How to use pipx - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pipx examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def check_animate_output(
    capsys, test_string, frame_strings, frame_period, frames_to_test
    expected_string = f"{HIDE_CURSOR}" + "".join(frame_strings)

    chars_to_test = 1 + len("".join(frame_strings[:frames_to_test]))

    with pipx.animate.animate(test_string, do_animation=True):
        time.sleep(frame_period * (frames_to_test - 1) + 0.2)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.err[:chars_to_test] == expected_string[:chars_to_test]
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def test_existing_symlink_points_to_existing_wrong_location_warning(
    pipx_temp_env, caplog, capsys
    if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        pytest.skip("pipx does not use symlinks on Windows")

    constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    (constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR / "pycowsay").symlink_to(os.devnull)
    assert not run_pipx_cli(["install", "pycowsay"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "File exists at" in caplog.text
    assert "symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location" in captured.out
    # bin dir was on path, so the warning should NOT appear (even though the symlink
    # pointed to the wrong location)
    assert "is not on your PATH environment variable" not in captured.err
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def test_existing_symlink_points_to_nothing(pipx_temp_env, caplog, capsys):
    constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    (constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR / "pycowsay").symlink_to("/asdf/jkl")
    assert not run_pipx_cli(["install", "pycowsay"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    # pipx should realize the symlink points to nothing and replace it,
    # so no warning should be present
    assert "symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location" not in captured.out
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def test_uninstall_with_missing_interpreter(pipx_temp_env, capsys):
    assert not run_pipx_cli(["install", "pycowsay"])

    _, python_path = util.get_venv_paths(constants.PIPX_LOCAL_VENVS / "pycowsay")
    assert python_path.is_file()
    assert not python_path.is_file()

    assert not run_pipx_cli(["uninstall", "pycowsay"])
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def test_missing_interpreter(pipx_temp_env, monkeypatch, capsys):
    assert not run_pipx_cli(["install", "pycowsay"])

    _, python_path = util.get_venv_paths(constants.PIPX_LOCAL_VENVS / "pycowsay")
    assert (python_path).is_file()

    assert not run_pipx_cli(["list"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "package pycowsay has invalid interpreter" not in captured.out

    assert not run_pipx_cli(["list"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "package pycowsay has invalid interpreter" in captured.out
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def test_existing_symlink_points_to_nothing(pipx_temp_env, caplog, capsys):
    constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    (constants.LOCAL_BIN_DIR / "pycowsay").symlink_to("/asdf/jkl")
    assert not run_pipx_cli(["install", "pycowsay"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    # pipx should realize the symlink points to nothing and replace it,
    # so no warning should be present
    assert "symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location" not in captured.out
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def test_appargs_doubledash(
    pipx_temp_env, capsys, monkeypatch, input_run_args, expected_app_with_args
    parser = pipx.main.get_command_parser()
    monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["pipx", "run"] + input_run_args)
    parsed_pipx_args = parser.parse_args()
    assert parsed_pipx_args.app_with_args == expected_app_with_args
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def run_pipx_cli(pipx_args: List[str]):
    with mock.patch.object(sys, "argv", ["pipx"] + pipx_args):
        return main.cli()
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def test_version(monkeypatch, capsys):
    mock_exit = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError("raised in test to exit early"))
    with mock.patch.object(sys, "exit", mock_exit), pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="raised in test to exit early"
        assert not run_pipx_cli(["--version"])
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert main.__version__ in captured.out.strip()
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def test_simple_parse_version(ver_str, expected):
    assert main.simple_parse_version(ver_str) == expected