How to use the obspy.xseed.fields.Float function in obspy

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Blockette 048: Channel Sensitivity/Gain Dictionary Blockette.

    See Channel Sensitivity/Gain Blockette [58] for more information.

    id = 48
    name = "Channel Sensivitity Gain Dictionary"
    fields = [
        Integer(3, "Response Lookup Key", 4),
        VariableString(4, "Response Name", 1, 25, 'UN_'),
        Float(5, "Sensitivity gain", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(6, "Frequency", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Integer(7, "Number of history values", 2),
        # REPEAT fields 8 — 10 for the Number of history values:
        Loop('History', "Number of history values", [
            Float(8, "Sensitivity for calibration", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(9, "Frequency of calibration sensitivity", 12,
            VariableString(10, "Time of above calibration", 1, 22, 'T')

    def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
        Returns RESP string.
        string = \
        '#\t\t+                  +---------------------------------------+' + \
        '                  +\n' + \
        '#\t\t+                  |   Channel Sensitivity,' + \
        '%6s ch %s   |                  +\n' % (station, channel) + \
        '#\t\t+                  +---------------------------------------+' + \
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to convert from one function to the other. Most data users are interested
    in knowing the sensor output in Earth units, and the polynomial response
    blockette facilitates the access to Earth units for sensors with
    non-linear responses.

    id = 62
    name = "Response Polynomial"
    fields = [
        FixedString(3, "Transfer Function Type", 1),
        Integer(4, "Stage Sequence Number", 2),
        Integer(5, "Stage Signal In Units", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(6, "Stage Signal Out Units", 3, xpath=34),
        FixedString(7, "Polynomial Approximation Type", 1),
        FixedString(8, "Valid Frequency Units", 1),
        Float(9, "Lower Valid Frequency Bound", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(10, "Upper Valid Frequency Bound", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(11, "Lower Bound of Approximation", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(12, "Upper Bound of Approximation", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(13, "Maximum Absolute Error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Integer(14, "Number of Polynomial Coefficients", 3),
        #REPEAT fields 15 and 16 for each polynomial coefficient
        Loop("Polynomial Coefficients", "Number of Polynomial Coefficients", [
            Float(12, "Polynomial Coefficient", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(12, "Polynomial Coefficient Error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),

    # Changes the name of the blockette because of an error in XSEED 1.0
    def getXML(self, *args, **kwargs):
        xml = Blockette.getXML(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.xseed_version == '1.0':
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class Blockette050(Blockette):
    Blockette 050: Station Identifier Blockette.
    0500097ANMO +34.946200-106.456700+1740.00006001Albuquerque, NewMexico, USA~

    id = 50
    name = "Station Identifier"
    fields = [
        FixedString(3, "Station call letters", 5, 'UN'),
        Float(4, "Latitude", 10, mask='%+02.6f'),
        Float(5, "Longitude", 11, mask='%+03.6f'),
        Float(6, "Elevation", 7, mask='%+04.1f'),
        Integer(7, "Number of channels", 4),
        Integer(8, "Number of station comments", 3),
        VariableString(9, "Site name", 1, 60, 'UNLPS'),
        Integer(10, "Network identifier code", 3, xpath=33),
        Integer(11, "word order 32bit", 4),
        Integer(12, "word order 16bit", 2),
        VariableString(13, "Start effective date", 1, 22, 'T'),
        VariableString(14, "End effective date", 0, 22, 'T', optional=True,
        VariableString(14, "End effective date", 0, 22, 'T',
        FixedString(15, "Update flag", 1),
        FixedString(16, "Network Code", 2, 'ULN', version=2.3)
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Float(8, "A0 normalization factor", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(9, "Normalization frequency", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Integer(10, "Number of complex zeros", 3),
        # REPEAT fields 11 — 14 for the Number of complex zeros:
        Loop('Complex zero', "Number of complex zeros", [
            Float(11, "Real zero", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(12, "Imaginary zero", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(13, "Real zero error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(14, "Imaginary zero error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')
        Integer(15, "Number of complex poles", 3),
        # REPEAT fields 16 — 19 for the Number of complex poles:
        Loop('Complex pole', "Number of complex poles", [
            Float(16, "Real pole", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(16, "Imaginary pole", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(18, "Real pole error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(19, "Imaginary pole error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')

# Changes the name of the blockette because of an error in XSEED 1.0
    def getXML(self, *args, **kwargs):
        xml = Blockette.getXML(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.xseed_version == '1.0':
            xml.tag = 'response_poles_and_zeros'
        return xml

    def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
        Returns RESP string.
        # Field five needs some extra parsing.
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Integer(6, "Instrument identifier", 3, xpath=33),
        VariableString(7, "Optional comment", 0, 30, 'UNLPS'),
        Integer(8, "Units of signal response", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(9, "Units of calibration input", 3, xpath=34),
        Float(10, "Latitude", 10, mask='%+2.6f'),
        Float(11, "Longitude", 11, mask='%+3.6f'),
        Float(12, "Elevation", 7, mask='%+4.1f'),
        Float(13, "Local depth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(14, "Azimuth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(15, "Dip", 5, mask='%+2.1f'),
        Integer(16, "Data format identifier code", 4, xpath=30),
        # The typo is intentional for XSEED 1.0 compatibility.
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.0',
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.1'),
        Float(18, "Sample rate", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Float(19, "Max clock drift", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Integer(20, "Number of comments", 4),
        VariableString(21, "Channel flags", 0, 26, 'U'),
        VariableString(22, "Start date", 1, 22, 'T'),
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', optional=True,
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', xseed_version='1.1'),
        FixedString(24, "Update flag", 1)
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2.000E+01 2.000E-030000CG~1991,042,20:48~~N

    id = 52
    name = "Channel Identifier"
    fields = [
        FixedString(3, "Location identifier", 2, 'UN'),
        FixedString(4, "Channel identifier", 3, 'UN'),
        Integer(5, "Subchannel identifier", 4),
        Integer(6, "Instrument identifier", 3, xpath=33),
        VariableString(7, "Optional comment", 0, 30, 'UNLPS'),
        Integer(8, "Units of signal response", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(9, "Units of calibration input", 3, xpath=34),
        Float(10, "Latitude", 10, mask='%+2.6f'),
        Float(11, "Longitude", 11, mask='%+3.6f'),
        Float(12, "Elevation", 7, mask='%+4.1f'),
        Float(13, "Local depth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(14, "Azimuth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(15, "Dip", 5, mask='%+2.1f'),
        Integer(16, "Data format identifier code", 4, xpath=30),
        # The typo is intentional for XSEED 1.0 compatibility.
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.0',
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.1'),
        Float(18, "Sample rate", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Float(19, "Max clock drift", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Integer(20, "Number of comments", 4),
        VariableString(21, "Channel flags", 0, 26, 'U'),
        VariableString(22, "Start date", 1, 22, 'T'),
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', optional=True,
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', xseed_version='1.1'),
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the time delay. (In this case, the decimation factor is 1 and the offset 
    value is 0.)
    057005132 .0000E+02    1    0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00

    id = 57
    name = "Decimation"
    fields = [
        Integer(3, "Stage sequence number", 2),
        Float(4, "Input sample rate", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Integer(5, "Decimation factor", 5),
        Integer(6, "Decimation offset", 5),
        Float(7, "Estimated delay", 11, mask='%+1.4e'),
        Float(8, "Correction applied", 11, mask='%+1.4e')

    def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
        Returns RESP string.
        out = RESP % (station, channel,
                      formatRESP(self.input_sample_rate, 6),
                      formatRESP(self.estimated_delay, 6),
                      formatRESP(self.correction_applied, 6))
        return out
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Integer(3, "Response Lookup Key", 4),
        VariableString(4, "Response Name", 1, 25, 'UN_'),
        FixedString(5, "Response type", 1, 'U'),
        Integer(6, "Signal input units", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(7, "Signal output units", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(8, "Number of numerators", 4),
        # REPEAT fields 9 - 10 for the Number of numerators:
        Loop('Numerators', "Number of numerators", [
            Float(9, "Numerator coefficient", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(10, "Numerator error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')
        ], flat=True),
        Integer(11, "Number of denominators", 4),
        # REPEAT fields 12 — 13 for the Number of denominators:
        Loop('Denominators', "Number of denominators", [
            Float(12, "Denominator coefficient", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(13, "Denominator error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')
        ], flat=True)

# Changes the name of the blockette because of an error in XSEED 1.0
    def getXML(self, *args, **kwargs):
        xml = Blockette.getXML(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.xseed_version == '1.0':
            xml.tag = 'response_coefficients'
        return xml

    def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
        Returns RESP string.
        string = \
        '#\t\t+               +----------------------------------------' + \
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Float(7, "A0 normalization factor", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Float(8, "Normalization frequency", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
        Integer(9, "Number of complex zeros", 3),
        # REPEAT fields 10 — 13 for the Number of complex zeros:
        Loop('Complex zero', "Number of complex zeros", [
            Float(10, "Real zero", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(11, "Imaginary zero", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(12, "Real zero error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(13, "Imaginary zero error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')
        Integer(14, "Number of complex poles", 3),
        # REPEAT fields 15 — 18 for the Number of complex poles:
        Loop('Complex pole', "Number of complex poles", [
            Float(15, "Real pole", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(16, "Imaginary pole", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(17, "Real pole error", 12, mask='%+1.5e'),
            Float(18, "Imaginary pole error", 12, mask='%+1.5e')

    def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
        Returns RESP string.
        # Field three needs some extra parsing.
        field_three_dict = {'A': 'A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)]',
                            'B': 'B [Analog (Hz)]',
                            'C': 'C [Composite]',
                            'D': 'D [Digital (Z-transform)]'}
        out = RESP % (station, channel,
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VariableString(7, "Optional comment", 0, 30, 'UNLPS'),
        Integer(8, "Units of signal response", 3, xpath=34),
        Integer(9, "Units of calibration input", 3, xpath=34),
        Float(10, "Latitude", 10, mask='%+2.6f'),
        Float(11, "Longitude", 11, mask='%+3.6f'),
        Float(12, "Elevation", 7, mask='%+4.1f'),
        Float(13, "Local depth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(14, "Azimuth", 5, mask='%3.1f'),
        Float(15, "Dip", 5, mask='%+2.1f'),
        Integer(16, "Data format identifier code", 4, xpath=30),
        # The typo is intentional for XSEED 1.0 compatibility.
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.0',
        Integer(17, "Data record length", 2, xseed_version='1.1'),
        Float(18, "Sample rate", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Float(19, "Max clock drift", 10, mask='%1.4e'),
        Integer(20, "Number of comments", 4),
        VariableString(21, "Channel flags", 0, 26, 'U'),
        VariableString(22, "Start date", 1, 22, 'T'),
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', optional=True,
        VariableString(23, "End date", 0, 22, 'T', xseed_version='1.1'),
        FixedString(24, "Update flag", 1)