How to use the function in plaso

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few plaso examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github log2timeline / plaso / tests / storage / View on Github external
event_identifier = test_events[0].GetIdentifier()

    event_tag = events.EventTag(comment='My comment')

    event_identifier = test_events[1].GetIdentifier()

    event_tag = events.EventTag()

    event_identifier = test_events[2].GetIdentifier()

    event_tag = events.EventTag(comment='This is interesting')
    event_tag.AddLabels(['Malware', 'Benign'])

    event_identifier = test_events[1].GetIdentifier()

    event_tag = events.EventTag()

    return event_tags
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / sqlite_plugins / View on Github external
Android Call History is stored in SQLite database files named contacts2.db.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from dfdatetime import java_time as dfdatetime_java_time

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface

class AndroidCallEventData(events.EventData):
  """Android Call event data.

    call_type (str): type of call, such as: Incoming, Outgoing, or Missed.
    duration (int): number of seconds the call lasted.
    name (str): name associated to the remote party.
    number (str): phone number associated to the remote party.

  DATA_TYPE = 'android:event:call'

  def __init__(self):
    """Initializes event data."""
    super(AndroidCallEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE)
    self.call_type = None
    self.duration = None
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / sqlite_plugins / View on Github external
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import definitions
# Register the cookie plugins.
from plaso.parsers import cookie_plugins  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.cookie_plugins import manager as cookie_plugins_manager
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface

class FirefoxCookieEventData(events.EventData):
  """Firefox Cookie event data.

    cookie_name (str): name field of the cookie.
    data (str): cookie data.
    httponly (bool): True if the cookie cannot be accessed through client
        side script.
    host (str): hostname of host that set the cookie value.
    path (str): URI of the page that set the cookie.
    secure (bool): True if the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure

  DATA_TYPE = 'firefox:cookie:entry'

  def __init__(self):
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.parsers import dtfabric_parser
from plaso.parsers import logger
from plaso.parsers import manager

# TODO: RFC pending types: resolution, dateTime, rangeOfInteger.
#       "dateTime" is not used by Mac OS, instead it uses integer types.
# TODO: Only tested against CUPS IPP MacOS.

class CupsIppEventData(events.EventData):
  """CUPS IPP event data.

    application (str): application that prints the document.
    data_dict (dict[str, object]): parsed data coming from the file.
    computer_name (str): name of the computer.
    copies (int): number of copies.
    doc_type (str): type of document.
    job_id (str): job identifier.
    job_name (str): job name.
    owner (str): real name of the user.
    printer_id (str): identification name of the print.
    uri (str): URL of the CUPS service.
    user (str): system user name.
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / sqlite_plugins / View on Github external
iMessage and SMS data in OSX and iOS are stored in SQLite databases named
chat.db and sms.db respectively.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from dfdatetime import cocoa_time as dfdatetime_cocoa_time

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.parsers import sqlite
from plaso.parsers.sqlite_plugins import interface

class IMessageEventData(events.EventData):
  """iMessage and SMS event data.

    attachment_location (str): location of the attachment.
    imessage_id (str): mobile number or email address the message was sent
        to or received from.
    message_type (int): value to indicate the message was sent (1) or
        received (0).
    read_receipt (bool): True if the message read receipt was received.
    service (str): service, which is either SMS or iMessage.
    text (str): content of the message.

  DATA_TYPE = 'imessage:event:chat'

  def __init__(self):
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pyparsing

from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import manager
from plaso.parsers import text_parser

class IISEventData(events.EventData):
  """IIS log event data.


  DATA_TYPE = 'iis:log:line'

  def __init__(self):
    """Initializes event data."""
    super(IISEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE)

class WinIISParser(text_parser.PyparsingSingleLineTextParser):
  """Parses a Microsoft IIS log file."""

  NAME = 'winiis'
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / winreg_plugins / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains the Network drive Registry plugin."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.parsers import winreg
from plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins import interface

class NetworkDriveEventData(events.EventData):
  """Network drive event data attribute container.

    drive_letter (str): drive letter assigned to network drive.
    key_path (str): Windows Registry key path.
    server_name (str): name of the server of the network drive.
    share_name (str): name of the share of the network drive.

  DATA_TYPE = 'windows:registry:network_drive'

  def __init__(self):
    """Initializes event data."""
    super(NetworkDriveEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE)
    self.drive_letter = None
    self.key_path = None
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from defusedxml import ElementTree
from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time
from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements
from dfdatetime import semantic_time as dfdatetime_semantic_time
from dfvfs.helpers import text_file

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.parsers import interface
from plaso.parsers import manager

class OperaTypedHistoryEventData(events.EventData):
  """Opera typed history entry data.

    entry_selection (str): information about whether the URL was directly
        typed in or the result of the user choosing from the auto complete.
    entry_type (str): information about whether the URL was directly typed in
        or the result of the user choosing from the auto complete.
    url (str): typed URL or hostname.

  DATA_TYPE = 'opera:history:typed_entry'

  def __init__(self):
    """Initializes event data."""
    super(OperaTypedHistoryEventData, self).__init__(data_type=self.DATA_TYPE)
    self.entry_selection = None
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
import re

from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements

import pyparsing

from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.parsers import manager
from plaso.parsers import text_parser

class SyslogLineEventData(events.EventData):
  """Syslog line event data.

    body (str): message body.
    hostname (str): hostname of the reporter.
    pid (str): process identifier of the reporter.
    reporter (str): reporter.
    severity (str): severity.

  DATA_TYPE = 'syslog:line'

  def __init__(self, data_type=DATA_TYPE):
    """Initializes an event data attribute container.

github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / esedb_plugins / View on Github external
    self.access_count = None
    self.cached_filename = None
    self.cached_file_size = None
    self.cache_identifier = None
    self.container_identifier = None
    self.entry_identifier = None
    self.file_extension = None
    self.redirect_url = None
    self.request_headers = None
    self.response_headers = None
    self.sync_count = None
    self.url = None

class MsieWebCacheLeakFilesEventData(events.EventData):
  """MSIE WebCache LeakFiles event data.

    cached_filename (str): name of the cached file.
    leak_identifier (int): leak identifier.

  DATA_TYPE = 'msie:webcache:leak_file'

  def __init__(self):
    """Initializes event data."""
    super(MsieWebCacheLeakFilesEventData, self).__init__(
    self.cached_filename = None
    self.leak_identifier = None