How to use the ontospy.core.manager.get_home_location function in ontospy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ontospy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lambdamusic / Ontospy / ontospy / viz / scripts / View on Github external
if outputpath:
        if not(os.path.exists(outputpath)) or not (os.path.isdir(outputpath)):
            click.secho("WARNING: the -o option must include a valid directory path.", fg="red")
        from os.path import expanduser
        home = expanduser("~")
        outputpath = os.path.join(home, "ontospy-viz-multi")

    if source:
        click.secho("WARNING: not implemented yet. Only local repo can be exported.", fg="red")
        click.secho("Exporting the local library: '%s'" % get_home_location(), fg="green")

    report_pages = []

    for onto_name in get_localontologies():

        full_uri = os.path.join(get_home_location(), onto_name)
        if theme=="random":
            _theme = random_theme()
            _theme = theme
        click.secho("Onto: <%s> Theme: '%s'" % (onto_name, _theme), fg="green")

        printDebug("Loading graph...", dim=True)
        g = Ontospy(os.path.join(get_home_location(), onto_name), verbose=verbose)

        printDebug("Building visualization...", dim=True)
github lambdamusic / Ontospy / ontospy / viz / scripts / View on Github external
        from os.path import expanduser
        home = expanduser("~")
        outputpath = os.path.join(home, "ontospy-viz-multi")

    if source:
        click.secho("WARNING: not implemented yet. Only local repo can be exported.", fg="red")
        click.secho("Exporting the local library: '%s'" % get_home_location(), fg="green")

    report_pages = []

    for onto_name in get_localontologies():

        full_uri = os.path.join(get_home_location(), onto_name)
        if theme=="random":
            _theme = random_theme()
            _theme = theme
        click.secho("Onto: <%s> Theme: '%s'" % (onto_name, _theme), fg="green")

        printDebug("Loading graph...", dim=True)
        g = Ontospy(os.path.join(get_home_location(), onto_name), verbose=verbose)

        printDebug("Building visualization...", dim=True)
        onto_name_safe = slugify(unicode(onto_name))
        onto_outputpath = os.path.join(outputpath, onto_name_safe )
        # note: single static files output path
        static_outputpath = os.path.join(outputpath, "static" )
        # v = KompleteViz(g, theme=_theme)
        v = KompleteVizMultiModel(g, theme=_theme, static_url="../static/", output_path_static=static_outputpath)
github lambdamusic / Ontospy / ontospy / viz / View on Github external
from .builder import random_theme
        theme = random_theme()

    if outputpath:
        if not(os.path.exists(outputpath)) or not (os.path.isdir(outputpath)):
            click.secho("WARNING: the -o option must include a valid directory path.", fg="red")

    if not library and not source:
        # ctx.get_help()
        # ctx.invoke(get_help) how to???
        click.secho("WARNING: not enough options. Use -h for help.", fg="red")

    if library:
        click.secho("Showing the local library: '%s'" % get_home_location(), fg='red')

    if source and len(source) > 1:
        click.secho('Note: currently only one argument can be passed', fg='red')

    url = action_visualize(source, fromshell=False, path=outputpath, title=title, theme=theme, verbose=verbose)

    if url:# open browser
        import webbrowser

        # continue and print(timing at bottom )

    raise SystemExit(1)
github lambdamusic / Ontospy / ontospy / extras / View on Github external
def __init__(self, uri=None):
        self.current = {'file' : filename, 'fullpath' : fullpath, 'graph': g}
        self.currentEntity = {'name' : obj.locale or obj.uri, 'object' : obj, 'type' : 'class'}
                                                                    # or 'property' or 'concept'
        # init repo if necessary
        # useful vars
        self.LOCAL = ONTOSPY_LOCAL
        self.LOCAL_MODELS = manager.get_home_location()
        self.all_ontologies = manager.get_localontologies()
        self.current = None
        self.currentEntity = None
        if uri:
            self._load_ontology(uri, preview_mode=True)
github lambdamusic / Ontodocs / ontodocs / core / View on Github external
viztype = ask_visualization()
    if viztype == "":
        return None
        # raise SystemExit, 1

    # 2017-01-23: bypass pickled stuff as it has wrong counts etc..
    USE_CACHE = False
    # get ontospy graph
    if islocal and USE_CACHE:
        g = get_pickled_ontology(ontouri)
        if not g:
            g = do_pickle_ontology(ontouri)
        printDebug("Loading graph...", dim=True)
        if islocal:
            g = Ontospy(os.path.join(ontospy_manager.get_home_location(), ontouri), verbose=verbose)
            g = Ontospy(ontouri, verbose=verbose)

    # put in home folder by default: //files..
    if not path:
        from os.path import expanduser
        home = expanduser("~")
        onto_path = slugify(unicode(ontouri))
        viz_path = slugify(unicode(VISUALIZATIONS_LIST[viztype]['Title']))
        path = os.path.join(home, "ontospy-viz/" + onto_path + "/" + viz_path )
        if not os.path.exists(path):

    # url  = build_viz(ontouri, g, viztype, path)
    printDebug("Building visualization...", dim=True)
    url  = build_visualization(ontouri, g, viztype, path, title, theme)