How to use the osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked function in osxphotos

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github RhetTbull / osxphotos / tests / View on Github external
def test_db_is_locked_locked():
    import osxphotos

    assert osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked(DB_LOCKED_10_12)
    assert osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked(DB_LOCKED_10_15)
github RhetTbull / osxphotos / tests / View on Github external
def test_db_is_locked_locked():
    import osxphotos

    assert osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked(DB_LOCKED_10_12)
    assert osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked(DB_LOCKED_10_15)
github RhetTbull / osxphotos / tests / View on Github external
def test_db_is_locked_unlocked():
    import osxphotos

    assert not osxphotos.utils._db_is_locked(DB_UNLOCKED_10_15)
github RhetTbull / osxphotos / osxphotos / photosdb / View on Github external
# In those cases, make a temp copy of the file for sqlite3 to read
        if _db_is_locked(self._dbfile):
            self._tmp_db = self._copy_db_file(self._dbfile)

        self._db_version = self._get_db_version(self._tmp_db)

        # If Photos >= 5, actual data isn't in photos.db but in Photos.sqlite
        if int(self._db_version) > int(_PHOTOS_4_VERSION):
            dbpath = pathlib.Path(self._dbfile).parent
            dbfile = dbpath / "Photos.sqlite"
            if not _check_file_exists(dbfile):
                raise FileNotFoundError(f"dbfile {dbfile} does not exist", dbfile)
                self._dbfile_actual = self._tmp_db = dbfile
                # if database is exclusively locked, make a copy of it and use the copy
                if _db_is_locked(self._dbfile_actual):
                    self._tmp_db = self._copy_db_file(self._dbfile_actual)

            if _debug():
                    f"_dbfile = {self._dbfile}, _dbfile_actual = {self._dbfile_actual}"

        library_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dbfile))
        (library_path, _) = os.path.split(library_path)  # drop /database from path
        self._library_path = library_path
        if int(self._db_version) <= int(_PHOTOS_4_VERSION):
            masters_path = os.path.join(library_path, "Masters")
            self._masters_path = masters_path
            masters_path = os.path.join(library_path, "originals")
            self._masters_path = masters_path
github RhetTbull / osxphotos / osxphotos / photosdb / View on Github external
# this serves as a reverse index from label to photos containing the label
    # _db_searchinfo_labels_normalized is the same but with normalized (lower case) version of the label
    self._db_searchinfo_labels = _db_searchinfo_labels = {}
    self._db_searchinfo_labels_normalized = _db_searchinfo_labels_normalized = {}

    if self._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"search info not implemented for this database version"

    search_db_path = pathlib.Path(self._dbfile).parent / "search" / "psi.sqlite"
    if not search_db_path.exists():
        logging.warning(f"could not find search db: {search_db_path}")
        return None

    if _db_is_locked(search_db_path):
        search_db = self._copy_db_file(search_db_path)
        search_db = search_db_path

    (conn, c) = _open_sql_file(search_db)

    result = c.execute(
        groups.rowid as groupid,
github RhetTbull / osxphotos / osxphotos / photosdb / View on Github external
# init database names
        # _tmp_db is the file that will processed by _process_database4/5
        # assume _tmp_db will be _dbfile or _dbfile_actual based on Photos version
        # unless DB is locked, in which case _tmp_db will point to a temporary copy
        # if Photos <=4, _dbfile = _dbfile_actual = photos.db
        # if Photos >= 5, _dbfile = photos.db, from which we get DB version but the actual
        # photos data is in Photos.sqlite
        # In either case, a temporary copy will be made if the DB is locked by Photos
        # or photosanalysisd
        self._dbfile = self._dbfile_actual = self._tmp_db = os.path.abspath(dbfile)

        # if database is exclusively locked, make a copy of it and use the copy
        # Photos maintains an exclusive lock on the database file while Photos is open
        # photoanalysisd sometimes maintains this lock even after Photos is closed
        # In those cases, make a temp copy of the file for sqlite3 to read
        if _db_is_locked(self._dbfile):
            self._tmp_db = self._copy_db_file(self._dbfile)

        self._db_version = self._get_db_version(self._tmp_db)

        # If Photos >= 5, actual data isn't in photos.db but in Photos.sqlite
        if int(self._db_version) > int(_PHOTOS_4_VERSION):
            dbpath = pathlib.Path(self._dbfile).parent
            dbfile = dbpath / "Photos.sqlite"
            if not _check_file_exists(dbfile):
                raise FileNotFoundError(f"dbfile {dbfile} does not exist", dbfile)
                self._dbfile_actual = self._tmp_db = dbfile
                # if database is exclusively locked, make a copy of it and use the copy
                if _db_is_locked(self._dbfile_actual):
                    self._tmp_db = self._copy_db_file(self._dbfile_actual)