How to use the nnmnkwii.preprocessing function in nnmnkwii

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github r9y9 / wavenet_vocoder / View on Github external
length = input_lengths[idx].data.cpu().item()

    # (B, C, T)
    if y_hat.dim() == 4:
        y_hat = y_hat.squeeze(-1)

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # (B, T)
        y_hat = F.softmax(y_hat, dim=1).max(1)[1]

        # (T,)
        y_hat = y_hat[idx].data.cpu().long().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().long().numpy()

        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y, hparams.quantize_channels)
        # (B, T)
        y_hat = sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic(
            y_hat, log_scale_min=hparams.log_scale_min)
        # (T,)
        y_hat = y_hat[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()

        if is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
            y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
            y = P.inv_mulaw(y, hparams.quantize_channels)

    # Mask by length
    y_hat[length:] = 0
    y[length:] = 0
github zhf459 / P_wavenet_vocoder / View on Github external
assert c.ndim == 2
        Tc = c.shape[0]
        upsample_factor = audio.get_hop_size()
        # Overwrite length according to feature size
        length = Tc * upsample_factor
        # (Tc, D) -> (Tc', D)
        # Repeat features before feeding it to the network
        if not hparams.upsample_conditional_features:
            c = np.repeat(c, upsample_factor, axis=0)

        # B x C x T
        c = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(c.T).unsqueeze(0))

    if initial_value is None:
        if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
            initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            initial_value = 0.0

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        assert initial_value >= 0 and initial_value < hparams.quantize_channels
        initial_input = np_utils.to_categorical(
            initial_value, num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels).astype(np.float32)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.from_numpy(initial_input)).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, 1)).fill_(initial_value)

    g = None if g is None else Variable(torch.LongTensor([g]))
    if use_cuda:
        initial_input = initial_input.cuda()
        g = None if g is None else g.cuda()
github HaiFengZeng / clari_wavenet_vocoder / View on Github external
# (T,)
    y_target = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()[:length]

    if c is not None:
        c = c[idx, :, :length].unsqueeze(0)
        assert c.dim() == 3
        print("Shape of local conditioning features: {}".format(c.size()))
    if g is not None:
        # TODO: test
        g = g[idx]
        print("Shape of global conditioning features: {}".format(g.size()))

    # Dummy silence
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_value = 0.0
    print("Intial value:", initial_value)

    # (C,)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_input = np_utils.to_categorical(
            initial_value, num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels).astype(np.float32)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.from_numpy(initial_input)).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, 1).fill_(initial_value))
    initial_input = initial_input.cuda() if use_cuda else initial_input
github azraelkuan / FFTNet / View on Github external
def save_log(sess, step, model, plot_dir, audio_dir, hp):
    predicts, targets =[model.log_outputs, model.targets])

    y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(predicts[0], hp.quantize_channels)
    y = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(targets[0], hp.quantize_channels)

    pred_wav_path = os.path.join(audio_dir, 'step-{}-pred.wav'.format(step))
    target_wav_path = os.path.join(audio_dir, 'step-{}-real.wav'.format(step))
    plot_path = os.path.join(plot_dir, 'step-{}-waveplot.png'.format(step))

    # Save audio
    librosa.output.write_wav(pred_wav_path, y_hat, sr=hp.sample_rate)
    librosa.output.write_wav(target_wav_path, y, sr=hp.sample_rate)

    # Save figure
    waveplot(plot_path, y_hat, y, hparams)
github swasun / VQ-VAE-Speech / src / dataset / View on Github external
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
github mertcokluk / GlotNET / View on Github external
# (B, T, C)
    # pad for time-axis
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        padding_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, mu=hparams.quantize_channels)
        x_batch = np.array([_pad_2d(np_utils.to_categorical(
            x[0], num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels),
            max_input_len, 0, padding_value) for x in batch], dtype=np.float32)
        x_batch = np.array([_pad_2d(x[0].reshape(-1, 1), max_input_len)
                            for x in batch], dtype=np.float32)
    assert len(x_batch.shape) == 3

    # (B, T)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        padding_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, mu=hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_batch = np.array([_pad(x[0], max_input_len, constant_values=padding_value)
                            for x in batch],
        y_batch = np.array([_pad(x[0], max_input_len) for x in batch], dtype=np.float32)
    assert len(y_batch.shape) == 2

    # (B, T, D)
    if local_conditioning:
        max_len = max([len(x[1]) for x in batch])
        c_batch = np.array([_pad_2d(x[1], max_len) for x in batch], dtype=np.float32)
        assert len(c_batch.shape) == 3
        # (B x C x T)
        c_batch = torch.FloatTensor(c_batch).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
        c_batch = None
github zhf459 / P_wavenet_vocoder / View on Github external
length = input_lengths[idx].data.cpu().numpy()
    if mu is not None:
        mu = mu[idx]
    # (B, C, T)
    if y_hat.dim() == 4:
        y_hat = y_hat.squeeze(-1)

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # (B, T)
        y_hat = F.softmax(y_hat, dim=1).max(1)[1]

        # (T,)
        y_hat = y_hat[idx].data.cpu().long().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().long().numpy()

        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y, hparams.quantize_channels)
        # (B, T)
        y_hat = sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic(
            y_hat, log_scale_min=hparams.log_scale_min)
        # (T,)
        y_hat = y_hat[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()

        if is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
            y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
            y = P.inv_mulaw(y, hparams.quantize_channels)

    # Mask by length
    y_hat[length:] = 0
    y[length:] = 0
github zhf459 / P_wavenet_vocoder / View on Github external
assert c.ndim == 2
        Tc = c.shape[0]
        upsample_factor = audio.get_hop_size()
        # Overwrite length according to feature size
        length = Tc * upsample_factor
        # (Tc, D) -> (Tc', D)
        # Repeat features before feeding it to the network
        if not hparams.upsample_conditional_features:
            c = np.repeat(c, upsample_factor, axis=0)

        # B x C x T
        c = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(c.T).unsqueeze(0))

    if initial_value is None:
        if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
            initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            initial_value = 0.0

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        assert initial_value >= 0 and initial_value < hparams.quantize_channels
        initial_input = np_utils.to_categorical(
            initial_value, num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels).astype(np.float32)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.from_numpy(initial_input)).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, 1)).fill_(initial_value)

    g = None if g is None else Variable(torch.LongTensor([g]))
    if use_cuda:
        initial_input = initial_input.cuda()
        g = None if g is None else g.cuda()
github ricardokleinklein / deepMultiSpeech / View on Github external
y_hat = y_hat[idx].data.cpu().long().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().long().numpy()

        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y, hparams.quantize_channels)
        # (B, T)
        y_hat = sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic(
            y_hat, log_scale_min=hparams.log_scale_min)
        # (T,)
        y_hat = y_hat[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()
        y = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()

        if is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
            y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
            y = P.inv_mulaw(y, hparams.quantize_channels)

    # Mask by length
    y_hat[length:] = 0
    y[length:] = 0

    # Save audio
    audio_dir = join(checkpoint_dir, "audio")
    os.makedirs(audio_dir, exist_ok=True)
    path = join(audio_dir, "step{:09d}_predicted.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_hat, sr=hparams.sample_rate)
    path = join(audio_dir, "step{:09d}_target.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y, sr=hparams.sample_rate)
github ricardokleinklein / deepMultiSpeech / View on Github external
# Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed.
	wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

	if hparams.rescaling:
		wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

	# Mu-law quantize
	if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
		# [0, quantize_channels)
		out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

		# Trim silences
		start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
		wav = wav[start:end]
		out = out[start:end]
		constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
		out_dtype = np.int16
	elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
		# [-1, 1]
		out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
		constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
		out_dtype = np.float32
		# [-1, 1]
		out = wav
		constant_values = 0.0
		out_dtype = np.float32

	# Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
	# (N, D)
	mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
	# lws pads zeros internally before performing stft