How to use the pelicun.control.FEMA_P58_Assessment function in pelicun

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Describe the uncertainty in the amount of damaged components needed to
        trigger a red tag for the building. All Fragility Groups are handled in
        the same multivariate distribution. Consequently, correlation between
        various groups of component proportion limits can be specified. See
        _create_RV_red_tags() for details.

        6. Injuries

        Describe the uncertainty in the proportion of people in the affected
        area getting injuries exceeding a certain level of severity. FEMA P58
        uses two severity levels: injury and fatality. Both levels for all
        Fragility Groups are handled in the same multivariate distribution.
        Consequently, correlation between various groups of component injury
        expectations can be specified. See _create_RV_injuries() for details.
        super(FEMA_P58_Assessment, self).define_random_variables()

        # create the random variables -----------------------------------------
        DEP = self._AIM_in['dependencies']

        self._RV_dict = {}

        # quantities 100

        # fragilities 300
        s_fg_keys = sorted(self._FG_in.keys())
        for c_id, c_name in enumerate(s_fg_keys):
            comp = self._FG_in[c_name]

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EDP_input_path = EDP_files[s_i]

			# and try to auto-populate the loss model using the BIM information
			DL_input, DL_input_path = auto_populate(DL_input_path, EDP_input_path,
													DL_method, realization_count,
													coupled_EDP, event_time, 

		DL_method = DL_input['DamageAndLoss']['_method']

		stripe_str = '' if len(stripes) == 1 else str(stripe)+'_'

		if DL_method == 'FEMA P58':
			A = FEMA_P58_Assessment(log_file=log_file)
		elif DL_method in ['HAZUS MH EQ', 'HAZUS MH', 'HAZUS MH EQ IM']:			
			A = HAZUS_Assessment(hazard = 'EQ', log_file=log_file)
		elif DL_method == 'HAZUS MH HU':
			A = HAZUS_Assessment(hazard = 'HU', log_file=log_file)

		A.read_inputs(DL_input_path, EDP_files[s_i], verbose=False) # make DL inputs into array of all BIM files







Probabilistic Estimation of Losses, Injuries, and Community resilience Under Natural hazard events

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