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# skip file if missing
if os.path.splitext(file)[0].split('_')[0] not in skip_list:
img = load_img_file(os.path.join(fp, file))
# extract image tile
if crop_opt:
img = img[2:-2, 2:-2, ...] if file.endswith('Thumb.png') else img
cy, cx = [x//2 for x in img.shape[:2]]
hh, hw = [x//10 for x in img.shape[:2]]
img_tile = img[cy-hh:cy+hh+1, cx-hw:cx+hw+1]
img_tile = img
score = brisque_metric(Normalizer(img_tile).uint8_norm())
print(file+': %s' % scores[-1])
#brisq.get_feature(os.path.join(fp, file))
# plot'seaborn-white')
fig = plt.figure()
softx__width = 5.39749
a = softx__width*4
fig.set_size_inches(w=softx__width, h=a)
width = .3#.25
for i, scores in enumerate(score_series):
def export_thumbnail(self, type='tiff'):
thumb = misc.Normalizer(self.central_view.copy()).type_norm()
# export central viewpoint as thumbnail image
fp = os.path.join(self.cfg.exp_path, 'thumbnail')
misc.save_img_file(thumb, file_path=fp, file_type=type, tag=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_dbug])
return True
# iterate through directories
for set in [(fp_lytro, coords_lists_lytro), (fp_ours, coords_lists_pcam)]:
fp, coords_lists = set
img_tiles, slice_fns = crop_imgs(fp, coords_lists)
# iterate through file names in directory
for img_tile, slice_fn in zip(img_tiles, slice_fns):
# leave out alpha channel if present
img_tile = img_tile[..., :3]
# rescale tile for fair comparison
img_tile = misc.img_resize(img_tile, scale_comp_x, scale_comp_y) if fp.__contains__('refo_lytro') else img_tile
img_tile = misc.Normalizer(img_tile).uint8_norm()
# store results
s_list.append((slice_fn, blur_metric(img_tile), michelson_contrast(img_tile), brisque_metric(img_tile)))
for s in s_list:
s_arr = np.asarray(s_list)'refo_metrics', s_list)
def auto_hist_align(img, ref_img, opt=None):
if opt:
p_lo, p_hi = (0.005, 99.9)#(0.001, 99.999)
min_perc = np.percentile(rgb2gry(ref_img), p_lo)
max_perc = np.percentile(ref_img, p_hi)
p_lo, p_hi = (0.5, 99.9)
min_perc = np.percentile(ref_img, p_lo)
max_perc = np.percentile(ref_img, p_hi)
img = misc.Normalizer(img, min=min_perc, max=max_perc).type_norm()
return img
def con_bal(self):
# find extrema from reference image
self.ref_img = yuv_conv(self.central_view)[..., 0]
max = self.ref_img.max()
min = self.ref_img.min()
# convert to yuv space
self.proc_vp_arr(yuv_conv, msg='Convert to YUV')
# boost luminance channel
self.sta.status_msg(msg='Contrast balance', opt=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
self._vp_img_arr[..., 0] = misc.Normalizer(self._vp_img_arr[..., 0]).type_norm(max=max, min=min)
self.sta.progress(100, opt=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
# convert to rgb space
self.proc_vp_arr(yuv_conv, inverse=True, msg='Convert to RGB')
return True
for y in range(m):
for x in range(n):
scheimpflug_img[y, x] = self.refo_stack[a_map[y, x]][y, x]
# check interrupt status
if self.sta.interrupt:
return False
# print status
percentage = (((y*n+x+1)/(m*n))*100)
self.sta.progress(percentage, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
# write image file to hard drive
a_ran = self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ran_refo]
fn = 'scheimpflug_' + str(a_ran[0]) + '_' + str(a_ran[-1]) + '_' + self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_pflu] + '.png'
misc.save_img_file(misc.Normalizer(scheimpflug_img).uint16_norm(), os.path.join(self.fp, fn))
return True
def thresh_hist_stretch(self, th=2e-10, bins=2**16-1):
h = np.histogram(self.central_view, bins=bins)
hn = h[0] / h[0].sum()
x_vals = np.where(hn / len(hn) > th)[0] / bins
hs = np.diff(h[0][::128] / h[0][::128].sum())
s_vals = np.where(hs > 1.5e-4)[0] / (bins / 128)
#img = misc.Normalizer(self.central_view.copy(), min=x_vals[1], max=self.central_view.max()).type_norm()
self.proc_vp_arr(misc.Normalizer().type_norm, msg='Histogram crop', min=x_vals[1], max=1)
return True
def export_viewpoints(self, type='tiff'):
# print status
self.sta.status_msg('Write viewpoint images', self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
self.sta.progress(None, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
ptc_leng = self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ptc_leng]
# create folder
folderpath = os.path.join(self.cfg.exp_path, 'viewpoints_'+str(ptc_leng)+'px')
# normalize image array to 16-bit unsigned integer
vp_img_arr = misc.Normalizer(self.vp_img_arr).uint16_norm()
# export viewpoint images as image files
for j in range(ptc_leng):
for i in range(ptc_leng):
misc.save_img_file(vp_img_arr[j, i], os.path.join(folderpath, str(j) + '_' + str(i)),
file_type=type, tag=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_dbug])
# print status
percentage = (((j*self._M+i+1)/self._M**2)*100)
self.sta.progress(percentage, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
if self.sta.interrupt:
return False
return True
self.sta.progress(0, opt=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
ch_num = self.vp_img_arr.shape[-1] if len(self.vp_img_arr.shape) > 4 else 3
for i in range(ch_num):
if method is None:
# channel selection
ref_ch = self.ref_img[..., i]
img_ch = self.vp_img_arr[..., i]
# define level limits
min = np.percentile(ref_ch, self.p_lo*100)
max = np.percentile(ref_ch, self.p_hi*100)
# normalization of color channel
self.vp_img_arr[..., i] = misc.Normalizer(img_ch, min=min, max=max).uint16_norm()
# brightness and contrast method
self.set_stretch(ref_ch=self.ref_img[..., i])
# status update
if msg_opt:
self.sta.progress((i+1)/ch_num*100, opt=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
return True
# consider negative shift
negative_a = int((patch_len - 1) * abs(a)) if a < 0 else 0
# centralize column
column_shift = int((a_x.max()-a)*(patch_len-1)/2)
# put interpolated vector to refocusing plane
newY = int(y + np.mod(y, patch_len) * (a - 1) + negative_a) + column_shift
ver_refo[newY:newY + patch_len, :, :] = ver_refo[newY:newY + patch_len, :, :] + frac_vec
# print progress status
self.sta.progress(((x+1)/new_n+.5)*100, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
# write image file to hard drive
img = misc.Normalizer(ver_refo).uint16_norm()
misc.save_img_file(img, os.path.join(self.fp, 'scheimpflug_' + str(patch_len) + 'px.tiff'))
return True