How to use the nvchecker.source.session function in nvchecker

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nvchecker examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lilydjwg / nvchecker / tests / View on Github external
async def test_proxy(get_version, monkeypatch):
  from nvchecker.source import session

  async def fake_request(*args, proxy, **kwargs):
    class fake_response():
      status = 200

      async def read():
        return proxy.encode("ascii")

      def release():

    return fake_response

  monkeypatch.setattr(session, "nv_config", {"proxy": ""}, raising=False)
  monkeypatch.setattr(aiohttp.ClientSession, "_request", fake_request)

  assert await get_version("example", {"regex": "(.+)", "url": "deadbeef"}) == ""
  assert await get_version("example", {"regex": "(.+)", "url": "deadbeef", "proxy": ""}) == ""
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf, **kwargs):
  pkg = conf.get('debianpkg') or name
  strip_release = conf.getboolean('strip-release', False)
  suite = conf.get('suite') or "sid"
  url = URL % {"pkgname": pkg, "suite": suite}
  async with session.get(url) as res:
    data = await res.json()

  if not data.get('versions'):
    logger.error('Debian package not found', name=name)

  r = data['versions'][0]
  if strip_release:
    version = r['version'].split("-")[0]
    version = r['version']

  return version
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf, **kwargs):
  aurname = conf.get('aur') or name
  use_last_modified = conf.getboolean('use_last_modified', False)
  strip_release = conf.getboolean('strip-release', False)
  async with session.get(AUR_URL, params={"v": 5, "type": "info", "arg[]": aurname}) as res:
    data = await res.json()

  if not data['results']:
    logger.error('AUR upstream not found', name=name)

  version = data['results'][0]['Version']
  if use_last_modified:
    version += '-' + datetime.utcfromtimestamp(data['results'][0]['LastModified']).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
  if strip_release and '-' in version:
    version = version.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
  return version
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
token = conf.get('token')
  # Load token from environ
  if token is None:
    env_name = "NVCHECKER_GITLAB_TOKEN_" + host.upper().replace(".", "_").replace("/", "_")
    token = os.environ.get(env_name)
  # Load token from keyman
  if token is None and 'keyman' in kwargs:
    key_name = 'gitlab_' + host.lower().replace('.', '_').replace("/", "_")
    token = kwargs['keyman'].get_key(key_name)

  # Set private token if token exists.
  headers = {}
  if token:
    headers["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = token

  async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as res:
    data = await res.json()
  if use_max_tag:
    version = [tag["name"] for tag in data if tag["name"] not in ignored_tags]
    version = data[0]['created_at'].split('T', 1)[0].replace('-', '')
  return version
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_latest_tag(name, conf, token):
  repo = conf.get('github')
  query = conf.get('query', '')
  owner, reponame = repo.split('/')
  headers = {
    'Authorization': 'bearer %s' % token,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  q = QUERY_LATEST_TAG.format(
    owner = owner,
    name = reponame,
    query = query,
  async with
    headers = headers,
    json = {'query': q},
  ) as res:
    j = await res.json()

  refs = j['data']['repository']['refs']['edges']
  if not refs:
    logger.error('no tag found', name=name)

  return refs[0]['node']['name']
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf):
  repo = conf.get('gcode_svn') or name
  url = GCODE_URL % repo
  async with session.get(url) as res:
    data = await res.text()
  m =
  if m:
    version =
    logger.error('%s: version not found.', name)
    version = None
  return name, version
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf, **kwargs):
  pkg = conf.get('anitya')
  url = URL.format(pkg = pkg)

  async with session.get(url) as res:
    data = await res.json()

  return data['version']
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf, **kwargs):
  pkg = conf.get('ubuntupkg') or name
  strip_release = conf.getboolean('strip-release', False)
  suite = conf.get('suite')
  url = URL % pkg

  if suite:
    suite = "" + suite

  releases = []

  while not releases:
    async with session.get(url) as res:
      data = await res.json()

    if not data.get('entries'):
      logger.error('Ubuntu package not found', name=name)

    releases = [r for r in data["entries"] if r["status"] == "Published"]

    if suite:
      releases = [r for r in releases if r["distro_series_link"] == suite]

    if "next_collection_link" not in data:

    url = data["next_collection_link"]
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
if path:
      parameters['path'] = path
    url += '?' + urlencode(parameters)
  headers = {
    'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.quicksilver-preview+json',
  if token:
    headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token

  kwargs = {}
  if conf.get('proxy'):
    kwargs["proxy"] = conf.get("proxy")

  if use_max_tag:
    return await max_tag(partial(
      session.get, headers=headers, **kwargs),
      url, name, ignored_tags, include_tags_pattern,
      max_page = conf.getint("max_page", 1),

  async with session.get(url, headers=headers, **kwargs) as res:
    data = await res.json()

  if use_latest_release:
    if 'tag_name' not in data:
      logger.error('No tag found in upstream repository.',
    version = data['tag_name']
github lilydjwg / nvchecker / nvchecker / source / View on Github external
async def get_version(name, conf, **kwargs):
    repo = conf.get(confkey) or name
    url = urlpat % repo
    kwargs = {}
    if conf.get('proxy'):
      kwargs["proxy"] = conf.get('proxy')

    async with session.get(url, **kwargs) as res:
      data = await res.json(content_type=None)
    version = version_from_json(data)
    return version