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def test_image_roundtrip(outdir, w, h, pixeldata, cs, bpc):
pdf =
image_data = pixeldata * (w * h)
image = Stream(pdf, image_data)
image.Type = Name('/XObject')
image.Subtype = Name('/Image')
image.ColorSpace = Name(cs)
image.BitsPerComponent = bpc
image.Width = w
image.Height = h
xobj = {'/Im1': image}
resources = {'/XObject': xobj}
mediabox = [0, 0, 100, 100]
stream = b'q 100 0 0 100 0 0 cm /Im1 Do Q'
contents = Stream(pdf, stream)
page_dict = {
'/Type': Name('/Page'),
'/MediaBox': mediabox,
'/Contents': contents,
'/Resources': resources,
# colors used in a true color image. The palette string is always
# given as RGB tuples even when the image is grayscale; see
palette_pdf_string = compdata.get_palette_pdf_string()
palette_data = pikepdf.Object.parse(palette_pdf_string)
palette_stream = pikepdf.Stream(pike, bytes(palette_data))
palette = [Name.Indexed, Name.DeviceRGB, compdata.ncolors - 1, palette_stream]
cs = palette
# ncolors == 0 means we are using a colorspace without a palette
if compdata.spp == 1:
cs = Name.DeviceGray
elif compdata.spp == 3:
cs = Name.DeviceRGB
elif compdata.spp == 4:
cs = Name.DeviceCMYK
im_obj.ColorSpace = cs
im_obj.write(, filter=Name.FlateDecode, decode_parms=dparms)
opt_jpg = in_jpg.with_suffix('.opt.jpg')
# This produces a debug warning from PIL
# DEBUG:PIL.Image:Error closing: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
# 'close'. Seems to be mostly harmless
with as im:, optimize=True, quality=options.jpeg_quality)
if opt_jpg.stat().st_size > in_jpg.stat().st_size:
log.debug("xref %s, jpeg, made larger - skip", xref)
compdata =
im_obj = pike.get_object(xref, 0)
im_obj.write(, filter=Name.DCTDecode)
palette_pdf_string = compdata.get_palette_pdf_string()
palette_data = pikepdf.Object.parse(palette_pdf_string)
palette_stream = pikepdf.Stream(pike, bytes(palette_data))
palette = [Name.Indexed, Name.DeviceRGB, compdata.ncolors - 1, palette_stream]
cs = palette
# ncolors == 0 means we are using a colorspace without a palette
if compdata.spp == 1:
cs = Name.DeviceGray
elif compdata.spp == 3:
cs = Name.DeviceRGB
elif compdata.spp == 4:
cs = Name.DeviceCMYK
im_obj.ColorSpace = cs
im_obj.write(, filter=Name.FlateDecode, decode_parms=dparms)
def extract_image_jbig2(*, pike, root, log, image, xref, options):
result = extract_image_filter(pike, root, log, image, xref)
if result is None:
return None
pim, filtdp = result
if (
pim.bits_per_component == 1
and filtdp != Name.JBIG2Decode
and jbig2enc.available()
imgname = Path(root / f'{xref:08d}')
with'wb') as f:
ext = pim.extract_to(stream=f)
except pikepdf.UnsupportedImageTypeError:
return None
return xref, ext
return None
def rewrite_png_as_g4(pike, im_obj, compdata, log):
im_obj.BitsPerComponent = 1
im_obj.Width = compdata.w
im_obj.Height = compdata.h
log.debug(f"PNG to G4 {im_obj.objgen}")
if Name.Predictor in im_obj:
del im_obj.Predictor
if Name.DecodeParms in im_obj:
del im_obj.DecodeParms
im_obj.DecodeParms = Dictionary(
K=-1, BlackIs1=bool(compdata.minisblack), Columns=compdata.w
im_obj.Filter = Name.CCITTFaxDecode