How to use the pathlib.Path.is_dir function in pathlib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pathlib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github frutiger / bdemeta / tests / patcher / View on Github external
self._root = root

        self._parents = {}
        self._buildParents(None, [root])

        self._real_open = = self._open

        self._real_listdir = pathlib._NormalAccessor.listdir
        pathlib._NormalAccessor.listdir = self._listdir

        self._real_stat = pathlib._NormalAccessor.stat
        pathlib._NormalAccessor.stat = self._stat

        self._real_isdir = pathlib.Path.is_dir
        pathlib.Path.is_dir = lambda path: OsPatcher._is_dir(self, path)
github emilkarlen / exactly / src / exactly_lib / test_case_utils / View on Github external
stat_mode_predicate: types.FunctionType,
                 pathlib_path_predicate: Callable[[pathlib.Path], bool]):
        self.type_argument = type_argument
        self.pathlib_path_predicate = pathlib_path_predicate
        self.stat_mode_predicate = stat_mode_predicate
        self.description = name.singular = name

    FileType.REGULAR: FileTypeInfo('file',
                                   NameWithGenderWithFormatting(name.a_name_with_plural_s('regular file')),
                                   stat.S_ISREG, pathlib.Path.is_file),
    FileType.DIRECTORY: FileTypeInfo('dir',
                                     NameWithGenderWithFormatting(name.NameWithGender('a', 'directory', 'directories')),
                                     stat.S_ISDIR, pathlib.Path.is_dir),
    FileType.SYMLINK: FileTypeInfo('symlink',
                                   NameWithGenderWithFormatting(name.a_name_with_plural_s('symbolic link')),
                                   stat.S_ISLNK, pathlib.Path.is_symlink),

SYNTAX_TOKEN_2_FILE_TYPE = dict([(info.type_argument, ft) for ft, info in TYPE_INFO.items()])

def lookup_file_type(stat_result) -> Optional[FileType]:
    :return: None iff the type is an unknown type
    for file_type in TYPE_INFO:
        if TYPE_INFO[file_type].stat_mode_predicate(stat_result.st_mode):
            return file_type
    return None
github protective / stationeers_pymips / View on Github external
if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input',
                        help='folder or file for scripts', required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', default=False,
                        help='Output additional debug information for the code', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if not sys.stdin.isatty() and not == 'nt':
        # TODO fix stdin for windows
        src =
        print(compile_src(src, args.debug))
    elif args.input:
        a = Path(args.input)

        if Path.is_dir(a):
            for child in a.iterdir():
                if child.suffix == '.py':
                    compile_file(child, args.debug)
        elif a.suffix == '.py':
            compile_file(a, args.debug)
        print("Nothing on stdin and no --input given")
github catalyst-cooperative / pudl / src / pudl / workspace / View on Github external
parser = initialize_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if not args.pudl_in:
        args.pudl_in = args.pudl_dir
    if not args.pudl_out:
        args.pudl_out = args.pudl_dir

    # Given pudl_in and pudl_out, create a user settings file.
    pudl_in = pathlib.Path(args.pudl_in).expanduser().resolve()
    if not pathlib.Path.is_dir(pudl_in):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Directory not found: {pudl_in}")

    pudl_out = pathlib.Path(args.pudl_out).expanduser().resolve()
    if not pathlib.Path.is_dir(pudl_out):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Directory not found: {pudl_out}")

    pudl_defaults_file = pathlib.Path.home() / ".pudl.yml"

    # Only print out this information and do the defaults setting if that has
    # been explicitly requested, or there are no defaults already:
    if not pudl_defaults_file.exists() or args.clobber is True:"Setting default pudl_in: {pudl_in}")"Setting default pudl_out: {pudl_out}")"You can update these default values by editing "
        pudl.workspace.setup.set_defaults(pudl_in, pudl_out,

github catalyst-cooperative / pudl / src / pudl / workspace / View on Github external
# Display logged output from the PUDL package:
    logger = logging.getLogger(pudl.__name__)
    log_format = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)8s] %(name)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s'
    coloredlogs.install(fmt=log_format, level='INFO', logger=logger)

    parser = initialize_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if not args.pudl_in:
        args.pudl_in = args.pudl_dir
    if not args.pudl_out:
        args.pudl_out = args.pudl_dir

    # Given pudl_in and pudl_out, create a user settings file.
    pudl_in = pathlib.Path(args.pudl_in).expanduser().resolve()
    if not pathlib.Path.is_dir(pudl_in):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Directory not found: {pudl_in}")

    pudl_out = pathlib.Path(args.pudl_out).expanduser().resolve()
    if not pathlib.Path.is_dir(pudl_out):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Directory not found: {pudl_out}")

    pudl_defaults_file = pathlib.Path.home() / ".pudl.yml"

    # Only print out this information and do the defaults setting if that has
    # been explicitly requested, or there are no defaults already:
    if not pudl_defaults_file.exists() or args.clobber is True:"Setting default pudl_in: {pudl_in}")"Setting default pudl_out: {pudl_out}")"You can update these default values by editing "
github CraftSpider / TalosBot / utils / webserver / handlers / View on Github external
async def get_path(self, path):
            Resolves a string path from a GET request to a path on the file system
            Does safety checks to make sure they're not getting something forbidden
        :param path: String path to reolve
        :return: Path object resolved, or an int representing status code
        # any hardcoded redirects here
        if path == "/":
            path = "/index"
        path =["settings"]["base_path"] / path.lstrip("/")

        # Now do logic to find the desired file. If found, return that path. If not, return an error code
        if pathlib.Path.is_file(path):
            return path
        elif pathlib.Path.is_dir(path):
            # Look for an index.html, if that's missing, look for [dirname].html, if that's missing 404
            if (path / 'index.html').is_file():
                return path / 'index.html'
            elif (path / (str( + ".html")).is_file():
                return path / (str( + ".html")
                return 404
        elif path.with_suffix(".html").is_file():
            return path.with_suffix(".html")
            return 404
github cool-RR / python_toolbox / python_toolbox / View on Github external
def list_sub_folders(path):
    '''List all the immediate sub-folders of the folder at `path`.'''
    path = pathlib.Path(path)
    assert path.is_dir()
    return tuple(filter(pathlib.Path.is_dir, path.glob('*')))
github redsudo / mqaid / View on Github external
streams = (Bits((x ^ y) >> p & 1
            for x, y in zip(samples[::2], samples[1::2]))
            for p in range(16, 24))

        if any(s.find(MAGIC) for s in streams):
            print('\x1b[1;31m MQA syncword present. [{}] \x1b[0m'.format(str(path)))
            print('\x1b[1;32m Didn\'t find an MQA syncword. [{}] \x1b[0m'.format([-1]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    flacpaths = []

    for path in args:
        path = Path(path)
        if Path.is_dir(path):
            flacpaths += sorted(Path(path).glob('**/*.flac'))
        elif str(path).endswith('.flac') and path.is_file():

    print('\x1b[1;33m Found {} flac file(s). Decoding now... \x1b[0m'.format(len(flacpaths)))
    for fpath in flacpaths:
        except Exception as ex:
github protective / stationeers_pymips / View on Github external
output += f'{line}\n'

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input',
                        help='folder or file for scripts')
    parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', default=False,
                        help='Output additional debug information for the code', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    a = Path(args.input)

    if Path.is_dir(a):
        for child in a.iterdir():
            if child.suffix == '.py':
                compile_file(child, args.debug)
    elif a.suffix == '.py':
        compile_file(a, args.debug)