How to use the openpathsampling.netcdfplus.StorableObject function in openpathsampling

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few openpathsampling examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@author: JH Prinz

import numpy as np
import mdtraj as md
import simtk.unit as u

from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject

# =============================================================================================
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class Trajectory(list, StorableObject):
    Simulation trajectory. Essentially a python list of snapshots

    engine = None

    def __init__(self, trajectory=None):
        Create a simulation trajectory object


        trajectory : :class:`openpathsampling.trajectory.Trajectory` or list of :class:`openpathsampling.snapshot.BaseSnapshot`
            if specified, make a deep copy of specified trajectory
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def __init__(self, subchanges=None, samples=None, mover=None,
                 details=None, input_samples=None):

        self._lazy = {}

        self._len = None
        self._collapsed = None
        self._results = None
        self._trials = None
        self._accepted = None
        self.mover = mover
        if subchanges is None:
            self.subchanges = []
            self.subchanges = subchanges

        if samples is None:
            self.samples = []
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import numpy as np

from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject

# The decorator @restores_ allows us to restore the object from a JSON
# string completely and can thus be stored automatically

class PES(StorableObject):
    """Abstract base class for toy potential energy surfaces.
    # For now, we only support additive combinations; maybe someday that can
    # include multiplication, too

    def __init__(self):
        super(PES, self).__init__()

    def __add__(self, other):
        return PES_Add(self, other)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return PES_Sub(self, other)

    def kinetic_energy(self, sys):
        """Default kinetic energy implementation.
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store a clean set of samples
        return SampleSet(
                # details=s.details,
            ) for s in self]

# @lazy_loading_attributes('parent', 'mover')
class Sample(StorableObject):
    A Sample represents a given "draw" from its ensemble, and is the return
    object from a PathMover. It and contains all information about the move,
    initial trajectories, new trajectories (both as references).

    Since each Sample is a single representative of a single ensemble, each
    Sample consists of one replica ID, one trajectory, and one ensemble.
    This means that movers which generate more than one "draw" (often from
    different ensembles, e.g. replica exchange) will generate more than one
    Sample object.

    replica : int
        The replica ID to which this Sample applies. The replica ID can also
        be negative.
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import copy

import numpy as np
import mdtraj as md

import simtk.unit as u

from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject, lazy_loading_attributes

# =============================================================================
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class Configuration(StorableObject):
    Simulation configuration. Only Coordinates, the associated boxvectors
    and the potential_energy

    # Class variables to store the global storage and the system context
    # describing the system to be safed as configuration_indices

    def __init__(self, coordinates=None, box_vectors=None,
        Create a simulation configuration from either an OpenMM context or
        individually-specified components.

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__author__ = 'Jan-Hendrik Prinz'

import logging

import openpathsampling as paths
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject, lazy_loading_attributes
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import DelayedLoader
from .treelogic import TreeMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# @lazy_loading_attributes('details')
class MoveChange(TreeMixin, StorableObject):
    A class that described the concrete realization of a PathMove.

    mover : PathMover
        The mover that generated this MoveChange
    samples : list of Sample
        A list of newly generated samples by this particular move.
        Only used by node movers like RepEx or Shooters
    subchanges : list of MoveChanges
        the MoveChanges created by submovers
    details : Details
        an object that contains MoveType specific attributes and information.
        E.g. for a RandomChoiceMover which Mover was selected.
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if type(base_class) is not tuple:
        base_class = (base_class,)

    cls = type(name, base_class, {})
    if description is not None:
        cls.__doc__ = description

    cls = feats.attach_features(

    return cls

class SnapshotDescriptor(frozenset, StorableObject):
    """Container for information about snapshots generated by an engine.

    Snapshot descriptors are used to define the dimensions of the features
    used in a snapshot, in order to set correct sizes in storage. For
    example, the arrays of atomic positions and velocities will each be of
    shape ``(n_atoms, n_spatial)``. The snapshot descriptor stores the
    values of ``n_atoms`` and ``n_spatial``. It also knows the class of
    snapshot to be created by the engine. This is usually created upon
    initialization of the engine, using information from the engine's
    initialization parameters.

    In practice, it is probably easiest to create snapshot descriptors using
    their :meth:`.construct` method.

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            the reduced deep copy

        # TODO: Keep old potential_energy? Is not correct but might be useful. Boxvectors are fine!
        return Configuration(coordinates=self.coordinates,

# =============================================================================
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class Momentum(StorableObject):
    Simulation momentum. Contains only velocities of all atoms and
    associated kinetic energies

    # Class variables to store the global storage and the system context
    # describing the system to be safed as momentums

    def __init__(self, velocities=None, kinetic_energy=None):
        Create a simulation momentum from either an OpenMM context or
        individually-specified components.

        velocities : simtk.unit.Quantity wrapping Nx3 np array of dimension length
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@author: JD Chodera
@author: JH Prinz

import abc

from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject
from . import features as feats

# =============================================================================
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class BaseSnapshot(StorableObject):
    Simulation snapshot. Contains references to a configuration and momentum

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, topology=None):
        topology : openpathsamping.Topology, default: None
            The corresponding topology used with this Snapshot. Can also be None
            and means no topology is specified.

        super(BaseSnapshot, self).__init__()
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import numpy as np

from openpathsampling.integration_tools import (
    error_if_no_mdtraj, is_simtk_quantity_type, md
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableObject, LoaderProxy
import openpathsampling as paths

# ==============================================================================
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class Trajectory(list, StorableObject):
    Simulation trajectory. Essentially a python list of snapshots

    engine = None

    def __init__(self, trajectory=None):
        Create a simulation trajectory object


        trajectory : :obj:`Trajectory` or list of :obj:`openpathsampling.engines.BaseSnapshot`
            if specified, make a deep copy of specified trajectory