How to use the ocrmypdf.pdfinfo.Colorspace function in ocrmypdf

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github jbarlow83 / OCRmyPDF / tests / View on Github external
pdfimage = pdfinfo[0].images[0]

    if compression == "jpeg":
        assert pdfimage.enc == Encoding.jpeg
        if ghostscript.jpeg_passthrough_available():
            # Ghostscript 9.23 adds JPEG passthrough, which allows a JPEG to be
            # copied without transcoding - so report
            if image.endswith('jpg'):
                assert pdfimage.enc == Encoding.jpeg
            assert pdfimage.enc not in (Encoding.jpeg, Encoding.jpeg2000)

    if im.mode.startswith('RGB') or im.mode.startswith('BGR'):
        assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.rgb, "Colorspace changed"
    elif im.mode.startswith('L'):
        assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.gray, "Colorspace changed"
github jbarlow83 / OCRmyPDF / tests / View on Github external
# If alpha image is input, expect an error
            assert p.returncode != ExitCode.ok and 'alpha' in p.stderr

        assert p.returncode == ExitCode.ok, p.stderr

    pdfinfo = PdfInfo(output_file)

    pdfimage = pdfinfo[0].images[0]

    if input_file.endswith('.png'):
        assert pdfimage.enc != Encoding.jpeg, "Lossless compression changed to lossy!"
    elif input_file.endswith('.jpg'):
        assert pdfimage.enc == Encoding.jpeg, "Lossy compression changed to lossless!"
    if im.mode.startswith('RGB') or im.mode.startswith('BGR'):
        assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.rgb, "Colorspace changed"
    elif im.mode.startswith('L'):
        assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.gray, "Colorspace changed"
github jbarlow83 / OCRmyPDF / tests / View on Github external
pdf = Canvas(str(filename), pagesize=(8 * 72, 6 * 72))

    im ='1', (8, 8), 0)
    for n in range(8):
        im.putpixel((n, n), 1)

    # Draw image in a 72x72 pt or 1"x1" area
    pdf.drawInlineImage(im, 0, 0, width=72, height=72)

    info = pdfinfo.PdfInfo(filename)
    pdfimage = info[0].images[0]
    assert isclose(pdfimage.xres, 8)
    assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.gray
    assert pdfimage.width == 8
github jbarlow83 / OCRmyPDF / tests / View on Github external
pdf_bytes = img2pdf.convert(
        im_bytes, producer="img2pdf", with_pdfrw=False, layout_fun=layout_fun

    info = pdfinfo.PdfInfo(filename)

    assert len(info) == 1
    page = info[0]

    assert not page.has_text
    assert len(page.images) == 1

    pdfimage = page.images[0]
    assert pdfimage.width == 8
    assert pdfimage.color == Colorspace.gray

    # DPI in a 1"x1" is the image width
    assert isclose(pdfimage.xres, 8)
    assert isclose(pdfimage.yres, 8)