How to use the pipupgrade.cli.echo function in pipupgrade

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pipupgrade examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_echo(capfd):
    query  = "foobar"
    cli.echo(query, nl = False)
    assert_stdout(capfd, query)
    cli.echo(query, nl = True)
    assert_stdout(capfd, "{}\n".format(query))
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def update_pip(pip_exec, user = None, quiet = None, file = None):
	cli.echo(cli_format("Updating %s..." % pip_exec, cli.YELLOW),
		file = file)

	output = pip_upgrade("pip", pip_exec = pip_exec, user = user, quiet = quiet)

	if isinstance(output, int):
		code = output
		code = output[0]

	if not code:
		cli.echo("%s upto date." % cli_format(pip_exec, cli.CYAN),
			file = file)

	return output
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body  = body
					# Although there's monkey patch support for the "requests"
					# library, avoid using the "json" parameter which was
					# added in requests 2.4.2+
					response  =, data = json.dumps(data), headers = headers)

					if response.ok:
						response = response.json()
						number   = response["number"]

						url      = "/".join(map(str, ["", github_username, github_reponame, "pull", number]))
						message  = "Created a Pull Request at %s" % url

						cli.echo(cli_format(message, cli.GREEN), file = file_)
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dinfo  = nodes

		if 	 format_ == "tree":
			string = _render_dependency_tree(nodes)
		elif format_ == "json":
			string = _render_json(nodes)
		elif format_ == "yaml":
			string = _render_yaml(nodes)
		elif format_ == "table":
			string = table.render()
		cli.echo("\nSource: %s\n" % stitle, file = file)
		if not interactive or check:
			cli.echo(string, file = file)
			cli.echo(file = file)

		if not check:
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference in upgrade_type
				or p.difference == "major"]
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference != "major" 
				or getattr(p, "has_dependency_conflict", False) or latest]

			npackages = len(packages)

			spackages = pluralize("package", npackages) # Packages "string"
			query     = "Do you wish to update %s %s?" % (npackages, spackages)

			if npackages and (yes or interactive or cli.confirm(query, quit_ = True)):
				for i, package in enumerate(packages):
					update = True
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#             if diff_type == "patch":
    #                 project_name = cli_format(project_name, cli.GREEN)
    #             version_latest = _cli_format_semver(version_latest, type_ = diff_type)

    table    = Table(header = ["Package", "Current", "Latest", "Home Page"])
    for package in packages:

    string = cli_format("All packages are upto date.", cli.GREEN) if table.empty else table.render()
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nodes  = _resolve_dependencies(nodes)
			dinfo  = nodes

		if 	 format_ == "tree":
			string = _render_dependency_tree(nodes)
		elif format_ == "json":
			string = _render_json(nodes)
		elif format_ == "yaml":
			string = _render_yaml(nodes)
		elif format_ == "table":
			string = table.render()
		cli.echo("\nSource: %s\n" % stitle, file = file)
		if not interactive or check:
			cli.echo(string, file = file)
			cli.echo(file = file)

		if not check:
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference in upgrade_type
				or p.difference == "major"]
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference != "major" 
				or getattr(p, "has_dependency_conflict", False) or latest]

			npackages = len(packages)

			spackages = pluralize("package", npackages) # Packages "string"
			query     = "Do you wish to update %s %s?" % (npackages, spackages)

			if npackages and (yes or interactive or cli.confirm(query, quit_ = True)):
				for i, package in enumerate(packages):
					update = True
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def command():

    packages = get_packages_info(raise_err = False)
    # if diff_type == "major":
    #                 project_name = cli_format(project_name, cli.RED)
    #             if diff_type == "minor":
    #                 project_name = cli_format(project_name, cli.YELLOW)
    #             if diff_type == "patch":
    #                 project_name = cli_format(project_name, cli.GREEN)
    #             version_latest = _cli_format_semver(version_latest, type_ = diff_type)

    table    = Table(header = ["Package", "Current", "Latest", "Home Page"])
    for package in packages:
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def update_pip(pip_exec, user = None, quiet = None, file = None):
	cli.echo(cli_format("Updating %s..." % pip_exec, cli.YELLOW),
		file = file)

	output = pip_upgrade("pip", pip_exec = pip_exec, user = user, quiet = quiet)

	if isinstance(output, int):
		code = output
		code = output[0]

	if not code:
		cli.echo("%s upto date." % cli_format(pip_exec, cli.CYAN),
			file = file)

	return output
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if render:
		if format_ in _DEPENDENCY_FORMATS:
			nodes  = _resolve_dependencies(nodes)
			dinfo  = nodes

		if 	 format_ == "tree":
			string = _render_dependency_tree(nodes)
		elif format_ == "json":
			string = _render_json(nodes)
		elif format_ == "yaml":
			string = _render_yaml(nodes)
		elif format_ == "table":
			string = table.render()
		cli.echo("\nSource: %s\n" % stitle, file = file)
		if not interactive or check:
			cli.echo(string, file = file)
			cli.echo(file = file)

		if not check:
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference in upgrade_type
				or p.difference == "major"]
			packages  = [p for p in dinfo if p.difference != "major" 
				or getattr(p, "has_dependency_conflict", False) or latest]

			npackages = len(packages)

			spackages = pluralize("package", npackages) # Packages "string"
			query     = "Do you wish to update %s %s?" % (npackages, spackages)