How to use the nlu.normalize_ingredient_name function in nlu

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nlu examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github JoshRosen / cmps140_creative_cooking_assistant / View on Github external
def normalize_ontology_name(name):
    return normalize_ingredient_name(name).replace('_', ' ')
github JoshRosen / cmps140_creative_cooking_assistant / nlu / messages / View on Github external
def get_ingredients(tokenized_string, enum=False):
    Returns a tuple of (index, ingredient) or a list of ingredients from a
    tokenized string.

    >>> raw_input_string = "I like apples, cinnamon, and pepper."
    >>> tokenizer = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer()
    >>> tokenized_string = tokenizer.tokenize(raw_input_string)
    >>> for i,w in get_ingredients(tokenized_string, enum=True): print i,w
    2 apples
    4 cinnamon
    7 pepper
    words = [normalize_ingredient_name(x) for x in tokenized_string]
    results = [x for x in enumerate(words) if is_ingredient(x[1])]
    if enum:
        return [(i, tokenized_string[i]) for i, w in results]
        return [tokenized_string[i] for i, w in results]
github JoshRosen / cmps140_creative_cooking_assistant / View on Github external
def get_ontology_node(self, name):
        Get the ontology node for the given name.  Rather that performing
        an exact match with the name, this uses a heuristic to find the
        best-matching OntologyNode.
        return self._get_closest_ontology_node(normalize_ingredient_name(name))
github JoshRosen / cmps140_creative_cooking_assistant / View on Github external
To find recipes that have exactly 5 steps:
        >>> recipes = db.get_recipes(num_steps=5)

        To find Italian recipes:
        >>> recipes = db.get_recipes(include_cuisines=["Italian"])
        # Make sure that include_* and exclude_* arguments are not strings:
        for argument in [include_ingredients, exclude_ingredients,
            include_cuisines, exclude_cuisines]:
            if isinstance(argument, types.StringTypes):
                raise ValueError('include_* and exclude_* must be iterables of'
                ' strings, not strings.')
        # Normalize ingredient names, so that they match the names stored in
        # the database.
        include_ingredients = \
            [normalize_ingredient_name(i) for i in include_ingredients]
        exclude_ingredients = \
            [normalize_ingredient_name(i) for i in exclude_ingredients]
        # Construct the query
        query = self._session.query(Recipe)
        # Handle ingredient inclusion and exclusion
        if include_ingredients or exclude_ingredients:
            double_join = join(RecipeIngredientAssociation, Recipe)
            triple_join = join(double_join, Ingredient)
            join_query = query.select_from(triple_join)
            query = join_query
            for ingredient_name in include_ingredients:
                query = query.intersect(
                    join_query.filter( == ingredient_name))
            for ingredient_name in exclude_ingredients:
                query = query.except_(
                    join_query.filter( == ingredient_name))
github JoshRosen / cmps140_creative_cooking_assistant / View on Github external
def get_ingredients(self, name=None):
        Get ingredients matching the given criteria.
        query = self._session.query(Ingredient)
        if name != None:
            name = normalize_ingredient_name(name)
            query = query.filter_by(name=name)
        return query