EA3"]
  p = (gg.ggplot(plt_df)
       + gg.aes('t', 'instant_regret', colour='agent_new_name')
       + gg.geom_line(size=1.25, alpha=0.75)
       + gg.xlab('time period (t)')
       + gg.ylab('per-period regret')
       + gg.scale_color_manual(name='agent', labels = custom_labels,values=custom_colors))
  return p
github danforthcenter / plantcv / plantcv / plantcv / photosynthesis / View on Github external
yii[np.where(yii > 0)], bins, range=(0, 1))
    # yii_bins is a bins + 1 length list of bin endpoints, so we need to calculate bin midpoints so that
    # the we have a one-to-one list of x (yii) and y (frequency) values.
    # To do this we add half the bin width to each lower bin edge x-value
    midpoints = yii_bins[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(yii_bins)

    # Calculate which non-zero bin has the maximum Fv/Fm value
    max_bin = midpoints[np.argmax(yii_hist)]

    # Create Histogram Plot, if you change the bin number you might need to change binx so that it prints
    # an appropriate number of labels
    # Create a dataframe
    dataset = pd.DataFrame({'Plant Pixels': yii_hist, parameter: midpoints})
    # Make the histogram figure using plotnine
    yii_hist_fig = (ggplot(data=dataset, mapping=aes(x=parameter, y='Plant Pixels'))
                    + geom_line(color='green', show_legend=True)
                    + geom_label(label='Peak Bin Value: ' + str(max_bin),
                                 x=.15, y=205, size=8, color='green'))

    if params.debug == 'print':
        print_image(fmin_mask, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir,
                                            str(params.device) + '_fmin_mask.png'))
        print_image(fmax_mask, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir,
                                            str(params.device) + '_fmax_mask.png'))
        print_image(yii, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir,
                                      str(params.device) + '_yii.png')),
                                       str(params.device) + '_yii_hist.png'))
    elif params.debug == 'plot':
        plot_image(fmin_mask, cmap='gray')
        plot_image(fmax_mask, cmap='gray')
github iosband / ts_tutorial / src / base / View on Github external
def plot_action_proportion(df_agent):
  """Plot the action proportion for the sub-dataframe for a single agent."""
  n_action = np.max(df_agent.action) + 1
  plt_data = []
  for i in range(n_action):
    probs = (df_agent.groupby('t')
             .agg({'action': lambda x: np.mean(x == i)})
             .rename(columns={'action': 'action_' + str(i)}))
  plt_df = pd.concat(plt_data, axis=1).reset_index()
  p = (gg.ggplot(pd.melt(plt_df, id_vars='t'))
       + gg.aes('t', 'value', colour='variable', group='variable')
       + gg.geom_line(size=1.25, alpha=0.75)
       + gg.xlab('time period (t)')
       + gg.ylab('Action probability')
       + gg.ylim(0, 1)
       + gg.scale_colour_brewer(name='Variable', type='qual', palette='Set1'))
  return p
github Pinafore / qb / View on Github external
p = ggplot(human_df) + geom_point(shape='.')
                df = self.char_plot_df
                if 1 not in self.rounds:
                    df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 1 - IR Adversarial']
                if 2 not in self.rounds:
                    df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - IR Adversarial']
                    df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - RNN Adversarial']
                p = ggplot(df)
                if self.save_df is not None:
                    eprint(f'Saving df to: {self.save_df}')

                if os.path.exists('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json') and not self.no_humans:
                    eprint('Loading human data')
                    p = p + geom_line(data=human_df)

            if columns:
                facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', ncol=1)
                facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', nrow=1)

            if not no_models:
                if self.mvg_avg_char:
                    chart = stat_smooth(method='mavg', se=False, method_args={'window': 400})
                    chart = stat_summary_bin(fun_data=mean_no_se, bins=20, shape='.', linetype='None', size=0.5)
                chart = None

            p = (
                p + facet_conf