How to use the pin.command function in pin

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dustinlacewell / pin / pin / View on Github external
def do_delegation(self, cmd, args):
        # project precondition
        proj_path = registry.pathfor(cmd)
        if proj_path is not None:
            cmd = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
        if '-' in cmd:
            cmd, newargs = cmd.split('-', 1)
            args = [newargs, ] + args
        comcls = command.get(cmd) or command.get('help')
            if comcls:
                comobj = comcls(args)
                if comobj.is_relevant():
                    helpcls = command.get('help')
                    helpobj = helpcls((cmd,))
                    print "\n'%s %s' command not relevant here." % (cmd, ' '.join(args).strip())
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\n"
github dustinlacewell / pin / pin / View on Github external
if choices:
            return choices
        # we want commands to complete before
        # project names, so if we don't return any
        # choices above, complete a project name now
        # if we're completing the first argument
        if nargs == 1:
            if proj_path is not None:
                return os.path.basename(proj_path)
    # # # # # # # #
    # sub-commands
    elif nargs == off + 1:
        # get our parent command
        com = args[off-1]
        # get its class
        comcls = command.get(com)
        # if it is a delegate command
        if hasattr(comcls, 'get_subcommands'):
            # get partial subcommand name if user has typed anything
            # or else use empty string to complete all
            subcom = args[off] if len(args) == off+1 else ''
            # get a list of the parent command's subcommands
            subcom_choices = comcls.get_subcommands()
            # if there are any subcommands
            if subcom_choices:
                # clean subcommand names (they use command-subcommand format)
                choices = [k.split('-')[-1] for k in subcom_choices]
                # return the subcommands that start with the partial subcommand name
                return " ".join([c for c in choices if c.startswith(subcom)]) 
    # return nothing
    return ""
github dustinlacewell / pin / pin / plugins / View on Github external
def process_simplecom(self, name, collen):
        comcls = command.get(name)
        comobj = comcls([])
        if comobj.is_relevant() or self.options.all:
            usage = comobj.parser.format_usage().replace("usage: ", "")
            doc = comcls.__doc__ or ''
            print "{0: >{cl}}  - {1: ^24}".format(usage,
github dustinlacewell / pin / pin / View on Github external
# Help command
    if args:
        # complete help command
        if nargs == off and "help".startswith(args[-1]):
            return 'help'
        # or increase offset by 1
        elif "help" in args:
            off += 1
    # # # # # # # #
    # base-command
    if nargs == off:
        arg = '' # default to empty arg
        if len(args) == off:
            # set working arg to item at offset
            arg = args[off-1]
        choices = " ".join([c for c in command._commands 
                            if c.startswith(arg)
                            and command.get(c)([]).is_relevant()])
        # return the choices if there are any
        if choices:
            return choices
        # we want commands to complete before
        # project names, so if we don't return any
        # choices above, complete a project name now
        # if we're completing the first argument
        if nargs == 1:
            if proj_path is not None:
                return os.path.basename(proj_path)
    # # # # # # # #
    # sub-commands
    elif nargs == off + 1:
        # get our parent command
github dustinlacewell / pin / pin / plugins / View on Github external
def do_default_help(self):
        Render pin's general help

        This method will iterate through all available commands that declare
        themselves as being 'relevant'. Some processing is done to determine
        formatting widths of the output and help for delegate-commands 
        that contain subcommands are dynamically computed.
        # print generic pin help
        comkeys = [k for k in command.all().keys() if '-' not in k]
        maxlength = len(max(comkeys, key=len))
        simplekeys = [] # commands without subcommands
        containerkeys = [] # subcommand delgates
        subcomkeys = []
        submaxlength = maxlength
        # iterate over all commands
        for k in comkeys:
            # get command class
            comcls = command.get(k)
            # get dummy instance
            comobj = comcls([])
            # check if command is relevant
            if comobj.is_relevant() or self.options.all:
                # add to specific list based on `get_subcommands' attribute
                if hasattr(comcls, 'get_subcommands'):