How to use the nltk.chktype.chktype function in nltk

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def _xtokenize_from_raw(self, token, addlocs, addcontexts):
        XTokenize the given token by using C{self.raw_xtokenize} to
        tokenize its text string.  Locations are reconstructed by
        searching for each consecutive token in the text string.  To
        ensure that locations are correctly assigned,
        C{self.raw_xtokenize} must make the following guarantee:

            - For each subtoken M{t[i]}, the text separating M{t[i-1]}
              and M{t[i]} does not contain M{t[i]} as a substring.

        This method is intended to be used by subclasses that wish to
        implement the C{xtokenize} method based on C{raw_xtokenize}.
        assert chktype(1, token, Token)
        SUBTOKENS = self._property_names.get('SUBTOKENS', 'SUBTOKENS')
        iter = self._xtokenize_from_raw_helper(token, addlocs, addcontexts)
        token[SUBTOKENS] = iter
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- C{log_likelihood_cutoff}: specifies what log-likelihood
            value should be taken to indicate convergence.  If the
            log-likelihod becomes closer to zero than the specified
            value, then IIS will terminate.  The default value is
            C{None}, which indicates that no log-likelihood cutoff
            should be used. (type=C{float})

          - C{delta_log_likelihood_cutoff}: specifies what change in
            log-likelihood should be taken to indicate convergence.
            If the log-likelihood changes by less than this value in a
            single iteration, then IIS will terminate.  The default
            value is C{None}, which indicates that no
            log-likelihood-change cutoff should be used.  (type=C{float})
        assert _chktype(1, train_toks, [Token], (Token,))
        # Process the keyword arguments.
        iter = 20
        debug = 0
        classes = None
        ll_cutoff = lldelta_cutoff = None
        acc_cutoff = accdelta_cutoff = None
        for (key, val) in kwargs.items():
            if key in ('iterations', 'iter'): iter = val
            elif key == 'debug': debug = val
            elif key == 'classes': classes = val
            elif key == 'log_likelihood_cutoff':
                ll_cutoff = abs(val)
            elif key == 'delta_log_likelihood_cutoff':
                lldelta_cutoff = abs(val)
            elif key == 'accuracy_cutoff': 
                acc_cutoff = abs(val)
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def precision(reference, test):
    Given a set of reference values and a set of test values, return
    the percentage of test values that appear in the reference set.
    In particular, return |C{reference}S{cap}C{test}|/|C{test}|.
    If C{test} is empty, then return C{None}.
    @type reference: C{Set}
    @param reference: A set of reference values.
    @type test: C{Set}
    @param test: A set of values to compare against the reference set.
    @rtype: C{float} or C{None}
    assert chktype(1, reference, sets.BaseSet)
    assert chktype(2, test, sets.BaseSet)
    if len(test) == 0:
        return None
        return float(len(reference.intersection(test)))/len(test)
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def accuracy(reference, test):
    Given a list of reference values and a corresponding list of test
    values, return the percentage of corresponding values that are
    equal.  In particular, return the percentage of indices
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def __init__(self, function, name=None):
        Construct a new C{FunctionFeatureDetector} from the given

        @param function: The function that this feature detector is based
            on.  When this feature detector is applied to a labeled
            text M{lt}, it will return M{C{func}(lt)}.
        @type function: C{LabeledText} -> (any)
        @param name: A name for the function used by this feature
            detector.  This name is used in the string representation
            of the feature detector.
        assert _chktype(1, function, types.FunctionType,
                        types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.ClassType)
        assert _chktype(2, name, types.NoneType, types.StringType)
        self._name = name
        self._func = function
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        @rtype: chunk structure
        @return: a chunk structure that encodes the chunks in a given
            tagged sentence.  A chunk is a non-overlapping linguistic
            group, such as a noun phrase.  The set of chunks
            identified in the chunk structure depends on the rules
            used to define this C{RegexpChunkParser}.
        @type trace: C{int}
        @param trace: The level of tracing that should be used when
            parsing a text.  C{0} will generate no tracing output;
            C{1} will generate normal tracing output; and C{2} or
            highter will generate verbose tracing output.  This value
            overrides the trace level value that was given to the
        assert chktype(1, token, Token)
        assert chktype(2, trace, types.NoneType, types.IntType)
        TREE ='TREE')

        if len(token[SUBTOKENS]) == 0:
            print 'Warning: parsing empty text'
            token[TREE] = Tree(self._top_node, [])
        # Use the default trace value?
        if trace == None: trace = self._trace

        # Create the chunkstring, using the same properties as the parser
        chunkstr = ChunkString(token[SUBTOKENS], **self.property_names())

        # Apply the sequence of rules to the chunkstring.
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a condition's frequency distribution to its probability
            distribution.  The function is called with the frequency
            distribution as its first argument, the condition as its
            second argument (only if C{supply_condition=True}), and
            C{factory_args} as its remaining arguments.
        @type supply_condition: C{bool}
        @param supply_condition: If true, then pass the condition as
            the second argument to C{probdist_factory}.
        @type factory_args: (any)
        @param factory_args: Extra arguments for C{probdist_factory}.
            These arguments are usually used to specify extra
            properties for the probability distributions of individual
            conditions, such as the number of bins they contain.
        assert _chktype(1, cfdist, ConditionalFreqDist)
        assert _chktype(2, probdist_factory, types.FunctionType,
                        types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.MethodType,
        assert _chktype(3, supply_condition, bool)
        self._probdist_factory = probdist_factory
        self._cfdist = cfdist
        self._supply_condition = supply_condition
        self._factory_args = factory_args
        self._pdists = {}
        for c in cfdist.conditions():
            if supply_condition:
                pdist = probdist_factory(cfdist[c], c, *factory_args)
                pdist = probdist_factory(cfdist[c], *factory_args)
            self._pdists[c] = pdist
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def Nr(self, r, bins=None):
        @return: The number of samples with count r.
        @rtype: C{int}
        @type r: C{int}
        @param r: A sample count.
        @type bins: C{int}
        @param bins: The number of possible sample outcomes.  C{bins}
            is used to calculate Nr(0).  In particular, Nr(0) is
            C{bins-self.B()}.  If C{bins} is not specified, it
            defaults to C{self.B()} (so Nr(0) will be 0).
        assert _chktype(1, r, types.IntType)
        assert _chktype(2, bins, types.IntType, types.NoneType)
        if r < 0: raise IndexError, 'FreqDist.Nr(): r must be non-negative'
        # Special case for Nr(0):
        if r == 0:
            if bins is None: return 0
            else: return bins-self.B()
        # We have to search the entire distribution to find Nr.  Since
        # this is an expensive operation, and is likely to be used
        # repeatedly, cache the results.
        if self._Nr_cache is None:
        if r >= len(self._Nr_cache): return 0
        return self._Nr_cache[r]
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like parenthases.  E.g., so that in '+', the '+' has scope
          over the entire ''; and so that in '', the '|' has
          scope over 'NN' and 'IN', but not '<' or '>'.
        - Check to make sure the resulting pattern is valid.

    @type tag_pattern: C{string}
    @param tag_pattern: The tag pattern to convert to a regular
        expression pattern.
    @raise ValueError: If C{tag_pattern} is not a valid tag pattern.
        In particular, C{tag_pattern} should not include braces; and it
        should not contain nested or mismatched angle-brackets.
    @rtype: C{string}
    @return: A regular expression pattern corresponding to
    assert chktype(1, tag_pattern, types.StringType)
    # Clean up the regular expression
    tag_pattern = re.sub(r'\s', '', tag_pattern)
    tag_pattern = re.sub(r'<', '(<(', tag_pattern)
    tag_pattern = re.sub(r'>', ')>)', tag_pattern)

    # Check the regular expression
    if not _VALID_TAG_PATTERN.match(tag_pattern):
        raise ValueError('Bad tag pattern: %s' % tag_pattern)

    # Replace "." with _TAGCHAR.
    # We have to do this after, since it adds {}[]<>s, which would
    # confuse _VALID_TAG_PATTERN.
    # PRE doesn't have lookback assertions, so reverse twice, and do
    # the pattern backwards (with lookahead assertions).  This can be
    # made much cleaner once we can switch back to SRE.
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def classify(self, token):
        assert chktype(1, token, Token)
        vector = token['FEATURES']
        #assert chktype('features', vector, numarray.array([]), SparseArray)
        if self._should_normalise:
            vector = self._normalise(vector)
        if self._Tt != None:
            vector = numarray.matrixmultiply(self._Tt, vector)
        cluster = self.classify_vectorspace(vector)
        token['CLUSTER'] = self.cluster_name(cluster)